Backup Exec 22.1 Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Backup Exec (22.1)
  1. Introducing Backup Exec
      About Backup Exec
      How Backup Exec works
  2. Installation
      About the Backup Exec installation process and licensing options
      Backup Exec preinstallation checklist
      Running the Environment Check before installing or upgrading Backup Exec
      Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition components installed with Backup Exec
      System requirements for Backup Exec
      Installing Backup Exec by using the Installation Wizard
      Installing additional agents and features to the local Backup Exec server
      Push-installing Backup Exec to remote computers
    9. Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
        Push-installing the Agent for Windows to remote computers
        Installing updates to the Agent for Windows on remote computers
        Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
      4. Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
          Using a command prompt to uninstall the Agent for Windows from a remote computer
      5. Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
          Using a command script to uninstall the Agent for Windows
    10. Installing the Remote Administrator
        Installing the Remote Administrator using the command line
        Running the Remote Administrator
    11. Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
        Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec
        Creating and using installation parameter files
      About the installation log
      Viewing the Installation Summary Report
      Repairing Backup Exec
      Updating Backup Exec with Veritas Update
      Viewing installed updates
      Uninstalling Backup Exec updates
      Viewing license information
    19. Backup Exec license contract information
        Updating expired license contracts
        Managing license contract customer numbers
    20. About upgrading to Backup Exec
        Upgrade checklist for Backup Exec
        Using the Migration Report to determine how existing jobs changed after an upgrade from a previous version of Backup Exec
      Post-installation tasks
      Uninstalling Backup Exec
      Uninstalling Backup Exec using the command line
      Uninstalling Backup Exec features from the local Backup Exec server
  3. Getting Started
      About the Backup Exec Administration Console
      Displaying the version information for Backup Exec
      Locking and unlocking the Backup Exec Console
      How to sort, filter, and copy information on the Backup Exec Administration Console
      Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
    6. Configuring the Home tab
        Managing instance-based usage
      Configuring the RSS Reader
      Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
      Getting started with backups
  4. Backups
      How to prepare for your first backup with Backup Exec
    2. Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
        Differences between the traditional and the forever incremental backups of virtual machines
      Improving backup performance in Backup Exec
      Troubleshooting backup performance
      Required user rights for backup jobs
      About the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Adding servers that you want to back up to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Removing servers from the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Creating a server group
      Hiding or viewing server groups on the Backup and Restore tab
      Adding servers to a server group
      Removing servers from a server group
      Editing a server group
      Moving servers to the Retired Servers server group
      Moving retired servers back to the All Servers server group
      Removing server groups from Backup Exec
    17. Backing up data
        How Backup Exec backs up and restores volumes that are enabled with bit-locker
        How Backup Exec backs up and restores volumes that are enabled for deduplication in Windows
        How Backup Exec backs up and restores Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (vhd) files
      About selecting data to back up
      Changing the order in which backup sources are backed up
      Excluding files from backups
      Including specific files with a backup job's backup selections
      About backing up critical system components
      Backup Exec Shadow Copy Components file system
      Backup methods in Backup Exec
      Configuring backup methods for backup jobs
      How Backup Exec determines if a file has been backed up
      Configuring Backup Exec to automatically delete files after a backup
      Configuring network options for backup jobs
      Running the next scheduled backup job before its scheduled time
      Editing backup definitions
      Testing credentials for backup sources
      Replacing the credentials for a backup source
      Creating new credentials for a backup source
      Deleting retired or unused backup sources from the Credentials pane
      How job scheduling works in Backup Exec
      Including a specific date in the schedule for a backup job
      Preventing backup jobs from running on a specific date
      Viewing all scheduled backup jobs on a calendar
      Adding a stage to a backup definition
      Editing a stage
      Duplicating backup sets or a job history manually
      Running a test run job manually
      Verifying backed up data manually
      Copying data from a virtual tape library to a physical tape device using DirectCopy to tape
  5. Restores
      Methods for restoring data in Backup Exec
      Searching for data to restore
      Restoring data from a server, a backup set, a backup job, or a storage device
      Restoring file system data
      Performing a complete online restore of a Microsoft Windows computer
      Restoring System State
      Installing a new Windows Server domain controller into an existing domain by using a redirected restore
      Restoring Backup Exec Shadow Copy Components
      Restoring utility partitions or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface system partitions
      About restoring encrypted data
      About restoring NetWare SMS volume backups to non-SMS volumes with Backup Exec
      Canceling a restore job
    13. How Backup Exec catalogs work
        Configuring default options for catalogs
        Moving the Backup Exec catalogs to a new directory
      Cataloging backup sets
  6. Job management and monitoring
      How to monitor and manage jobs in Backup Exec
    2. About the Job Monitor
        Viewing job activity details for active jobs
        Canceling an active job
        Holding jobs
        Removing the hold on jobs
        Holding the job queue
        Removing the hold on the job queue
        Running a scheduled job immediately
        Changing the priority for a scheduled job
        Deleting scheduled jobs
        Retrying only failed resources
        Run backup job with debugging enabled
    3. About the Job History
        Viewing the history of a job
        Deleting a job from the Job History
        Running a job from the Job History
        Retrying only failed resources from the Job History
        Run backup job with debugging enabled from the Job History
    4. Viewing the job log
        Finding text in the job log
        Printing the job log
        Saving the job log
        Linking from the job log to the Veritas Technical Support website
        How to use job logs with vertical applications
        Configuring default job log options
    5. Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
        Creating a custom error-handling rule
        Enabling or disabling error-handling rules
        Deleting a custom error-handling rule
        Enabling an error-handling rule for a failed job
        Custom error-handling rule for recovered jobs
      List of job statuses in Backup Exec
      Setting job status and recovery options
  7. Alerts and notifications
      Alerts and notifications in Backup Exec
      Where to find alerts in Backup Exec
    3. Enabling active alerts and alert history to display on the Home tab
        Active alerts properties
      Viewing the alert history for a server or a storage device
      Deleting an alert from alert history
      Copying alert text to a document or email
      Filtering alerts
      Viewing the job log from an alert
      Responding to active alerts
      Clearing all informational alerts manually
      Setting up notification for alerts
      Configuring email or text message notification for alerts
      Adding recipients for notification
    14. Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
        Removing a recipient from a group
      Disabling email or text message alert notification for a recipient
      Editing recipient notification properties
      Deleting recipients
      Configuring alert categories
      Assigning recipients to receive notifications for specific alert categories
    20. Sending a notification when a job completes
        Notification options for jobs
      Disabling notifications for a specific alert category
      Configuring default alert settings
      Enabling or disabling pop-up alerts
    24. SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
        Installing and configuring the SNMP system service
        Installing the Windows Management Instrumentation performance counter provider
        Installing the Windows Management Instrumentation provider for SNMP
        Uninstalling the Windows Management Instrumentation performance counter provider
        Uninstalling the Windows Management Instrumentation provider for SNMP
  8. Disk-based and network-based storage
      Features and types of disk-based storage and network-based storage
      Storage trending statuses for disk storage and virtual disks
      Setting low disk space thresholds on disk-based storage
    4. Configuring disk storage
        Changing the location of a disk storage device
        Editing disk storage properties
      How to restore data from a reattached or reinserted disk-based storage device
    6. Configuring disk cartridge storage
        Editing disk cartridge properties
        Editing disk cartridge media properties
      How data lifecycle management (DLM) deletes expired backup sets on disk-based storage
    8. Backup sets
        Changing the expiration date of backup sets on disk-based storage
        Retaining backup sets on disk-based storage to prevent them from expiring
        Releasing retained backup sets on disk-based storage
        Viewing the contents or properties of backup sets
  9. Cloud-based storage devices
      About cloud-based storage devices
    2. Amazon S3 cloud-based storage
        Requirements for configuring an Amazon S3 cloud-based storage device
        Configuring storage for Amazon cloud storage
    3. Google cloud-based storage
        Requirements for configuring a Google cloud-based storage device
        Configuring storage for Google cloud storage
    4. Microsoft Azure cloud-based storage
        Requirements for configuring a Microsoft Azure cloud-based storage device
        Configuring storage for Microsoft Azure cloud storage
    5. Private cloud-based storage
        Requirements for configuring a private cloud-based storage device
        Creating a cloud instance for a private cloud
        Configuring storage for a private cloud-based storage device
        Viewing and editing existing cloud instances for a private cloud
        Deleting a cloud instance for a private cloud
    6. About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
        Configuring S3-Compatible Cloud Storage with Backup Exec
      2. Configuring S3-Compatible Cloud Storage with V4 authentication in Backup Exec
          Updating an S3-Compatible Cloud Storage region with V4 authentication
          Removing an S3-Compatible Cloud Storage region with V4 authentication
      About Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication
      Notes for Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication
    9. Cloud deduplication storage device
      1. Requirements for configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
          System requirements for configuring cloud deduplication storage
          Updating disk cache size when you create or import cloud deduplication storage device
        About cloud immutable (WORM) storage support
        Using the cloud admin command-line tool with Amazon S3
        About immutable storage support for Azure blob storage
        Using the cloud admin command-line tool with Azure blob storage
        Configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
        Deleting a cloud deduplication storage device
      Notes for cloud-based storage devices
      Editing the properties of a cloud-based storage device
      Best practices for using cloud-based storage
      Changing default cloud storage settings
    14. About the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
      1. Configuring the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
          Editing the CloudConnect Optimizer job
          Deleting the CloudConnect Optimizer job
  10. Generic S3 Configurator
      About the Generic S3 Configurator
      Prerequisites for using Generic S3 Configurator
      Notes for Generic S3 Configurator
      Creating a cloud instance
      Deleting a cloud instance
      Adding a cloud region
      Viewing the cloud regions
      Updating a cloud region
      Deleting a cloud region
  11. OpenStorage devices
      Prerequisites for configuring OpenStorage devices
      Configuring an OpenStorage device
      Notes for OpenStorage devices
      Editing the properties of an OpenStorage device
      Data Lifecycle Management for WORM enabled OpenStorage devices
      Specifying a Backup Exec server that has proximity to a shared OpenStorage device
  12. Microsoft 365
      About support for Microsoft 365
      Requirements for Microsoft 365
      Configuring a tenant for Microsoft 365
      Backing up Microsoft 365 tenant data
      Supported workloads and entities for Microsoft 365
      Restoring Microsoft 365 tenant data
      Catalog operations for Microsoft 365
      CAS-MBES scenarios in Microsoft 365
      Notes for Microsoft 365
      Limitations of Microsoft 365
      Recommendations for Microsoft 365
    12. OneDrive plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
        Tuning Scenarios
    13. Exchange plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
        Considerations before running a backup job
        Tuning Scenarios
    14. SharePoint plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
        Considerations before running a backup job
        Tuning Scenarios
    15. Teams plugin: Performance and throttling configuration
        Tuning scenario
  13. Legacy backup-to-disk folders
    1. Legacy backup-to-disk folders
        Changing the name or description of a legacy backup-to-disk folder
        Changing the buffered read setting for a legacy backup-to-disk folder
        Changing the location of a legacy backup-to-disk folder
        Recreating a legacy backup-to-disk folder and its contents
        Restoring data from a legacy backup-to-disk folder
  14. Tape storage
      Support for tape drives and robotic libraries
      Adding or replacing devices with the Hot-swappable Device Wizard
      Editing tape drive properties
      Viewing tape drive statistics
    5. Robotic libraries in Backup Exec
        Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
        Inventorying robotic libraries when Backup Exec services start
        Configuring barcode rules for a robotic library
        Initializing a robotic library when the Backup Exec service starts
        Defining a cleaning slot
        Editing robotic library properties
    6. Creating robotic library partitions
        Adding or removing tape drives in a robotic library partition
        Reassigning a slot base number for robotic libraries
        Editing robotic library slot properties
        Removing or reconfiguring robotic library partitions
    7. Managing tapes
        Default media sets
        Overwrite protection periods and append periods in media sets
      3. Creating media sets for tapes
          Editing media set properties
        Changing the overwrite protection period or the append period for a media set
        Changing the name and description of a media set
        Changing the media vault or vaulting periods for a media set
        Deleting a media set
        Renaming a media set
        Media overwrite protection levels for tape media
        Overwriting allocated or imported tape media
        How Backup Exec searches for overwritable media in tape drives
        Viewing tapes that are used by a job
    8. Labeling tape media
        About labeling imported tape media
        How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
        Renaming a tape media label
      How WORM media is used in Backup Exec
    10. Default media vaults
      1. Changing the name or description of a media vault
          Media vault properties
        Creating media vault rules to move tape media to and from media vaults
        Updating the tape media location in media vaults
        Deleting a media vault
        Moving tape media to a vault
      Retiring damaged tape media
      Deleting tape media
      Erasing tape or disk cartridge media
      About cataloging tape or disk cartridge media that contains encrypted backup sets
      Associating tape media with a media set
      Editing tape media properties
      Tape media rotation strategies
  15. Storage device pools
      Creating storage device pools
      Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
      Viewing jobs, job histories, and active alerts for a storage device pool
      Adding or removing devices in a storage device pool
  16. Storage operations
      About storage operation jobs
      Storage tab overview in Backup Exec
      Using the Configure Storage wizard
      Viewing details for multiple storage devices
      Sending a notification when a scheduled storage operation job completes
      Scheduling a storage operation job
      Editing global settings for storage
      Sharing storage devices
      Deleting a storage device
      Changing the state of a storage device to online
      Renaming a storage device
      Viewing jobs, job histories, backup sets, and active alerts for storage devices
      Cataloging a storage device
      Scanning a storage device
      Inventorying a storage device
      Inventorying and cataloging a storage device
      Pausing and unpausing a storage device
      Disabling and enabling a storage device
      Initializing a robotic library
      Formatting a tape as a WORM tape
      Retensioning a tape
      Formatting a tape in a tape drive
      Ejecting media from a disk cartridge or tape drive
      Cleaning a robotic library drive
      Importing media to Backup Exec
      Exporting media and expired media
      Locking and unlocking the robotic library's front portal
      Backup Exec server and storage device states
      Viewing the disk storage lockdown status
  17. Conversion to virtual machines
      How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
      Requirements for conversion to virtual machine jobs
      Converting to a virtual machine simultaneously with a backup job
      Converting to a virtual machine after a backup job
      Adding a conversion to virtual machine stage to a backup job
      Converting to a virtual machine from a point in time
      Creating a one-time conversion to a virtual machine
      Setting default options for conversion to virtual machine jobs
  18. Configuration and settings
      Changing default backup job settings
      Configuring schedules for backup jobs
      Configuring storage options for backup jobs
      Configuring automatic test run jobs for backup jobs
      Configuring automatic verify operations for backup jobs
      Configuring Instant GRT and full catalog options to improve backup performance for GRT-enabled jobs
      Configuring Advanced Open File options for backup jobs
      Configuring checkpoint restart
      Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
    10. Configuring parallel streams and job settings for Microsoft 365
        About preferred number of streams to use for backup
      Configuring file and folder options for backup jobs
      Setting default schedule options for rule-based jobs and run now jobs
      Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
      Removing dates from the list of excluded dates
      Exporting a list of dates that are excluded from all backups to another server
      Changing the default preferences
      Configuring the default setting for backing up multiple servers or applications
      Configuring database maintenance and security
      Exporting the Backup Exec Database encryption key
      Refreshing Backup Exec Database encryption keys
      Configuring encryption for the connection to the Backup Exec Database
      Scheduling Backup Exec to check logon accounts
      Configuring Backup Exec to discover data to back up
      Adding discovered servers to the list of servers in Backup Exec
      Backup networks
    26. Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
        Disabling disk storage lockdown
    27. Using Backup Exec with firewalls
        Backup Exec ports
        Backup Exec listening ports
        About enabling a SQL instance behind a firewall
      Using encryption with Backup Exec
      Encryption key management
      Creating encryption keys
      Replacing an encryption key
      Deleting encryption keys
      Encryption keys and Salt
      Granular Recovery Technology
      Setting default Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) options
      DBA-initiated job templates
      Creating DBA-initiated job templates
      Editing DBA-inititated job templates
    39. Deleting DBA-initiated job templates
        Storage options for DBA-initiated jobs
        General options for DBA-initiated jobs
        Network options for DBA-initiated jobs
        Duplicate job settings for DBA-initiated jobs
    40. Backup Exec logon accounts
        Creating a Backup Exec logon account
        Editing a Backup Exec logon account
        Changing the password for a Backup Exec logon account
        Replacing a Backup Exec logon account
        Deleting a Backup Exec logon account
        Changing your default Backup Exec logon account
        Creating a new Backup Exec System Logon Account
        Copying logon account information to another Backup Exec server
        Testing logon accounts
      Starting and stopping Backup Exec services
      Changing the credentials for a service account
      Changing startup options for Backup Exec services
      Configuring audit logs
      Viewing the audit log
      Removing entries from the audit log
      Saving an audit log to a text file
      Copying configuration settings to another Backup Exec server
      Viewing server properties
      Configuring default backup settings
  19. Reports
      Reports in Backup Exec
      Running a report now
      Scheduling a report
    4. Creating a custom report
        Adding or removing fields on a custom report
        Changing filters for a custom report
        Changing the way data is grouped or sorted in a custom report
        Changing graph options in custom reports
        Previewing custom reports
        Copying a custom report
      Saving a report
      Printing a report from the Backup Exec Report Viewer
      Viewing completed reports
      Editing a report
      Re-running a completed report
      Deleting a report
      Setting defaults for standard and custom reports
      Viewing report properties
    13. List of Backup Exec standard reports
        Alert History report
        Alert History By Backup Exec Server report
        Audit Log report
        Backup Job Success Rate report
        Backup Recommendations report
        Backup Resource Success Rate report
        Backup Sets by Media Set report
        Backup Size By Resource report
        Cloud Storage Summary report
        Daily Device Utilization report
        Deduplication Disk and Cloud Deduplication Device Summary report
        Deduplication Summary report
        Device Summary report
        Disk Storage Summary report
        Error-Handling Rules report
        Event Recipients report
        Failed Backup Jobs report
        Jobs Summary report
        Managed Backup Exec Servers report
        Media Audit report
        Media Errors report
        Media Required for Recovery report
        Media Summary report
        Media Vault Contents report
        Move Media to Vault report
        Operations Overview report
        Overnight Summary report
        Problem Files report
        Recently Written Media report
        Recovery Ready Validation Summary
        Resource Protected Recently report
        Resource Risk Assessment report
        Restore Set Details by Resource report
        Retrieve Media from Vault report
        Robotic Library Inventory report
        Scheduled Server Workload report
        Scratch Media Availability report
        Test Run Results report
  20. Instant Cloud Recovery
      About Instant Cloud Recovery
      Instant Cloud Recovery tab overview in Backup Exec
      Requirements to configure Instant cloud recovery in Backup Exec
    4. Preconfigurations to be completed in the Azure portal
        Prepare VMware or Hyper-V infrastructure
      How to configure Azure resources
      How to view error details
      How to view configuration details
      How to view virtual machine details
      How to manually refresh the view of virtual machines
      How to enable replication for virtual machines
      How to manage replication for virtual machines
      How to manage failover for a virtual machine
      How to change the Subscription or Recovery Services Vault
      How to prepare a new infrastructure
      How to remove a configured Azure resource from Backup Exec
      How to renew the Backup Exec certificate
  21. GDPR Guard
      About GDPR Guard
      Backup Exec Management Command Line (BEMCLI) commands for import and export
      Supported types of backed up data
      How to block access to backed up items
      Restoring blocked items
      Best practices for blocking access to backed up items with GDPR Guard
  22. Troubleshooting Backup Exec
      Troubleshooting hardware-related issues in Backup Exec
      Troubleshooting robotic libraries and tape drives
      How to get more information about alerts and error messages
      Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
    5. Troubleshooting failed components in the SAN
        Troubleshooting offline storage devices in a SAN
        Finding hardware errors in a SAN
        Resetting the SAN
        Bringing storage devices online after an unsafe device removal event in a SAN
      Troubleshooting installation issues in Backup Exec
      Troubleshooting blocked access to backed up items with GDPR Guard
      Troubleshooting Instant Cloud Recovery issues in Backup Exec
      How to improve Backup Exec's performance
      Accessing Veritas Online
      Searching the Veritas Knowledge Base
      Contacting Backup Exec Technical Support
      Using Remote Assistance
      Managing your Backup Exec support cases
      About Backup Exec diagnostic tools
      Running the Veritas QuickAssist Help Tool
    17. Generating a diagnostic file for troubleshooting Backup Exec
        Command line switches for a diagnostic file
      Running the begather utility to troubleshoot Backup Exec components on Linux servers
      Using the Backup Exec Debug Monitor for troubleshooting
      About the Backup Exec debug tool
  23. Simplified Disaster Recovery
      About Simplified Disaster Recovery
      Requirements for using Simplified Disaster Recovery
      Preparing computers for use with Simplified Disaster Recovery
      How to ensure that backups are enabled for Simplified Disaster Recovery
      How Simplified Disaster Recovery uses disaster recovery information files
    6. Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
        Changing the default path for the disaster recovery information files
        Disaster recovery information file data paths
    7. Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
        Contents of the Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
        User scenarios when a user starts the Create Recovery Disk Wizard
    8. Preparing to recover from a disaster by using Simplified Disaster Recovery
        Hardware replacement during disaster recovery
        Prepare to recover IBM computers with Simplified Disaster Recovery
    9. Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
        Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with storage pools and storage spaces
        Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, CAS, Hyper-V hosts, and the Deduplication feature
        Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Windows BIOS system
      Advanced Disk Configuration on the Recover This Computer Wizard
    11. Performing manual disaster recovery
        Performing manual disaster recovery of a local Backup Exec server on a Windows computer
        Performing manual disaster recovery of a remote Backup Exec server or remote agent on a Windows computer
  24. Forever Incremental Backup
      About Forever Incremental Backup
      How do forever incremental backups work
      Supported storage in forever incremental backups
      Backing up virtual machines using forever incremental backups
      CAS-MBES scenarios in forever incremental backups
      Notes for forever incremental backups
      Recommendations for forever incremental backups
      Limitation of forever incremental backups
  25. Appendix A. Backup Exec Agent for Windows
      About the Agent for Windows
      Requirements for the Agent for Windows
      Stopping and starting the Agent for Windows
      Establishing a trust between the Backup Exec server and a remote computer
    5. About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
        Starting the Backup Exec Agent Utility
        Viewing the activity status of the remote computer in the Backup Exec Agent Utility
        Viewing the activity status of the remote computer from the system tray
        Starting the Backup Exec Agent Utility automatically on the remote computer
        Setting the refresh interval on the remote computer
        About publishing the Agent for Windows to Backup Exec servers
        Adding Backup Exec servers that the Agent for Windows can publish to
        Editing Backup Exec server information that the Agent for Windows publishes to
        Removing Backup Exec servers that the Agent for Windows can publish to
        Configuring database access for Oracle operations
        Removing a security certificate for a Backup Exec server that has a trust with the Agent for Windows
      Using the Backup Exec Agent Utility Command Line Applet
      Backup Exec Agent Utility Command Line Applet switches
  26. Appendix B. Backup Exec Deduplication Feature
      About the Deduplication feature
      Deduplication methods for Backup Exec agents
      Requirements for the Deduplication feature
      Configuring a 125 TB Deduplication storage folder in Backup Exec
      Installing the Deduplication feature
      Converting an older version of Deduplication Storage to a newer version
    7. Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
        Editing the properties of a deduplication disk storage device
        Changing the password for the logon account for deduplication disk storage
    8. Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
        Editing server properties for direct access
      Changing the location of a deduplication disk storage device
      Sharing a deduplication device between multiple Backup Exec servers
      How to use client-side deduplication
      How to set up backup jobs for deduplication
      Using optimized duplication to copy deduplicated data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices
      Copying deduplicated data to tapes
      Using deduplication with encryption
      Restoring a deduplication disk storage device or deduplicated data
      Disaster recovery of deduplication disk storage devices
      Disaster recovery of OpenStorage devices
  27. Appendix C. Backup Exec Agent for VMware
      About the Agent for VMware
      Requirements for using the Agent for VMware
      Using the Agent for VMware with Windows Server 2016 or later
      About installing the Agent for VMware
      Adding VMware vCenter Servers and ESX/ESXi hosts to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Viewing details about VMware resources
      Installing the Agent for Windows on VMware virtual machines
      Push-installing the Agent for Windows to VMware virtual machines
    9. About establishing trust for a vCenter/ESX(i) server
        Establishing trust for a vCenter/ESX(i) server
    10. Backing up VMware virtual machines
        Setting default backup options for virtual machines
        How Backup Exec automatically backs up new VMware virtual machines during a backup job
        Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
        How cataloging works with VMware virtual machine backups
      Restoring VMware virtual machines and vmdk files
    12. About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
        Requirements for instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
        Notes about instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
        Best Practices for instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
        Creating an instant recovery job for a VMware virtual machine
        Removing an instantly recovered VMware virtual machine
      Troubleshooting the Agent for VMware
    14. About Recovery Ready for VMware virtual machines
        Requirements for validating a VMware virtual machine for recovery
        Notes about validating a VMware virtual machine for recovery
        Best Practices for validating VMware virtual machine for recovery
        Creating a validate virtual machine for recovery job
  28. Appendix D. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
      About the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Requirements for using the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
      About installing the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
      Notes about using the Agent for Hyper-V
      Disk space optimization with the Agent for Hyper-V
      Adding a Hyper-V host to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Viewing details about Hyper-V resources
      Installing the Agent for Windows on Hyper-V virtual machines
      Push-installing the Agent for Windows to Hyper-V virtual machines
    10. Backing up Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
        Setting default backup options for Hyper-V
        How Backup Exec automatically protects new virtual machines during a backup job
        Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for Hyper-V
        About backing up and restoring highly available Hyper-V virtual machines
        About backing up VMs hosted on SMB/Scale out File Server
        How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
      Restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
    12. About instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
        Requirements for instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
        Notes about instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
        Creating an instant recovery job for a Hyper-V virtual machine
        Post-instant recovery tasks
        About removing an instantly recovered Hyper-V virtual machine
        Removing an instantly recovered Hyper-V virtual machine
        Best practices for instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
    13. About Recovery Ready for Hyper-V virtual machines
        Requirements for validating a Hyper-V virtual machine for recovery
        Notes about validating a Hyper-V virtual machine for recovery
        Best practices about validating a Hyper-V virtual machine for recovery
        Creating a validate virtual machine for recovery
      Troubleshooting issues with Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
  29. Appendix E. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
      About the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
      Requirements for using the SQL Agent
      About installing the SQL Agent
      Backup strategies for SQL
      Adding SQL Servers to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Configuring Backup Exec to run a consistency check before every SQL backup
      Using snapshot technology with the SQL Agent
      Using database snapshots for SQL Server
    9. Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
        Setting default backup options for SQL Server
    10. Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
        Restoring the SQL master database
        Restarting SQL using database copies
    11. Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
        Manual recovery of a SQL Server
    12. About SQL Server Always On availability groups
        Requirements of Always On availability groups from SQL Server
        Terms used by SQL Server Always On availability groups
        Backup Exec recommendations for SQL Server Always On availability groups
        Adding a listener to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
        Backing up databases from a SQL Server availability group
        Restoring databases from a SQL Server availability group
  30. Appendix F. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
      About the Backup Exec Exchange Agent
      Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
      Granting permissions on the Exchange Server to enable database backups and restores, and Granular Recovery Technology operations
      About installing the Exchange Agent
      Adding Exchange Servers and database availability groups to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
      Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
      Recommended configurations for Exchange
      Requirements for accessing Exchange mailboxes
      Backup strategies for Exchange
      How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
      Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
    12. Backing up Exchange data
        Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
      Restoring Exchange data
      Disaster recovery of an Exchange Server
  31. Appendix G. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
      About the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
      About installing the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
      Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
      Using the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint with SharePoint Server 2010/2013/2016/2019 and SharePoint Foundation 2010/2013/2016/2019
      Adding a Microsoft SharePoint server farm to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
    6. Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
        Setting default backup options for SharePoint
      Restoring Microsoft SharePoint data
      Disabling or enabling communication between a Microsoft SharePoint web server and Backup Exec
      Viewing or changing SharePoint farm properties
      Disaster recovery of Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019 data
  32. Appendix H. Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows or Linux Servers
      About the Backup Exec Oracle Agent
      About installing the Oracle Agent
    3. Configuring the Oracle Agent on Windows computers and Linux servers
      1. Configuring an Oracle instance on Windows computers
          Oracle Agent Configuration options
      2. Viewing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
          Oracle options for the Backup Exec Agent Utility
        Editing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
        Deleting an Oracle instance on Windows computers
        Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Windows computers
        Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
        Viewing an Oracle instance on Linux servers
        Editing an Oracle instance on Linux servers
        Deleting an Oracle instance on Linux servers
        Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Linux servers
    4. About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
      1. Setting authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server for Oracle operations
          Oracle job settings options
        Deleting an Oracle server from the Backup Exec server's list of authentication credentials
      About Oracle instance information changes
    6. About backing up Oracle databases
        About backing up Oracle RAC databases
        About performing a DBA-initiated backup job for Oracle
        Oracle backup options
    7. About restoring Oracle resources
        About DBA-initiated restore for Oracle
        Oracle restore options
        About redirecting a restore of Oracle data
        Oracle advanced restore options
        Performing a redirect restore of an Oracle 12c and later supported database using Backup Exec
        Requirements for recovering the complete Oracle instance and database using the original Oracle server
        Recovering the complete Oracle instance and database using the original Oracle server
        Requirements for recovering the complete Oracle instance or database to a computer other than the original Oracle server
        Recovering the complete Oracle instance or database to a computer other than the original Oracle server
      Best practices for Backup Exec Agent for Oracle on Windows and Linux Servers
  33. Appendix I. Backup Exec Agent for Enterprise Vault
      About the Agent for Enterprise Vault
      Requirements for the Enterprise Vault Agent
      About installing the Enterprise Vault Agent
    4. About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
        Enterprise Vault backup options
      About backing up Enterprise Vault components
      About consistency checks for Enterprise Vault databases and Compliance and Discovery Accelerator databases
    7. Restoring Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault restore options
        About restoring individual files and folders with the Enterprise Vault Agent
        About automatic redirection of Enterprise Vault components under an Enterprise Vault server
      4. Redirecting a restore for an Enterprise Vault component
          Redirection options for Enterprise Vault
      Configuring Enterprise Vault to use the name of the new SQL Server that holds the Directory database
      Best practices for the Enterprise Vault Agent
    10. About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
        Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault requirements
        How the Backup Exec Migrator works
        About using staged migrations with Backup Exec and the Backup Exec Migrator
        About Backup Exec Migrator events
        About Backup Exec Migrator logs
        How to enable Backup Exec Migrator logging
        About deleting files migrated by Backup Exec Migrator
      8. Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
        1. Configuring Enterprise Vault collections
            Vault store partition properties - Collections
          Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to work with a Backup Exec server
          Migrator for Enterprise Vault options
        4. Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to communicate with Enterprise Vault
            Vault store partition properties - Migration options
        About viewing migrated Enterprise Vault data
      10. About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
          Retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
      11. About the Partition Recovery Utility
          Partition Recovery Utility requirements
          Finding an archive ID
          Starting the Partition Recovery Utility
          Best practices for using the Backup Exec Migrator
          Troubleshooting Backup Exec Migrator and Partition Recovery Utility issues
      Enterprise Vault logon account
      Enterprise Vault options
  34. Appendix J. Backup Exec Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
      About the Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
      Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
    3. About backing up Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS
        Editing options for Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS backup jobs
        Microsoft Active Directory backup job options
      About restoring individual Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS objects
  35. Appendix K. Backup Exec Central Admin Server Feature
      About the Central Admin Server feature
      Requirements for installing CAS
      How to choose the location for CAS storage and media data
    4. About installing the Central Admin Server feature
        Push-installing a managed Backup Exec server from the central administration server
        Managed Backup Exec Server Configuration options
        Installing a managed Backup Exec server across a firewall
      Upgrading an existing CAS installation
      Changing a Backup Exec server to a central administration server
      Changing a Backup Exec server to a managed Backup Exec server
      Deleting a managed Backup Exec server from a CAS environment
      Renaming a central administration server
      Renaming a managed Backup Exec server
      How to reduce network traffic in CAS
      CAS distributed, centralized, and replicated catalog locations
      Changing the settings for a managed Backup Exec server
    14. What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
        Enabling or disabling communications between the managed Backup Exec server and the central administration server
      Alerts and notifications in CAS
      Enabling managed Backup Exec servers to use any available network interface card
    17. About job delegation in CAS
        About copying jobs instead of delegating jobs in CAS
      About adding storage devices in a CAS environment
      How data lifecycle management (DLM) works in a CAS environment
      Obtaining media audit information for a managed Backup Exec server
    21. How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
        Selecting a Backup Exec server pool for backups
        Creating a Backup Exec server pool
        Adding managed Backup Exec servers to a Backup Exec server pool
        Deleting a Backup Exec server pool
        Removing a managed Backup Exec server from a Backup Exec server pool
    22. How centralized restore works in CAS
        How CAS restores data that resides on multiple storage devices
      About recovering failed jobs in CAS
      Pausing or resuming a managed Backup Exec server
      Stopping or starting Backup Exec services for a managed Backup Exec server
      Viewing managed Backup Exec server properties
      Viewing the settings for a central administration server
      Disaster recovery in CAS
      Troubleshooting CAS
      Running the Backup Exec Utility for CAS operations
      Uninstalling Backup Exec from the central administration server
      Uninstalling Backup Exec from a managed Backup Exec server
  36. Appendix L. Backup Exec Advanced Disk-based Backup Feature
      About the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
      How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
      Setting default backup options for the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
      About true image restore for synthetic backups
      How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
      Configuring off-host backup options for a backup job
      Best practices for off-host backup
      Troubleshooting off-host backups
      Off-host backup issues with hardware providers
  37. Appendix M. Backup Exec NDMP Feature
      Features of the NDMP feature
      Requirements for using the NDMP feature
      About installing the NDMP feature
      Adding NDMP servers to Backup Exec
      Sharing the tape drives on NDMP servers between multiple Backup Exec servers
      NDMP backup options for NDMP servers
      NDMP server backup selections
      How to use patterns to exclude files and directories from an NDMP server backup
      Supported configurations for duplicating data from NDMP servers
    10. About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
        NDMP server restore options
      Setting the default backup options for the NDMP feature
    12. Viewing the properties of an NDMP server
        NDMP server properties
    13. Viewing storage properties for an NDMP server
        Storage properties for an NDMP server
  38. Appendix N. Backup Exec File Servers
      About AWS FSx for Windows File Server
      About Azure Files
      Pre-requisites for AWS FSx and Azure Files
      Notes for AWS FSx and Azure Files
      Recommendation for AWS FSx and Azure Files
      Best practices for AWS FSx and Azure Files
      Adding AWS FSx or Azure Files to Backup Exec
      Backing up AWS FSx or Azure Files
      Restoring AWS FSx or Azure Files
      Limitation of Azure Files
  39. Appendix O. Backup Exec Agent for Linux and Unix
      About the Agent for Linux and Unix
      About open files and the Agent for Linux
      Requirements for the Agent for Linux and Unix
    4. About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
        Installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
      2. About the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group for the Agent for Linux and Unix
          Creating the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group manually
    5. About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
        Establishing trust and adding a remote Linux and Unix computer to the Backup Exec list of servers
      Adding additional Backup Exec servers to which the Agent for Linux and Unix can publish information
      About configuring the Agent for Linux and Unix
      Excluding files and directories from all backup jobs for Linux and Unix computers
    9. Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
        Configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
    10. About backing up a Linux and Unix computer by using the Agent for Linux and Unix
        Linux and Unix backup options
      2. About backing up and restoring Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) components
          Requirements for backing up Novell Open Enterprise Server on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
      About backing up Linux ad Unix shares without using the Agent for Linux and Unix
    12. About restoring data to Linux and Unix computers
        About restoring Novell OES components
        Restore job options for Linux and Unix computers
    13. Editing the default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
        Default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
    14. Uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
        Manually uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
        Run-time scripts to remove when manually uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
      Starting the Agent for Linux and Unix daemon
      Stopping the Agent for Linux and Unix daemon
      Troubleshooting the Agent for Linux and Unix
  40. Appendix P. Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux
      About the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      How the Remote Media Agent for Linux works
      Requirements for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      About open files and the Remote Media Agent for Linux
    5. About installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
        Installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      Uninstalling the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      Starting the Remote Media Agent for Linux daemon
      Stopping the Remote Media Agent for Linux daemon
    9. About establishing trust for a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
        Establishing trust and adding a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer to the Backup Exec list of servers
      Adding additional Backup Exec servers to which Remote Media Agent for Linux can publish
      Finding simulated tape library files
    12. About the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
        Creating the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group manually for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
    13. About adding a Linux server as a Remote Media Agent for Linux
        Adding a Linux server as a Remote Media Agent for Linux
        Remote Media Agent for Linux options
      Changing the port for communications between the Backup Exec server and the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      About creating storage device pools for devices attached to the Remote Media Agent for Linux
    16. Editing properties for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
        Remote Media Agent for Linux properties
      Deleting a Remote Media Agent for Linux from the Backup Exec list of servers
      Sharing a Remote Media Agent for Linux between multiple Backup Exec servers
      About backing up data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      About restoring data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
      About the Tape Library Simulator Utility
    22. Creating a simulated tape library
        Simulated Tape Library options
    23. Viewing simulated tape libraries properties
        Simulated tape library properties
      Deleting a simulated tape library
      Managing simulated tape libraries from the command line
      Command line switches for the Tape Library Simulator Utility
      Troubleshooting the Remote Media Agent for Linux
  41. Appendix Q. Accessibility and Backup Exec
      About accessibility and Backup Exec
    2. About keyboard shortcuts in Backup Exec
        Home tab keyboard shortcuts
      2. Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts
          Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Jobs view
          Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Job History view
          Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Backup Sets view
          Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Active Alerts view
          Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Credentials view
        Job Monitor tab keyboard shortcuts
      4. Storage tab keyboard shortcuts
          Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Jobs view
          Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Job History view
          Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Backup Sets view
          Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Active Alerts view
        Reports tab keyboard shortcuts
        General keyboard navigation within the Backup Exec user interface
        Keyboard navigation within dialog boxes in Backup Exec
      List box navigation in Backup Exec
      Tabbed dialog box navigation in Backup Exec
      About setting accessibility options


