Backup Exec 25 Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Backup Exec
- Installation
- Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
- Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
- Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
- Installing the Remote Administrator
- Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
- About updates to Backup Exec using Arctera Update
- Backup Exec license contract information
- About upgrading to Backup Exec
- Getting Started
- Configuring the Home tab
- Backups
- Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
- Backing up data
- Restores
- How Backup Exec catalogs work
- Job management and monitoring
- About the Job Monitor
- About the Job History
- Viewing the job log
- Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
- Alerts and notifications
- Enabling active alerts and alert history to display on the Home tab
- Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
- Sending a notification when a job completes
- SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
- Disk-based and network-based storage
- Configuring disk storage
- Configuring disk cartridge storage
- Backup sets
- Cloud-based storage devices
- Amazon S3 cloud-based storage
- Google cloud-based storage
- Microsoft Azure cloud-based storage
- Private cloud-based storage
- About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
- Cloud deduplication storage device
- Requirements for configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
- About the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
- Generic S3 Configurator
- OpenStorage devices
- Microsoft 365
- OneDrive plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Exchange plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- SharePoint plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Teams plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
- Tape storage
- Robotic libraries in Backup Exec
- Creating robotic library partitions
- Managing tapes
- Creating media sets for tapes
- Labeling tape media
- Default media vaults
- Storage device pools
- Storage operations
- Conversion to virtual machines
- Configuration and settings
- Configuring role-based access settings
- Configuring parallel streams and job settings for Microsoft 365
- Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
- Using Backup Exec with firewalls
- Deleting DBA-initiated job templates
- Backup Exec logon accounts
- Reports
- Creating a custom report
- List of Backup Exec standard reports
- Instant Cloud Recovery
- Preconfigurations to be completed in the Azure portal
- GDPR Guard
- Troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Troubleshooting failed components in the SAN
- Generating a diagnostic file for troubleshooting Backup Exec
- Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
- Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
- Preparing to recover from a disaster by using Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
- Performing manual disaster recovery
- Forever Incremental Backup
- Appendix A. Backup Exec Agent for Windows
- About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
- Appendix B. Backup Exec Deduplication Feature
- Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
- Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
- Appendix C. Backup Exec Agent for VMware
- About establishing trust for a vCenter/ESX(i) server
- Backing up VMware virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for VMware virtual machines
- Appendix D. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
- Backing up Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
- About instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
- About Recovery Ready for Hyper-V virtual machines
- Appendix E. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
- Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
- Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
- Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
- About SQL Server Always On availability groups
- Appendix F. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
- Backing up Exchange data
- Appendix G. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
- Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
- Appendix H. Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows or Linux Servers
- Configuring the Oracle Agent on Windows computers and Linux servers
- Configuring an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- Viewing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
- About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
- About backing up Oracle databases
- About restoring Oracle resources
- Appendix I. Backup Exec Agent for Enterprise Vault
- About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
- Restoring Enterprise Vault
- About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
- Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
- About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
- About the Partition Recovery Utility
- Appendix J. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
- Appendix K. Backup Exec Central Admin Server Feature
- About installing the Central Admin Server feature
- What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
- About job delegation in CAS
- How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
- How centralized restore works in CAS
- Appendix L. Backup Exec Advanced Disk-based Backup Feature
- Appendix M. Backup Exec NDMP Feature
- About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
- Viewing the properties of an NDMP server
- Viewing storage properties for an NDMP server
- Appendix N. Backup Exec File Servers
- Appendix O. Backup Exec Agent for Linux and Unix
- About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
- Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
- About backing up a Linux and Unix computer by using the Agent for Linux and Unix
- About restoring data to Linux and Unix computers
- Editing the default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
- Uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec
The command line switches used for silent mode installation of Backup Exec are described in the following table.
The following are general rules for using these switches:
Substitute values appropriate for your environment for the values that are shown in italics. For example, substitute a user name for user.
Enclose the value in quotation marks if it contains spaces, such as "Operations Weekly Backup".
See Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode).