AWS FSx, About AWS FSx for Windows File Server
Azure Files, About Azure Files
Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication, About Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication
forever incremental backups, About Forever Incremental Backup
defined, About keyboard shortcuts in Backup Exec
dialog boxes, Keyboard navigation within dialog boxes in Backup Exec
keyboard navigation, General keyboard navigation within the Backup Exec user interface
keyboard shortcuts, About keyboard shortcuts in Backup Exec
Backup and Restore tab, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts
Backup and Restore tab for the Active Alerts view, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Active Alerts view
Backup and Restore tab for the Backup Sets view, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Backup Sets view
Backup and Restore tab for the Credentials view, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Credentials view
Backup and Restore tab for the Job History view, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Job History view
Backup and Restore tab for the Jobs view, Backup and Restore tab keyboard shortcuts for the Jobs view
Home tab, Home tab keyboard shortcuts
Job monitor, Job Monitor tab keyboard shortcuts
Reports tab, Reports tab keyboard shortcuts
Storage tab, Storage tab keyboard shortcuts
Storage tab for the Active Alerts view, Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Active Alerts view
Storage tab for the Backup Sets view, Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Backup Sets view
Storage tab for the Job History view, Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Job History view
Storage tab for the Jobs view, Storage tab keyboard shortcuts for the Jobs view
overview, About accessibility and Backup Exec
settings, About setting accessibility options
active alerts
responding to, Responding to active alerts
Active Directory
backing up in Exchange, Backup strategies for Exchange
Active File Exclusion, Backing up Exchange data
active jobs
about managing and monitoring, How to monitor and manage jobs in Backup Exec
canceling, Canceling an active job
holding, Holding jobs
removing a hold, Removing the hold on jobs
statuses, List of job statuses in Backup Exec
viewing job activity, Viewing job activity details for active jobs
viewing properties, Viewing job activity details for active jobs
Remote Media Agent for Linux, About adding a Linux server as a Remote Media Agent for Linux
adding tapes by importing media, Importing media to Backup Exec
administration console
overview, About the Backup Exec Administration Console
role in backup process, How Backup Exec works
Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
about, About the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
setting, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
best practices for offhost backup, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server, Best practices for off-host backup
host computer
defined, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
offhost backup options, Setting default backup options for the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature, Configuring off-host backup options for a backup job
offhost backup overview, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
setting default options, Setting default backup options for the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
transportable snapshots
defined, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
true image restore
overview, About true image restore for synthetic backups
Advanced Open File
configuring options for backup jobs, Configuring Advanced Open File options for backup jobs
Agent for Hyper-V
about removing an instantly recovered virtual machine, About removing an instantly recovered Hyper-V virtual machine
adding a Hyper-V host, Adding a Hyper-V host to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
and GRT, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for Hyper-V
backing up, Backing up Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
Full catalogs, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
highly available virtual machines, About backing up and restoring highly available Hyper-V virtual machines
how byte count is calculated for full catalog, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
installation overview, About installing the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
installing Agent for Windows, Installing the Agent for Windows on Hyper-V virtual machines
Instant GRT, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
notes, Notes about using the Agent for Hyper-V
overview, About the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
protecting Microsoft application data, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for Hyper-V
push-installing Agent for Windows, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to Hyper-V virtual machines
requirements, Requirements for using the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
restoring, Restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
setting default backup options, Setting default backup options for Hyper-V
viewing details about resources, Viewing details about Hyper-V resources
with GRT and vhdx files, Notes about using the Agent for Hyper-V
Agent for Linux
about establishing trust, Establishing a trust between the Backup Exec server and a remote computer
push-installing, About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
using SSH, About installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
Agent for Linux and Unix
about backing up, About backing up a Linux and Unix computer by using the Agent for Linux and Unix
about exclusions from backup, Excluding files and directories from all backup jobs for Linux and Unix computers
backing up Novell OES components, About backing up and restoring Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) components
backup job options, Linux and Unix backup options
beoper group, defined, About the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group for the Agent for Linux and Unix
configuration options in the ralus.cfg file, Configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
configuring the ralus.cfg file, About configuring the Agent for Linux and Unix
creating the beoper group, Creating the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group manually
default options, Default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
editing configuration options in the ralus.cfg file, Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
editing default options, Editing the default backup job options for Linux and Unix computers
establishing trust relationship, About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
installing, Installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
Novell OES, requirements for backup, Requirements for backing up Novell Open Enterprise Server on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
publishing to Backup Exec servers, Adding additional Backup Exec servers to which the Agent for Linux and Unix can publish information
requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Linux and Unix
restore options, Restore job options for Linux and Unix computers
restoring , About restoring data to Linux and Unix computers
runtime scripts, Run-time scripts to remove when manually uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
saving the installation log, Installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
starting the Linux and Unix Agent daemon, Starting the Agent for Linux and Unix daemon
stopping the Linux and Unix Agent daemon, Stopping the Agent for Linux and Unix daemon
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting the Agent for Linux and Unix
uninstalling, Uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
uninstalling manually, Manually uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix
Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
about, About the Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
about restoring individual objects, About restoring individual Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS objects
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
overview, About backing up Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS
passwords, About restoring individual Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS objects
recreating purged objects, About restoring individual Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS objects
requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft Active Directory
tombstones, About restoring individual Active Directory and ADAM/AD LDS objects
Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
about, About the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
adding a farm, Adding a Microsoft SharePoint server farm to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
backing up SharePoint data, Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
disabling or enabling communication between web servers and Backup Exec, Disabling or enabling communication between a Microsoft SharePoint web server and Backup Exec
disaster recovery for SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019, Disaster recovery of Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019 data
installing, About installing the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
overview, About the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
restoring SharePoint data, Restoring Microsoft SharePoint data
system requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
using with SharePoint Server 2010/2013/2016/2019 and SharePoint Foundation 2010/2013/2016/2019, Using the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint with SharePoint Server 2010/2013/2016/2019 and SharePoint Foundation 2010/2013/2016/2019
Agent for VMware
adding VMware vCenter and ESX/ESXi hosts, Adding VMware vCenter Servers and ESX/ESXi hosts to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
backing up , Backing up VMware virtual machines
backing up Microsoft application data, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
backup defaults, Setting default backup options for virtual machines
dynamic inclusion, How Backup Exec automatically backs up new VMware virtual machines during a backup job
Granular Recovery Technology
about, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
GRT requirements, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
installing, About installing the Agent for VMware
installing Agent for Windows, Installing the Agent for Windows on VMware virtual machines
instant recovery overview, About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
overview, About the Agent for VMware
requirements, Requirements for using the Agent for VMware
restoring resources, Restoring VMware virtual machines and vmdk files
selecting transport method for VMDK file, Backing up VMware virtual machines, Setting default backup options for virtual machines
unsupported characters, Requirements for using the Agent for VMware
unsupported GRT configurations, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
Agent for Windows
about, About the Agent for Windows
about establishing trust, Establishing a trust between the Backup Exec server and a remote computer
Backup Exec Agent Utility, About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
hardware requirements, About the Agent for Windows
installation methods, Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
installing in an Active Directory network, Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
installing on Hyper-V virtual machines, Installing the Agent for Windows on Hyper-V virtual machines
installing on virtual machines, Installing the Agent for Windows on VMware virtual machines
installing updates, Installing updates to the Agent for Windows on remote computers
installing using a command script, Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
installing using the command prompt, Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
licenses, Requirements for the Agent for Windows
publish to Backup Exec servers, About publishing the Agent for Windows to Backup Exec servers
push-installing to remote computers, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to remote computers
push-installing to VMware virtual machines, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to VMware virtual machines
push-intalling to Hyper-V virtual machines, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to Hyper-V virtual machines
requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Windows
stopping and starting, Stopping and starting the Agent for Windows
uninstalling using a command script, Using a command script to uninstall the Agent for Windows
uninstalling using command prompt, Using a command prompt to uninstall the Agent for Windows from a remote computer
agent-based backup, Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
upgrading, About upgrading to Backup Exec
Alert History by Backup Exec server report, Alert History By Backup Exec Server report
Alert History report, Alert History report
categories, Alerts and notifications in Backup Exec
clearing informational alerts, Clearing all informational alerts manually
configuring categories, Configuring alert categories
configuring defaults, Configuring default alert settings
configuring groups for notification, Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
copying text, Copying alert text to a document or email
defined, Alerts and notifications in Backup Exec
deleting from alert history, Deleting an alert from alert history
deleting recipients, Deleting recipients
disabling pop-ups, Enabling or disabling pop-up alerts
enabling email and text messages, Adding recipients for notification
enabling pop-ups, Enabling or disabling pop-up alerts
filters, Filtering alerts
notification, Configuring email or text message notification for alerts
responding to, Responding to active alerts
sending job complete notification, Sending a notification when a job completes
setting up notification, Setting up notification for alerts
severity, Alerts and notifications in Backup Exec
showing on the Home tab, Enabling active alerts and alert history to display on the Home tab
SNMP traps, SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
stopping notification for recipient, Disabling notifications for a specific alert category
viewing job log, Viewing the job log from an alert
where to find, Where to find alerts in Backup Exec
All Servers server group
about, Creating a server group
allocated media
overwriting, Overwriting allocated or imported tape media
Alternate location
setting an SDR, Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
Amazon cloud
requirements, Requirements for configuring an Amazon S3 cloud-based storage device
Amazon cloud storage
configure, Configuring storage for Amazon cloud storage
append period
changing, Changing the overwrite protection period or the append period for a media set
defined, Overwrite protection periods and append periods in media sets
editing, Editing media set properties
archive bit
using to determine backed up status, How Backup Exec determines if a file has been backed up
audit log
about, Configuring audit logs
configuring, Configuring audit logs
removing entries, Removing entries from the audit log
saving to a file, Saving an audit log to a text file
viewing, Viewing the audit log
Audit Log report, Audit Log report
automatic exclusion of SQL data during volume level backups, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
AWS FSx and Azure Files
add server, Adding AWS FSx or Azure Files to Backup Exec
back up, Backing up AWS FSx or Azure Files
best practices, Best practices for AWS FSx and Azure Files
notes, Notes for AWS FSx and Azure Files
recommendation, Recommendation for AWS FSx and Azure Files
restore, Restoring AWS FSx or Azure Files
AWS FSx nd Azure Files
pre-requisites, Pre-requisites for AWS FSx and Azure Files
Azure file share
limitation, Limitation of Azure Files


back up and delete the files method
freeing disk space, Configuring Backup Exec to automatically delete files after a backup
backp definition
creating, Backing up data
creating, Backing up data
overview, Backing up data
VMware virtual machine, Backing up VMware virtual machines
using the Remote Media Agent for Linux, About backing up data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
Backup and Restore tab
list of servers, About the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
backup definition
creating, Backing up data
creating from an existing backup definition, Backing up data
defined, Backing up data
editing, Editing backup definitions
excluding selections, Excluding files from backups
including selections, Including specific files with a backup job's backup selections
one-time, Backing up data
selecting data, About selecting data to back up
Backup Exec
Lock Console, Locking and unlocking the Backup Exec Console
locking and unlocking the console, Locking and unlocking the Backup Exec Console
how it works, How Backup Exec works
Backup Exec Agent Utility
activity status
viewing, Viewing the activity status of the remote computer from the system tray
command line applet, Using the Backup Exec Agent Utility Command Line Applet
switches, Backup Exec Agent Utility Command Line Applet switches
using, Using the Backup Exec Agent Utility Command Line Applet
database access
configuring, Configuring database access for Oracle operations
Event Viewer
open, About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
job template name for DBA-initiated jobs, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
configure Oracle instance on, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Linux servers
configure for Oracle operations, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Linux servers
publish to Backup Exec servers, About publishing the Agent for Windows to Backup Exec servers
adding Backup Exec servers, Adding Backup Exec servers that the Agent for Windows can publish to
editing Backup Exec server information, Editing Backup Exec server information that the Agent for Windows publishes to
removing Backup Exec servers, Removing Backup Exec servers that the Agent for Windows can publish to
Real Application Cluster (RAC)
publish to Backup Exec server, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Windows computers
refresh interval
setting, Setting the refresh interval on the remote computer
Registry Editor
open, About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
removing certificate, Removing a security certificate for a Backup Exec server that has a trust with the Agent for Windows
open, About the Backup Exec Agent Utility for Windows
starting, Starting the Backup Exec Agent Utility
starting automatically, Starting the Backup Exec Agent Utility automatically on the remote computer
update credentials for Linux instances, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
view status, Viewing the activity status of the remote computer in the Backup Exec Agent Utility
configure Oracle instance on, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Windows computers
Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication
command-line tool, Using the cloud admin command-line tool with Amazon S3
configure, Configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
delete, Deleting a cloud deduplication storage device
notes, Notes for Backup Exec Cloud Deduplication
requirements, Requirements for configuring a cloud deduplication storage device
WORM, About cloud immutable (WORM) storage support
Backup Exec diagnostic application
generating, Generating a diagnostic file for troubleshooting Backup Exec
Backup Exec Migrator
about, About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
about retrieving Enterprise Vault data, About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
about staged migrations, About using staged migrations with Backup Exec and the Backup Exec Migrator
about the Backup Exec Backup Sets view, About viewing migrated Enterprise Vault data
Backup Exec server
working with, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to work with a Backup Exec server
best practices, Best practices for using the Backup Exec Migrator
communicating with Enterprise Vault, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to communicate with Enterprise Vault
configuring, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
data migration process, How the Backup Exec Migrator works
Enterprise Vault retention periods, About deleting files migrated by Backup Exec Migrator
about, About Backup Exec Migrator events
how it works, How the Backup Exec Migrator works
log file location, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
about, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
migrated files
about deleting, About deleting files migrated by Backup Exec Migrator
Migrator for Enterprise Vault options, Migrator for Enterprise Vault options
requirements, Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault requirements
retrieving Enterprise Vault data, Retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Backup Exec Migrator and Partition Recovery Utility issues
Backup Exec server, How Backup Exec works
viewing properties, Viewing server properties
Backup Exec services
changing service account credentials, Changing the credentials for a service account
changing startup options, Changing startup options for Backup Exec services
stopping and starting, Starting and stopping Backup Exec services
Backup Exec settings
changing preferences, Changing the default preferences
database maintenance and security, Configuring database maintenance and security
DBA-initiated jobs, DBA-initiated job templates
discover data to back up, Configuring Backup Exec to discover data to back up
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) options, Setting default Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) options
network and security, Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
backup job
creating, Backing up data
creating from an existing backup definition, Backing up data
deduplication, How to set up backup jobs for deduplication
editing, Editing backup definitions
excluding selections, Excluding files from backups
excluding selections globally, Excluding files from backups
including selections, Including specific files with a backup job's backup selections
one-time, Backing up data
pre/post commands, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
preparing for, How to prepare for your first backup with Backup Exec
required user rights, Required user rights for backup jobs
running the next scheduled instance, Running the next scheduled backup job before its scheduled time
selecting data, About selecting data to back up
Backup Job Success Rate report, Backup Job Success Rate report
backup methods
about, Backup methods in Backup Exec
advantages and disadvantages, Backup methods in Backup Exec
configuring, Configuring backup methods for backup jobs
delete selected files and folders after successful backup, Configuring Backup Exec to automatically delete files after a backup
differential, Backup methods in Backup Exec
duplicate, Backup methods in Backup Exec
full, Backup methods in Backup Exec
incremental, Backup methods in Backup Exec
specific types of data, Backup methods in Backup Exec
backup network
overview, Backup networks
backup or restore job
debugging enabled, Run backup job with debugging enabled, Run backup job with debugging enabled from the Job History
Backup Recommendations report, Backup Recommendations report
Backup Resource Success Rate report, Backup Resource Success Rate report
backup selections
about, About selecting data to back up
changing the order, Changing the order in which backup sources are backed up
critical system components, About selecting data to back up
multiple servers or applications, About selecting data to back up
using fully qualified domain names, About selecting data to back up
backup sets
about, Backup sets
about duplicating, Duplicating backup sets or a job history manually
about verifying, Verifying backed up data manually
automatically deleting expired, How data lifecycle management (DLM) deletes expired backup sets on disk-based storage
cataloging, Cataloging backup sets
changing the expiration dates, Changing the expiration date of backup sets on disk-based storage
duplicating, Duplicating backup sets or a job history manually
expiring, Changing the expiration date of backup sets on disk-based storage
prevent from expiring, Retaining backup sets on disk-based storage to prevent them from expiring
releasing from retention, Releasing retained backup sets on disk-based storage
retaining, Retaining backup sets on disk-based storage to prevent them from expiring
verifying, Verifying backed up data manually
viewing contents, Viewing the contents or properties of backup sets
viewing properties, Viewing the contents or properties of backup sets
Backup Sets by Media Set report, Backup Sets by Media Set report
Backup Size By Resource report, Backup Size By Resource report
backup strategies
increase throughput with Agent for Windows, About the Agent for Windows
backup-to-disk folder
as read only legacy storage, Legacy backup-to-disk folders
changing the location of, Changing the location of a legacy backup-to-disk folder
importing, Restoring data from a legacy backup-to-disk folder
recovering with Simplified Disaster Recovery, Legacy backup-to-disk folders
recreating, Recreating a legacy backup-to-disk folder and its contents
barcode labels
default, How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
overview, How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
robotic library support, How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
barcode media, finding in drives and portals, Scanning a storage device
setting for synthetic backup, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
beoper group
Agent for Linux and Unix, about, About the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group for the Agent for Linux and Unix
creating, Creating the Backup Exec operators (beoper) group manually
Boot managers
restoring in SDR, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
buffer count
setting for tape drives, Editing tape drive properties
buffer size
setting for disk cartridge devices, Editing disk cartridge properties
setting for tape drives, Editing tape drive properties
byte count
how it is calculated for catalog operations, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
incorrect, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec


excluding dates, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
viewing scheduled backup jobs, Viewing all scheduled backup jobs on a calendar
alerts, Alerts and notifications in CAS
Backup Exec server
changing to a managed Backup Exec server, Changing a Backup Exec server to a managed Backup Exec server
Backup Exec server pool
adding managed Backup Exec servers, Adding managed Backup Exec servers to a Backup Exec server pool
creating, Creating a Backup Exec server pool
deleting, Deleting a Backup Exec server pool
overview, How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
removing a managed Backup Exec server, Removing a managed Backup Exec server from a Backup Exec server pool
selecting for backup, Selecting a Backup Exec server pool for backups
Backup Exec Utility
running, Running the Backup Exec Utility for CAS operations
catalog locations, CAS distributed, centralized, and replicated catalog locations
central administration server
setting for a managed Backup Exec server, Changing a Backup Exec server to a managed Backup Exec server
centralized restore
multiple storage devices, How centralized restore works in CAS
overview, How centralized restore works in CAS
changing to a central administration server, Changing a Backup Exec server to a central administration server
communication thresholds, What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
deleting managed Backup Exec server, Deleting a managed Backup Exec server from a CAS environment
disabling communications, Enabling or disabling communications between the managed Backup Exec server and the central administration server
disaster recovery, Disaster recovery in CAS
enabling communications, Enabling or disabling communications between the managed Backup Exec server and the central administration server
installing, About installing the Central Admin Server feature
installing across a firewall, Installing a managed Backup Exec server across a firewall
installing managed Backup Exec server, Push-installing a managed Backup Exec server from the central administration server
job delegation, About job delegation in CAS
managed Backup Exec server
configuration options, Managed Backup Exec Server Configuration options
viewing properties, Viewing managed Backup Exec server properties
network interface cards
using any available, Enabling managed Backup Exec servers to use any available network interface card
network traffic
reducing, How to reduce network traffic in CAS
notifications, Alerts and notifications in CAS
overview, About the Central Admin Server feature
pausing managed Backup Exec server, Pausing or resuming a managed Backup Exec server
recovering failed jobs, About recovering failed jobs in CAS
requirements, Requirements for installing CAS
restoring data from multiple devices, How CAS restores data that resides on multiple storage devices
resuming paused managed Backup Exec server, Pausing or resuming a managed Backup Exec server
settings for managed Backup Exec servers, Changing the settings for a managed Backup Exec server
starting Backup Exec services, Stopping or starting Backup Exec services for a managed Backup Exec server
status, What happens when CAS communication thresholds are reached
stopping Backup Exec services, Stopping or starting Backup Exec services for a managed Backup Exec server
storage and media data, How to choose the location for CAS storage and media data
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting CAS
uninstalling Backup Exec from central administration server, Uninstalling Backup Exec from the central administration server
uninstalling Backup Exec from managed Backup Exec server, Uninstalling Backup Exec from a managed Backup Exec server
upgrading, Upgrading an existing CAS installation
configuring full catalog options, Configuring Instant GRT and full catalog options to improve backup performance for GRT-enabled jobs
defined, How Backup Exec catalogs work
editing default options, Configuring default options for catalogs
full catalog, How Backup Exec catalogs work
Instant GRT, How Backup Exec catalogs work
levels, Configuring default options for catalogs
media with encrypted backup sets, About cataloging tape or disk cartridge media that contains encrypted backup sets
catalog operation errors
DLT tape drive hangs, Troubleshooting hardware-related issues in Backup Exec
media, Cataloging a storage device
using to determine backed up status, How Backup Exec determines if a file has been backed up
centralized catalogs in CAS, CAS distributed, centralized, and replicated catalog locations
centralized restore
best practices, How centralized restore works in CAS
CHECKCATALOG utility, Configuring Backup Exec to run a consistency check before every SQL backup
CHECKDB utility, Configuring Backup Exec to run a consistency check before every SQL backup
checkpoint restart
about, Configuring checkpoint restart
configuring, Configuring checkpoint restart
configuring default settings, Configuring checkpoint restart
considerations, Configuring checkpoint restart
supported technologies, Configuring checkpoint restart
cleaning a drive, Cleaning a robotic library drive
cleaning slots
defining for robotic libraries, Defining a cleaning slot
client-side deduplication
overview, How to use client-side deduplication
Cloud deduplication storage device
configuring, Cloud deduplication storage device
deleting, Cloud deduplication storage device
requirements, Cloud deduplication storage device
Cloud Storage Summary report, Cloud Storage Summary report
CloudConnect Optimizer
about, About the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
configure job, Configuring the Backup Exec™ CloudConnect Optimizer
delete job, Deleting the CloudConnect Optimizer job
edit job, Editing the CloudConnect Optimizer job
command line
installing Backup Exec, Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
installing Remote Administrator, Installing the Remote Administrator using the command line
switches for installation, Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec
command prompt
uninstalling Agent for Windows, Using a command prompt to uninstall the Agent for Windows from a remote computer
common encryption keys, Using encryption with Backup Exec
compact view, Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
completed jobs
statuses, List of job statuses in Backup Exec
configuration settings
copying to another server, Copying configuration settings to another Backup Exec server
Configure Storage Wizard
overview, Using the Configure Storage wizard
holidays, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups, Exporting a list of dates that are excluded from all backups to another server
consistency check options
Exchange Agent, Backing up Exchange data, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
SQL Agent, Backup strategies for SQL
continuing Exchange backup if consistency check fails, Backing up Exchange data, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
control connection with the Remote Media Agent for Linux, How the Remote Media Agent for Linux works
conversion to virtual machines
adding a stage for, Adding a conversion to virtual machine stage to a backup job
after a backup job, Converting to a virtual machine after a backup job
backup methods, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
conversion of disks larger than 2TB, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
from point in time, Converting to a virtual machine from a point in time
how backup selections are processed, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
one-time conversion, Creating a one-time conversion to a virtual machine
options, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
overview, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
requirements, Requirements for conversion to virtual machine jobs
setting default options, Setting default options for conversion to virtual machine jobs
simultaneously with backup job, Converting to a virtual machine simultaneously with a backup job
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V host, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
Copy text, How to sort, filter, and copy information on the Backup Exec Administration Console
creating for backup sources, Creating new credentials for a backup source
creating for jobs, Creating new credentials for a backup source
replacing for a backup source, Replacing the credentials for a backup source
replacing for jobs, Replacing the credentials for a backup source
testing for backup sources, Testing credentials for backup sources
testing for jobs, Testing credentials for backup sources
Credentials pane
about, Testing credentials for backup sources, Deleting retired or unused backup sources from the Credentials pane
deleting backup sources, Deleting retired or unused backup sources from the Credentials pane
critical system components
about, About backing up critical system components
restore scenarios, About backing up critical system components
selecting, About selecting data to back up