Table: Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec
Switches | Description |
/S | Performs a silent install. |
/USER:user /DOM:dm /PASS:pw | Required. Specifies an existing user, domain, and password for the Backup Exec system service account. Silent mode installation does not create a user. Note: When using /PASS:, if a quote is needed as part of the password, specify it as \". For example, if the password is pass"word, type it as /PASS:pass\"word. If the characters \" are used as part of the password, you must precede each character with a \. For example, if the password is pass\"word, type it as /PASS:pass\\\"word. |
/DEST:drive:\path | Specifies the local path where Backup Exec is installed. Otherwise, the default path <Backup Exec install path>\Backup Exec is used. |
/DESTCATALOG: | Installs the Backup Exec catalog on the specified location. |
/DOCS: | Installs the online documentation. |
/BELANG:languagecode | Installs the Backup Exec language resource files. Specify one or more of the following switches with the Backup Exec language switch to indicate which language files you want to install:
The following example shows how the /BELANG switch can be used to install English, German, and Spanish: /BELANG:"EN DE ES" |
/NOINSTALL: | Lets you select all install options without installing the Backup Exec software. This option can be used with the /CPF: switch. |
/CPF:path\filename.cpf | Creates a file containing all of the installation parameters provided. Note that the file is not encrypted, which exposes parameters. |
/SLF:slf file location | Specifies one or more licenses to use for installing Backup Exec and additional features. Licenses are not required to install the Remote Administrator. You may specify up to 99 licenses. If none are specified, then a trial copy of Backup Exec is installed. The following examples show how the /SLF switch can be used: /SLF:C:\path\slf1.slf /SLF:C:\path\slf1.slf,C:\path\ slf2.slf, C:\path\ slf3.slf Note: If you install a license for an feature or agent, you must also type a switch that specifies the feature or agent. The switches that specify an feature or agent are included in this table. |
/DISABLETELEMETRY: | Disables the option to send Backup Exec usage data over the web. |
/BOOT: | Automatically initiates a restart of the computer during a silent install or uninstall. |
/RA: | Installs Backup Exec Remote Administrator using the options that are specified with the additional switches. |
/TD:NEW, ALL, or NONE | Note: None of the additional /TD switches are supported for Windows Server 2012 or later. /TD:NEW installs tape drivers only for the drives that do not have drivers loaded. /TD:ALL installs tape drivers for all drives. /TD:NONE does not install tape device drivers. |
/DBSERVER:server\instance | Installs the Backup Exec Database to the specified SQL server. |
/BACKUPDATA: | Specifies if a copy of your current Backup Exec Database should be stored during an upgrade of Backup Exec. |
/BACKUPDIR: | Specifies the location to store the Backup Exec Database during an upgrade of Backup Exec. The folder you select must be empty. A copy of your current Backup Exec Database is placed in the location that you specify and is used if the upgrade fails. Note: This switch is ignored if the corresponding /BACKUPDATA: switch is not specified. |
/DBINSTPATH: SQL Express destination folder | Installs the default instance of SQL Express in the specified folder. |
/UNINSTALL: | Invokes the uninstallation process. |
/ADVRT:Backup Exec server name | Installs the Agent for Windows and enables publishing. |
/DISADVRT: | Installs the Agent for Windows without publishing it. |
/PARAMS:parameter file | Use values in the given parameter file for installation settings. |
/SQLXSETUP:SQL Express Install Package |
Specifies the location of the language-specific install package for Microsoft SQL Server Express. |
/LOADER: | Installs the Library Expansion feature. This feature is not supported for Windows Server 2012 or later. |
/NFR: | Installs the Not For Resale Edition. You must enter a Not For Resale license to install this edition. |
/TRIAL: | Installs the Trial Edition. |
/APPLICATIONS: | Installs the Agent for Databases and Applications. |
/VRAY | Installs the V-Ray Edition. You must enter a V-Ray license to install this edition. |
/CAPACITY | Installs the Capacity Edition. You must enter a Capacity license to install this edition. |
/CAPACITYLITE | Installs the Capacity Edition Lite. You must enter a Capacity Edition Lite license to install this edition |
/VIRT: | Installs the Agent for VMware and Hyper-V. |
/ENTSERVER: | Installs the Enterprise Server feature. You must use one or both of the following switches with the Enterprise Server feature switch to indicate which features you want to install.
/ADBO: | Installs the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature. You must use /ENTSERVER: with this switch. |
/CASO: | Installs the Central Admin Server feature. You must use /ENTSERVER: with this switch. |
/MMS:CAS server name | Creates a managed Backup Exec server for use with the Central Admin Server feature. |
/CASOPVLLOCAL: <1 or 0> | /CASOPVLLOCAL:1 indicates that device and media data is stored locally on the managed server. Use this switch with /MMS:. /CASOPVLLOCAL:0 indicates that device and media data is stored on the administration server. Use this switch with /MMS:. |
/ACCESSCATALOGSANDRESTORE: | Enables unrestricted access to catalogs and backup sets for restore. This switch is used with the /MMS:<CAS server name> switch and it replaces the /SSO:<primary server name> switch. |
/NTA: | Installs the Agent for Windows. |
/NDMP: | Installs the NDMP feature. |
/RALS: | Installs the Agent for Linux and Unix. |
/DEDUPE: | Installs the Deduplication feature. |
/VTL: | Installs the Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive feature. |
/RMAL: | Installs the Remote Media Agent for Linux. |
/COPYCONFIG: | Installs the Copy Server Configuration feature. |
/BRONZE_CAPACITY: | Installs the Backup Exec Bronze Edition - Capacity. You must enter a Bronze Edition - Capacity license to install this edition. |
/SILVER_CAPACITY: | Installs the Backup Exec Silver Edition - Capacity. You must enter a Silver Edition - Capacity license to install this edition. |
/GOLD_CAPACITY: | Installs the Backup Exec Gold Edition - Capacity. You must enter a Gold Edition - Capacity license to install this edition. |
/BRONZE_INSTANCE: | Installs the Backup Exec Bronze Edition - Instance. You must enter a Bronze Edition - Instance license to install this edition. |
/SILVER_INSTANCE: | Installs the Backup Exec Silver Edition - Instance. You must enter a Silver Edition - Instance license to install this edition. |
/GOLD_INSTANCE: | Installs the Backup Exec Gold Edition - Instance. You must enter a Gold Edition - Instance license to install this edition. |
/SCFBACKUP | Installs the Microsoft 365 feature. |
/SIMPLE_CORE_PACK: | Installs the Backup Exec Simple Core Pack Edition - Instance. You must enter a Simple Core Pack Edition - Instance to install this edition. |
/SIMPLE_CAPACITY_CORE_PACK: | Installs the Backup Exec Simple Capacity Core Pack. You must enter a Backup Exec Simple Capacity Core Pack license to install this edition. |
/RESTORE_ONLY_ED: | Installs Backup Exec Restore Only. You must enter a Backup Exec Restore Only license to install this edition. |
-? | Provides help on all command-line operations, usage, and special switches. |