Daily Device Utilization report, Daily Device Utilization report
damaged tape media
removing, Retiring damaged tape media
data connection to remote computers, How the Remote Media Agent for Linux works
data lifecycle management, overview, How data lifecycle management (DLM) deletes expired backup sets on disk-based storage
database maintenance and security
about, Configuring database maintenance and security
configuring, Configuring database maintenance and security
Database snapshots
SQL, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs, Setting default backup options for SQL Server
DBA-initiated jobs
creating a template, Creating DBA-initiated job templates
deleting a template, Deleting DBA-initiated job templates
duplicate job settings, Duplicate job settings for DBA-initiated jobs
editing a template, Editing DBA-inititated job templates
general options, General options for DBA-initiated jobs
network options, Network options for DBA-initiated jobs
storage options, Storage options for DBA-initiated jobs
templates, DBA-initiated job templates
Debug Monitor, Using the Backup Exec Debug Monitor for troubleshooting
debugging enabled
backup or restore job, Run backup job with debugging enabled, Run backup job with debugging enabled from the Job History
Windows, How Backup Exec backs up and restores volumes that are enabled for deduplication in Windows
Deduplication Disk and Cloud Deduplication Device Summary report, Deduplication Disk and Cloud Deduplication Device Summary report
deduplication disk storage
changing logon account password, Changing the password for the logon account for deduplication disk storage
overview, Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
deduplication disk storage devices
disaster recovery, Disaster recovery of deduplication disk storage devices
editing properties, Editing the properties of a deduplication disk storage device
requirements, Requirements for the Deduplication feature
restoring, Restoring a deduplication disk storage device or deduplicated data
Deduplication feature
about backing up, How to set up backup jobs for deduplication
about copying deduplicated data to tapes, Copying deduplicated data to tapes
changing logon account password for deduplication disk storage, Changing the password for the logon account for deduplication disk storage
client-side deduplication overview, How to use client-side deduplication
copying data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices, Using optimized duplication to copy deduplicated data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices
deduplication disk storage overview, Creating or importing deduplication disk storage
deduplication disk storage properties, Editing the properties of a deduplication disk storage device
deduplication methods for agents, Deduplication methods for Backup Exec agents
direct access
editing properties, Editing server properties for direct access
selecting storage devices, Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
disaster recovery of deduplication disk storage, Disaster recovery of deduplication disk storage devices
disaster recovery of OpenStorage devices, Disaster recovery of OpenStorage devices
installing, Installing the Deduplication feature
OpenStorage device overview, Configuring an OpenStorage device
OpenStorage device properties, Editing the properties of an OpenStorage device
overview, About the Deduplication feature
requirements, Requirements for the Deduplication feature
restoring a deduplication disk storage device, Restoring a deduplication disk storage device or deduplicated data
sharing devices, Sharing a deduplication device between multiple Backup Exec servers
with encryption, Using deduplication with encryption
Deduplication Summary report, Deduplication Summary report
default backup options
Hyper-V, Setting default backup options for Hyper-V
default options
Agent for VMware, Setting default backup options for virtual machines
conversion to virtual machines, Setting default options for conversion to virtual machine jobs
NDMP feature, Setting the default backup options for the NDMP feature
Default options
Simplified Disaster Recovery
settings, Changing the default path for the disaster recovery information files
default preferred configuration settings for tape drives, Editing tape drive properties
tape media, Deleting tape media
destination Backup Exec server
adding , Copying configuration settings to another Backup Exec server
importing a list, Copying configuration settings to another Backup Exec server
Details pane
Hyper-V, Viewing details about Hyper-V resources
Device Summary report, Device Summary report
adding iSCSI-attached, Adding or replacing devices with the Hot-swappable Device Wizard
OpenStorage overview, Configuring an OpenStorage device
reconnecting USB tape devices, Adding or replacing devices with the Hot-swappable Device Wizard
diagnostic file
command line switches, Command line switches for a diagnostic file
differential backups
about, Backup methods in Backup Exec
advantages and disadvantages, Backup methods in Backup Exec
direct access
editing properties, Editing server properties for direct access
selecting storage devices, Selecting storage devices for direct access sharing
DirectCopy to tape
copying data, Copying data from a virtual tape library to a physical tape device using DirectCopy to tape
overview, Copying data from a virtual tape library to a physical tape device using DirectCopy to tape
about including and excluding for NDMP servers, NDMP server backup selections
disaster preparation
Disaster Preparation Plan (DPP), Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
Exchange Server, Disaster recovery of an Exchange Server
hardware protection, Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
off-site storage, Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
overview, Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
Disaster recovery
alternate path in SDR, Disaster recovery information file data paths
setting path locations
disaster recovery information file, Changing the default path for the disaster recovery information files
disaster recovery
deduplication disk storage, Disaster recovery of deduplication disk storage devices
Exchange Server, Disaster recovery of an Exchange Server
Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019, Disaster recovery of Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019 data
OpenStorage devices, Disaster recovery of OpenStorage devices
discover data to back up
about, Configuring Backup Exec to discover data to back up
adding servers, Configuring Backup Exec to discover data to back up
configuring, Configuring Backup Exec to discover data to back up
disk cartridge storage
about, Configuring disk cartridge storage
disk storage
creating, Configuring disk storage
editing properties, Editing disk storage properties
Disk Storage Summary report, Disk Storage Summary report
disk-based storage
about, Features and types of disk-based storage and network-based storage
distributed catalogs in CAS, CAS distributed, centralized, and replicated catalog locations
DLT tape
drive hangs when cataloging, Troubleshooting hardware-related issues in Backup Exec
domain controller
installng by redirected restore, Installing a new Windows Server domain controller into an existing domain by using a redirected restore
restoring System State, Restoring System State
duplication between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices, Using optimized duplication to copy deduplicated data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices
dynamic inclusion
for Hyper-V, How Backup Exec automatically protects new virtual machines during a backup job


editions of Backup Exec
listed and described, About Backup Exec
eject media, Ejecting media from a disk cartridge or tape drive
after job completes, Configuring storage options for backup jobs
email notification
configuring, Configuring email or text message notification for alerts
encrypted files
about cataloging media, About cataloging tape or disk cartridge media that contains encrypted backup sets
encrypted SQL database restore, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
about, Using encryption with Backup Exec
hardware, Using encryption with Backup Exec
restoring encrypted SQL databases, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
software, Using encryption with Backup Exec
types, Using encryption with Backup Exec
with deduplication, Using deduplication with encryption
encryption keys
128-bit AES, Using encryption with Backup Exec
256-bit AES, Using encryption with Backup Exec
common, Using encryption with Backup Exec
creating, Creating encryption keys
deleting, Deleting encryption keys
encryption types, Using encryption with Backup Exec
managing, Encryption key management
overview, Using encryption with Backup Exec
pass phrases, Using encryption with Backup Exec
replacing, Replacing an encryption key
restoring encrypted data, About restoring encrypted data
restricted, Using encryption with Backup Exec
Enterprise Vault Agent
about redirecting a restore job, Redirecting a restore for an Enterprise Vault component
about restoring, Restoring Enterprise Vault
About restoring individual files and folders, About restoring individual files and folders with the Enterprise Vault Agent
automatic redirection of Enterprise Vault components, About automatic redirection of Enterprise Vault components under an Enterprise Vault server
available backup methods, About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
Backup Exec Migrator
about, About the Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault
about deleting migrated files, About deleting files migrated by Backup Exec Migrator
about events, About Backup Exec Migrator events
about logs, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
about retrieving Enterprise Vault data, About retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
about staged migrations, About using staged migrations with Backup Exec and the Backup Exec Migrator
about the Backup Exec Backup Sets view, About viewing migrated Enterprise Vault data
best practices, Best practices for using the Backup Exec Migrator
communicating with Enterprise Vault, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to communicate with Enterprise Vault
configuring, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator
data migration process, How the Backup Exec Migrator works
Enterprise Vault retention periods, About deleting files migrated by Backup Exec Migrator
how it works, How the Backup Exec Migrator works
log file location, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
Migrator for Enterprise Vault options, Migrator for Enterprise Vault options
requirements, Backup Exec Migrator for Enterprise Vault requirements
retrieving Enterprise Vault data, Retrieving migrated Enterprise Vault data
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Backup Exec Migrator and Partition Recovery Utility issues
VxBSA logs, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
working with a Backup Exec server, Configuring the Backup Exec Migrator to work with a Backup Exec server
Backup Exec server
log file location, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
logs, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
best practices, Best practices for the Enterprise Vault Agent
configuring, Configuring Enterprise Vault collections
vault store partition properties, Vault store partition properties - Collections
installing, About installing the Enterprise Vault Agent
vault store partition properties, Vault store partition properties - Migration options
non-operational state, Restoring Enterprise Vault
Partition Recovery Utility
about, About the Partition Recovery Utility
finding an archive ID, Finding an archive ID
log file location, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
logs, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
requirements, Partition Recovery Utility requirements
running, Starting the Partition Recovery Utility
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Backup Exec Migrator and Partition Recovery Utility issues
ready-to-use state, Restoring Enterprise Vault
redirection options, Redirection options for Enterprise Vault
requirements, Requirements for the Enterprise Vault Agent
restore options, Enterprise Vault restore options
selecting a backup method, About backup methods for Enterprise Vault backup jobs
Environment Check
results, Running the Environment Check before installing or upgrading Backup Exec
running before installing or upgrading, Running the Environment Check before installing or upgrading Backup Exec
error codes
Unique Message Identifier
viewing, Linking from the job log to the Veritas Technical Support website
error-handling rules
creating, Creating a custom error-handling rule
custom rules
defined, Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
custom rules for recovered jobs, Custom error-handling rule for recovered jobs
default rules
defined, Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
deleting a custom rule, Deleting a custom error-handling rule
enabling for a failed job, Enabling an error-handling rule for a failed job
enabling or disabling, Enabling or disabling error-handling rules
overview, Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
recovered jobs custom rule, Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
Error-Handling Rules report, Error-Handling Rules report
ESX/ESXi host, adding, Adding VMware vCenter Servers and ESX/ESXi hosts to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
Event Recipients report, Event Recipients report
Exchange Agent
Active Directory
backing up, Backup strategies for Exchange
automatic exclusion of files during volume level backups, Backing up Exchange data
backing up
Exchange, Backing up Exchange data
recommended selections, Backup strategies for Exchange
backup methods, Backing up Exchange data, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
best practices, Recommended configurations for Exchange
Database Availability Group, Backing up Exchange data
configuring, Restoring Exchange data
disaster recovery, Disaster recovery of an Exchange Server
Exchange in a Database Availability Group, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
Exchange Web Services
overview, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
excluding files during volume level backups, Backing up Exchange data
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
overview, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
requirements for, Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
setting for backup, Backing up Exchange data, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
installation, About installing the Exchange Agent
Internet Information Service (IIS) metabase
backing up, Backup strategies for Exchange
mailbox access requirements, Requirements for accessing Exchange mailboxes
offhost backup
with Granular Recovery Technology (GRT), How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
overview, About the Backup Exec Exchange Agent
protecting Exchange using VSS, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
redirecting data, Restoring Exchange data
requirements, Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
restore of individual items
requirements, Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
restore requirements, Restoring Exchange data
restoring data from snapshot backups, Restoring Exchange data
restoring data to server, Restoring Exchange data
restoring individual public folder messages from tape, Restoring Exchange data
services account, Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
snapshot backup
configuring, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
snapshot technology, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
strategies for backing up, Backup strategies for Exchange
system state
backing up, Backup strategies for Exchange
troubleshooting snapshot and offhost jobs, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
volume level backups
automatic exclusion of files, Backing up Exchange data
Exchange Web Services
using with the Exchange Agent, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
exclude dates
deleting dates, Removing dates from the list of excluded dates
exporting dates to another server, Exporting a list of dates that are excluded from all backups to another server
importing a list of dates, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
selecting dates for all backups, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
selecting dates for individual backup jobs, Preventing backup jobs from running on a specific date
exporting expired media, Exporting media and expired media
exporting media, Exporting media and expired media


Failed Backup Jobs report, Failed Backup Jobs report
failed jobs
retry, Retrying only failed resources
partition, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
father/son media rotation strategy, Tape media rotation strategies
file history
enabling for NDMP feature, Setting the default backup options for the NDMP feature
about including and excluding for NDMP servers, NDMP server backup selections
files and folders options
configuring for backup jobs, Configuring file and folder options for backup jobs
for alerts, Filtering alerts
Backup Exec ports, Backup Exec ports
browsing systems through, Using Backup Exec with firewalls
enabling a SQL instance behind, About enabling a SQL instance behind a firewall
using Backup Exec with, Using Backup Exec with firewalls
forever incremental backup
backing up, Backing up virtual machines using forever incremental backups
CAS-MBES, CAS-MBES scenarios in forever incremental backups
catalog, How do forever incremental backups work
differences, Differences between the traditional and the forever incremental backups of virtual machines
DLM, How do forever incremental backups work
GRT, How do forever incremental backups work
how it works, How do forever incremental backups work
limitation, Limitation of forever incremental backups
notes, Notes for forever incremental backups
recommendations, Recommendations for forever incremental backups
retain, How do forever incremental backups work
schedule, How do forever incremental backups work
supported storage, Supported storage in forever incremental backups
formatting media, Formatting a tape in a tape drive
full backups
about, Backup methods in Backup Exec
advantages and disadvantages, Backup methods in Backup Exec
Full catalog
and Hyper-V virtual machine backups, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
full catalog
how byte count is calculated for Hyper-V, How cataloging works with Hyper-V virtual machine backups
full catalog operation
configuring, Configuring Instant GRT and full catalog options to improve backup performance for GRT-enabled jobs
for GRT-enabled jobs, Granular Recovery Technology


GDPR Guard
about, About GDPR Guard
BEMCLI commands, Backup Exec Management Command Line (BEMCLI) commands for import and export
best practices, Best practices for blocking access to backed up items with GDPR Guard
how to block, How to block access to backed up items
restoring blocked items, Restoring blocked items
supported types of data, Supported types of backed up data
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting blocked access to backed up items with GDPR Guard
Google cloud
requirements, Requirements for configuring a Google cloud-based storage device
Google cloud storage
configure, Configuring storage for Google cloud storage
grandfather media rotation strategy, Tape media rotation strategies
Granular Recovery Technology
about using with VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
requirements for VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
unsupported configurations for VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
with the Agent for Hyper-V, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for Hyper-V
Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
about restoring individual items, Granular Recovery Technology
Exchange data, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
offhost backup, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
recommended devices for, Granular Recovery Technology
requirements, Granular Recovery Technology
setting default options, Setting default Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) options
staging, Granular Recovery Technology
using Exchange Web Services, How Granular Recovery Technology works with the Exchange Information Store
Group Policy Object, configuring, Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
configuring to receive notifications, Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
about using with VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
requirements for VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware
unsupported configurations for VMware, Using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) with the Agent for VMware


IBM computers
recovering with Simplified Disaster Recovery, Prepare to recover IBM computers with Simplified Disaster Recovery
imported media
overwriting, Overwriting allocated or imported tape media
imported tape media
labeled by Backup Exec, About labeling imported tape media
importing media, Importing media to Backup Exec
In-Memory optimized tables
restoring SQL databases that contain In-Memory optimized tables, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
include dates
creating, Including a specific date in the schedule for a backup job
incremental backups
about, Backup methods in Backup Exec
advantages and disadvantages, Backup methods in Backup Exec
initializing a robotic library, Initializing a robotic library
additional features, Installing additional agents and features to the local Backup Exec server
Agent for Windows, Methods for installing the Agent for Windows
Agent for Windows from command prompt, Using a command prompt to install the Agent for Windows on a remote computer
Agent for Windows with command script, Using a command script to install the Agent for Windows
checklist, Backup Exec preinstallation checklist
command line switches, Command line switches for silent mode installation of Backup Exec
configuring Group Policy Object, Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
creating a transform, Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
Environment Check
overview, Running the Environment Check before installing or upgrading Backup Exec
from command line, Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
Media Agent for Linux, Installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
Microsoft SQL Server Express, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition components installed with Backup Exec
Migration Report, Using the Migration Report to determine how existing jobs changed after an upgrade from a previous version of Backup Exec
NDMP feature, About installing the NDMP feature
overview, About the Backup Exec installation process and licensing options
parameter files
creating, Creating and using installation parameter files
post-installation tasks, Post-installation tasks
pre-upgrade checklist, Upgrade checklist for Backup Exec
push-installing Agent for Windows, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to remote computers
push-installing to remote computers, Push-installing Backup Exec to remote computers
Remote Administrator, Installing the Remote Administrator
Remote Administrator from command line, Installing the Remote Administrator using the command line
system requirements, System requirements for Backup Exec
typical, Installing Backup Exec by using the Installation Wizard
uninstalling Agent for Windows using command prompt, Using a command prompt to uninstall the Agent for Windows from a remote computer
uninstalling Agent for Windows with command script, Using a command script to uninstall the Agent for Windows
uninstalling Backup Exec, Uninstalling Backup Exec
uninstalling features from local Backup Exec server, Uninstalling Backup Exec features from the local Backup Exec server
updates to Agent for Windows, Installing updates to the Agent for Windows on remote computers
Windows Management Instrumentation performance counter, Installing the Windows Management Instrumentation performance counter provider
Windows Management Instrumentation SNMP provider, Installing the Windows Management Instrumentation provider for SNMP
installation log, About the installation log
Agent for Linux and Unix, Installing the Agent for Linux and Unix
installation overview
Agent for Hyper-V, About installing the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
installation parameter file
creating, Creating and using installation parameter files
Installation Summary Report, Viewing the Installation Summary Report
viewing, Viewing the Installation Summary Report
installed updates
viewing, Viewing installed updates
SharePoint Agent, About installing the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
to an existing Microsoft SQL Server 2008 instance, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition components installed with Backup Exec
instant cloud recovery
about, About Instant Cloud Recovery
Azure portal pre configurations, Preconfigurations to be completed in the Azure portal
VMware or Hyper-V infrastructure, Prepare VMware or Hyper-V infrastructure
change subscription or vault, How to change the Subscription or Recovery Services Vault
configure Azure resources, How to configure Azure resources
enable replication, How to enable replication for virtual machines
manage failover, How to manage failover for a virtual machine
manage replication, How to manage replication for virtual machines
manually refresh view, How to manually refresh the view of virtual machines
prepare infrastructure, How to prepare a new infrastructure
remove configured Azure resource, How to remove a configured Azure resource from Backup Exec
requirements in Backup Exec, Requirements to configure Instant cloud recovery in Backup Exec
review certificate, How to renew the Backup Exec certificate
tab overview, Instant Cloud Recovery tab overview in Backup Exec
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Instant Cloud Recovery issues in Backup Exec
view configuration details, How to view configuration details
view error details, How to view error details
view virtual machine details, How to view virtual machine details
Instant GRT
configuring, Configuring Instant GRT and full catalog options to improve backup performance for GRT-enabled jobs
for GRT-enabled jobs, Granular Recovery Technology
instant recovery
creating job for a VMware virtual machine, Creating an instant recovery job for a VMware virtual machine
removing a VMware virtual machine, Removing an instantly recovered VMware virtual machine
VMware notes, Notes about instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
VMware overview, About instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
VMware requirements, Requirements for instant recovery of a VMware virtual machine
Instant Recovery
Hyper-V, About instant recovery of a Hyper-V virtual machine
Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase
backing up, Backup strategies for Exchange
robotic libraries when Backup Exec services start, Inventorying robotic libraries when Backup Exec services start
IPv4, Backup networks
IPv6, Backup networks
iSCSI-attached devices
adding, Adding or replacing devices with the Hot-swappable Device Wizard


job activity, Viewing job activity details for active jobs
job defaults
backing up multiple servers or applications, Configuring the default setting for backing up multiple servers or applications
backup jobs, Changing default backup job settings
changing, Changing default backup job settings
exclude dates, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
exclude selections, Excluding files from backups
schedule for rule-based and run now jobs, Setting default schedule options for rule-based jobs and run now jobs
job history, About the Job Monitor
about duplicating, Duplicating backup sets or a job history manually
about verifying, Verifying backed up data manually
deleting jobs, Deleting a job from the Job History
duplicating, Duplicating backup sets or a job history manually
overview, About the Job History
retry only failed resources, Retrying only failed resources from the Job History
running a job, Running a job from the Job History
verifying, Verifying backed up data manually
viewing, Viewing the history of a job
job log, Viewing the job log
configuring default options, Configuring default job log options
finding text, Finding text in the job log
linking to technical support web site, Linking from the job log to the Veritas Technical Support website
printing, Printing the job log
saving, Saving the job log
viewing from an alert, Viewing the job log from an alert
with vertical applications, How to use job logs with vertical applications
job monitor, How to monitor and manage jobs in Backup Exec, About the Job Monitor
job progress indicators
displaying, Changing the default preferences
job queue
holding, Holding the job queue
removing the hold, Removing the hold on the job queue
job status, List of job statuses in Backup Exec
job status and recovery, Setting job status and recovery options
job template
defined, Backing up data
canceling, Canceling an active job
changing priority for scheduled, Changing the priority for a scheduled job
configuring error-handling rules, Creating a custom error-handling rule
deleting from Job History, Deleting a job from the Job History
deleting scheduled, Deleting scheduled jobs
holding, Holding jobs
holding the job queue, Holding the job queue
holiday scheduling, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups, Exporting a list of dates that are excluded from all backups to another server
managing and monitoring, How to monitor and manage jobs in Backup Exec
removing a hold, Removing the hold on jobs
removing hold on the job queue, Removing the hold on the job queue
retry only failed resources, Retrying only failed resources
running from Job History, Running a job from the Job History
running scheduled job, Running a scheduled job immediately
sending notification when complete, Sending a notification when a job completes
setting status and recovery options, Setting job status and recovery options
viewing the job log, Viewing the job log
Jobs Summary report, Jobs Summary report


labeling media, Labeling tape media
labeling tape media
imported media label, About labeling imported tape media
renaming, Renaming a tape media label
using barcode labels, How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
Least Free Space First storage device in pool, Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
Library Expansion feature
SCSI addresses for hardware, Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
setting up hardware, Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
license contract information
about, Backup Exec license contract information
managing customer numbers, Managing license contract customer numbers
license information
Veritas Usage Insights, Viewing license information
viewing, Viewing license information
licenses, About the Backup Exec installation process and licensing options
Agent for Windows, Requirements for the Agent for Windows
instance-based usage, Managing instance-based usage
list boxes
navigation, List box navigation in Backup Exec
list of servers
about, About the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
adding discovered servers, Adding discovered servers to the list of servers in Backup Exec
adding servers, Adding servers that you want to back up to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
removing servers, Removing servers from the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
server groups, Creating a server group
list view, Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
local Backup Exec server
breaking connection with, Running the Remote Administrator
local server properties
about viewing, Viewing server properties
viewing, Viewing server properties
logon accounts
about, Backup Exec logon accounts
changing default, Changing your default Backup Exec logon account
changing the password, Changing the password for a Backup Exec logon account
checking, Scheduling Backup Exec to check logon accounts
copying to another server, Copying logon account information to another Backup Exec server
creating, Creating a Backup Exec logon account
about, Backup Exec logon accounts
deleting, Deleting a Backup Exec logon account
editing, Editing a Backup Exec logon account
replacing, Replacing a Backup Exec logon account
restricted, Backup Exec logon accounts
scheduling a test, Scheduling Backup Exec to check logon accounts
system logon account, Backup Exec logon accounts
testing, Testing logon accounts
logon information
copying to another server, Copying logon account information to another Backup Exec server


mailbox access requirements for Exchange, Requirements for accessing Exchange mailboxes
managed Backup Exec server
changing settings, Changing the settings for a managed Backup Exec server
copying jobs to, About copying jobs instead of delegating jobs in CAS
installing, Push-installing a managed Backup Exec server from the central administration server
network interface card
using any available, Enabling managed Backup Exec servers to use any available network interface card
pools, How to use Backup Exec server pools in CAS
upgrading, Upgrading an existing CAS installation
Managed Backup Exec Servers report, Managed Backup Exec Servers report
master database (SQL)
backup, Backup strategies for SQL
erasing, Erasing tape or disk cartridge media
overwrite options, How Backup Exec searches for overwritable media in tape drives
overwriting allocated or imported, Overwriting allocated or imported tape media
defined, Default media sets
defined, Default media sets
Media Agent for Linux
beoper group, Installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
installing, Installing the Remote Media Agent for Linux
Media Audit report, Media Audit report
Media Errors report, Media Errors report
media ID
defined, Labeling tape media
media overwrite protection level
defined, Media overwrite protection levels for tape media
Media Required for Recovery report, Media Required for Recovery report
media rotation
father/son, Tape media rotation strategies
grandfather, Tape media rotation strategies
son, Tape media rotation strategies
media set
creating, Creating media sets for tapes
default, Default media sets
deleting, Deleting a media set
renaming, Renaming a media set
vault rule properties, Creating media vault rules to move tape media to and from media vaults
Media Summary report, Media Summary report
Media Vault Contents report, Media Vault Contents report
media vaults, about, Default media vaults
error, How to get more information about alerts and error messages
Microsoft 365
about, About support for Microsoft 365
backup tenant data, Backing up Microsoft 365 tenant data
CAS-MBES, CAS-MBES scenarios in Microsoft 365
catalog operations, Catalog operations for Microsoft 365
configure tenant, Configuring a tenant for Microsoft 365
delete tenant, Configuring a tenant for Microsoft 365
limitations, Limitations of Microsoft 365
notes, Notes for Microsoft 365
parallel streams and job settings, Configuring parallel streams and job settings for Microsoft 365
recommendations, Recommendations for Microsoft 365
requirements, Requirements for Microsoft 365
restore tenant data, Restoring Microsoft 365 tenant data
update tenant, Configuring a tenant for Microsoft 365
view tenant, Configuring a tenant for Microsoft 365
workflow, About support for Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 tenant
viewing properties, Viewing server properties
Microsoft SharePoint data
backing up, Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
restoring, Restoring Microsoft SharePoint data
Microsoft SQL Server
installing, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition components installed with Backup Exec
Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk files
about managing, How Backup Exec backs up and restores Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (vhd) files
Migration Report, Using the Migration Report to determine how existing jobs changed after an upgrade from a previous version of Backup Exec
defined, About keyboard shortcuts in Backup Exec
modified time
using to determine backed up status, How Backup Exec determines if a file has been backed up
Most Free Space First storage device in pool, Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
Move Media to Vaultreport, Move Media to Vault report
installed with Backup Exec, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition components installed with Backup Exec


named transaction
restore up to, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
list boxes, List box navigation in Backup Exec
Tabbed pages, Tabbed dialog box navigation in Backup Exec
NDMP feature
adding NDMP servers, Adding NDMP servers to Backup Exec
backing up NDMP servers, NDMP backup options for NDMP servers
duplicate backed up data, Supported configurations for duplicating data from NDMP servers
how to use patterns, How to use patterns to exclude files and directories from an NDMP server backup
installing, About installing the NDMP feature
overview, Features of the NDMP feature
redirecting restored data, About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
requirements, Requirements for using the NDMP feature
restoring data, About restoring and redirecting restore data for NDMP servers
setting default options, Setting the default backup options for the NDMP feature
sharing storage on NDMP servers, Sharing the tape drives on NDMP servers between multiple Backup Exec servers
viewing server properties, Viewing the properties of an NDMP server
viewing storage device properties, Viewing storage properties for an NDMP server
configuring options for backup jobs, Configuring network options for backup jobs
overview of backup networks, Backup networks
network and security
configuring, Changing network and security options for Backup Exec
network traffic
reducing in CAS, How to reduce network traffic in CAS
network-attached storage NDMP server
backing up, Features of the NDMP feature
configuring, Configuring email or text message notification for alerts
configuring group recipient, Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
editing recipient properties, Editing recipient notification properties
enabling, Adding recipients for notification
removing recipient from group, Removing a recipient from a group
sending for completed jobs, Sending a notification when a job completes
setting up, Setting up notification for alerts
stopping, Disabling notifications for a specific alert category
overview, Alerts and notifications in Backup Exec
Novell OES
about restoring, About restoring Novell OES components
requirements for back up, Requirements for backing up Novell Open Enterprise Server on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
supported components, About backing up and restoring Novell Open Enterprise Server (OES) components
partition, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec


off-site storage of backups, Creating a disaster preparation plan (DPP)
offhost backup
best practices, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server, Best practices for off-host backup
configuring, Configuring off-host backup options for a backup job
host computer
defined, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
issues with hardware providers, Troubleshooting off-host backups
overview, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
setting default options, Setting default backup options for the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature
single volume snap, Setting default backup options for the Advanced Disk-based Backup feature, Configuring off-host backup options for a backup job
transportable snapshots
defined, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting off-host backups
one-time conversion to virtual machine, Creating a one-time conversion to a virtual machine
open files
unable to back up, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
OpenStorage devices
configure, Configuring an OpenStorage device
data lifecycle management, Data Lifecycle Management for WORM enabled OpenStorage devices
disaster recovery of, Disaster recovery of OpenStorage devices
editing properties, Editing the properties of an OpenStorage device
prerequisites, Prerequisites for configuring OpenStorage devices
requirements, Requirements for the Deduplication feature
Operations Overview report, Operations Overview report
optimized duplication, Using optimized duplication to copy deduplicated data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices
Oracle Agent
advanced restore options, Oracle advanced restore options
authentication credentials, About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
deleting, Deleting an Oracle server from the Backup Exec server's list of authentication credentials
setting, Setting authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server for Oracle operations
authentication credentials options, Oracle job settings options
authentication for Oracle operations, About authentication credentials on the Backup Exec server
back up with, About backing up Oracle databases
Backup Exec Agent Utility options, Oracle options for the Backup Exec Agent Utility
backup options, Oracle backup options
configuring, Configuring the Oracle Agent on Windows computers and Linux servers
DBA-initiated backup, About performing a DBA-initiated backup job for Oracle
DBA-initiated job settings
create template for, DBA-initiated job templates
DBA-initiated jobs
job template name for, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
DBA-initiated restore, About DBA-initiated restore for Oracle
default options, Oracle Agent Configuration options
features, About the Backup Exec Oracle Agent
install, About installing the Oracle Agent
Linux servers
configuring an Oracle instance, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
deleting an Oracle instance, Deleting an Oracle instance on Linux servers
editing an Oracle instance, Editing an Oracle instance on Linux servers
enabling database access, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Linux servers
viewing an Oracle instance, Viewing an Oracle instance on Linux servers
multiple data streams
specify, Oracle backup options, Oracle advanced restore options
Oracle Net Service name, Oracle Agent Configuration options
configure for Oracle operations, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Linux servers
publish Oracle databases on Linux, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
Real Application Cluster (RAC), Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Windows computers, About backing up Oracle RAC databases
recovery catalog, Oracle Agent Configuration options, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers
redirected restore, About redirecting a restore of Oracle data
restore, About restoring Oracle resources
restore options, Oracle restore options
update credentials for instances, Oracle Agent Configuration options, Configuring an Oracle instance on Linux servers, About Oracle instance information changes
Windows computers
configuring an Oracle instance, Configuring an Oracle instance on Windows computers
deleting an Oracle instance, Deleting an Oracle instance on Windows computers
editing an Oracle instance, Editing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
enabling database access, Enabling database access for Oracle operations on Windows computers
viewing an Oracle instance, Viewing an Oracle instance on Windows computers
Overnight Summary report, Overnight Summary report
overwrite protection period
changing, Changing the overwrite protection period or the append period for a media set
defined, Overwrite protection periods and append periods in media sets
editing, Editing media set properties


parameter files
creating, Creating and using installation parameter files
creating for robotic library, Creating robotic library partitions
FAT, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
NTFS, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
removing or reconfiguring, Removing or reconfiguring robotic library partitions
Partition Recovery Utility
about, About the Partition Recovery Utility
finding an archive ID, Finding an archive ID
log file location, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
about, About Backup Exec Migrator logs
requirements, Partition Recovery Utility requirements
running, Starting the Partition Recovery Utility
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Backup Exec Migrator and Partition Recovery Utility issues
pass phrases, Using encryption with Backup Exec
changing for logon account, Changing the password for a Backup Exec logon account
patterns in NDMP feature excludes, How to use patterns to exclude files and directories from an NDMP server backup
increase during backups of remote Windows computers, About the Agent for Windows
PHYSICAL_ONLY utility, Configuring Backup Exec to run a consistency check before every SQL backup
point in time
conversion to virtual machine, Converting to a virtual machine from a point in time
point in time log restore option
SQL Agent, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
pop-up alerts
enabling or disabling, Enabling or disabling pop-up alerts
Port number
changing for Remote Media Agent for Linux, Remote Media Agent for Linux options
ports used by Backup Exec
default, Backup Exec ports
listening, Backup Exec listening ports
post-job command
configuring, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
for backup jobs, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
Post-Migration Report, Using the Migration Report to determine how existing jobs changed after an upgrade from a previous version of Backup Exec
pre-installation checklist, Backup Exec preinstallation checklist
pre-job command
configuring, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
for backup jobs, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
pre-upgrade checklist, Upgrade checklist for Backup Exec
preferred server configurations for Exchange DAGs
about, Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
creating, Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
deleting, Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
designating a default, Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
removing as default, Managing preferred server configurations for Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Groups
about, Changing the priority for a scheduled job
changing for scheduled job, Changing the priority for a scheduled job
Private cloud
create cloud instance, Creating a cloud instance for a private cloud
delete cloud instance, Deleting a cloud instance for a private cloud
edit cloud instance, Viewing and editing existing cloud instances for a private cloud
view cloud instance, Viewing and editing existing cloud instances for a private cloud
private cloud-based storage device
configure, Configuring storage for a private cloud-based storage device
requirements, Requirements for configuring a private cloud-based storage device
Problem Files report, Problem Files report
active job, Viewing job activity details for active jobs
to Backup Exec servers
using Agent for Windows, About publishing the Agent for Windows to Backup Exec servers
Linux and Unix computers to Backup Exec servers, Adding additional Backup Exec servers to which the Agent for Linux and Unix can publish information


about, for the Agent for Linux and Unix, About configuring the Agent for Linux and Unix
about, for the Remote Media Agent for Linux computer, About establishing trust for a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
configuration options, Configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
editing configuration options in, Editing configuration options for Linux and Unix computers
Recently Written Media report, Recently Written Media report
configuring groups, Adding a recipient group for alert notifications
deleting, Deleting recipients
editing, Editing recipient notification properties
enabling email and text messages, Adding recipients for notification
removing from a group, Removing a recipient from a group
stopping notification, Disabling notifications for a specific alert category
reclaiming disk space automatically, How data lifecycle management (DLM) deletes expired backup sets on disk-based storage
Recover This Computer Wizard
requirements, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
running, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
recovered jobs
setting thresholds, Setting job status and recovery options
recovered jobs custom error-handling rule, Error-handling rules for failed or canceled jobs
Recovery Ready Validation Summary report, Recovery Ready Validation Summary
redirected restore
Exchange data, Restoring Exchange data
Remote Administrator
installing, Installing the Remote Administrator
installing using the command line, Installing the Remote Administrator using the command line
running, Running the Remote Administrator
remote computers
push-installing, Push-installing Backup Exec to remote computers
Remote Media Agent for Linux
adding to Backup Exec database, About adding a Linux server as a Remote Media Agent for Linux
backing up data, About backing up data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
changing port number, Remote Media Agent for Linux options
creating a simulated tape library, Creating a simulated tape library
deleting simulated tape library, Deleting a simulated tape library
determining server status, Remote Media Agent for Linux properties
how it works, How the Remote Media Agent for Linux works
ICMP ping, Remote Media Agent for Linux options
managing simulated tape libraries from the command line, Managing simulated tape libraries from the command line
requirements, Requirements for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
restoring data, About restoring data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
Simulated Tape Library options, Simulated Tape Library options
simulated tape library properties, Simulated tape library properties
Tape Library Simulator Utility, About the Tape Library Simulator Utility
Command line switches, Command line switches for the Tape Library Simulator Utility
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting the Remote Media Agent for Linux
uninstalling, Uninstalling the Remote Media Agent for Linux
viewing properties, Editing properties for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
viewing properties of simulated tape libraries, Viewing simulated tape libraries properties
tape media labels, Renaming a tape media label
repair feature, Repairing Backup Exec
replicated catalogs in CAS, CAS distributed, centralized, and replicated catalog locations
Alert History, Alert History report
Alert History by Backup Exec server, Alert History By Backup Exec Server report
Audit Log, Audit Log report
Backup Job Success Rate, Backup Job Success Rate report
Backup Recommendations, Backup Recommendations report
Backup Resource Success Rate, Backup Resource Success Rate report
Backup Sets by Media Set, Backup Sets by Media Set report
Backup Size By Resource, Backup Size By Resource report
Cloud Storage Summary, Cloud Storage Summary report
copying custom reports, Copying a custom report
changing graph options, Changing graph options in custom reports
changing grouping or sorting, Changing the way data is grouped or sorted in a custom report
previewing, Previewing custom reports
custom, changing filters, Changing filters for a custom report
custom, creating, Creating a custom report
Daily Device Utilization, Daily Device Utilization report
Deduplication Disk and Cloud Deduplication Device Summary, Deduplication Disk and Cloud Deduplication Device Summary report
Deduplication Summary, Deduplication Summary report
deleting, Deleting a report
Device Summary, Device Summary report
Disk Storage Summary report, Disk Storage Summary report
editing, Editing a report
Error-Handling Rules, Error-Handling Rules report
Event Recipients, Event Recipients report
Failed Backup Jobs, Failed Backup Jobs report
Jobs Summary, Jobs Summary report
list of standard reports, List of Backup Exec standard reports
Managed Backup Exec Servers, Managed Backup Exec Servers report
Media Audit, Media Audit report
Media Errors, Media Errors report
Media Required for Recovery, Media Required for Recovery report
Media Summary, Media Summary report
Media Vault Contents, Media Vault Contents report
Move Media to Vault, Move Media to Vault report
Operations Overview, Operations Overview report
Overnight Summary, Overnight Summary report
overview, Reports in Backup Exec
printing, Printing a report from the Backup Exec Report Viewer
Problem Files, Problem Files report
re-running completed report, Re-running a completed report
Recently Written Media, Recently Written Media report
Recovery Ready Validation Summary, Recovery Ready Validation Summary
Resource Protected Recently, Resource Protected Recently report
Resource Risk Assessment, Resource Risk Assessment report
Restore Set Details by Resource, Restore Set Details by Resource report
Retrieve Media from Vault, Retrieve Media from Vault report
Robotic Library Inventory, Robotic Library Inventory report
running, Running a report now
saving, Saving a report
Scheduled Server Workload, Scheduled Server Workload report
scheduling, Scheduling a report
Scratch Media Availability, Scratch Media Availability report
setting defaults, Setting defaults for standard and custom reports
Test Run Results, Test Run Results report
viewing completed, Viewing completed reports
viewing properties, Viewing report properties
Agent for Hyper-V, Requirements for using the Agent for Microsoft Hyper-V
Backup Exec, System requirements for Backup Exec
Central Admin Server feature, Requirements for installing CAS
conversion to virtual machines, Requirements for conversion to virtual machine jobs
Exchange Agent, Requirements for using the Exchange Agent
NDMP feature, Requirements for using the NDMP feature
off-host backup, How to use off-host backup to process remote computer backups on the Backup Exec server
Remote Media Agent for Linux, Requirements for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
synthetic backup, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
user rights for backup jobs, Required user rights for backup jobs
Resource Protected Recently report, Resource Protected Recently report
Resource Risk Assessment report, Resource Risk Assessment report
creating restore jobs for the Remote Media Agent for Linux, About restoring data by using the Remote Media Agent for Linux
restore job
pre/post commands, Configuring pre/post commands for backup or restore jobs
Restore Set Details by Resource report, Restore Set Details by Resource report
Restore Wizard, Methods for restoring data in Backup Exec
about restoring data, Methods for restoring data in Backup Exec
canceling a restore job, Canceling a restore job
domain controller into an existing domain, Installing a new Windows Server domain controller into an existing domain by using a redirected restore
encrypted data, About restoring encrypted data
Exchange data, Restoring Exchange data
file system data, Restoring file system data
from a backup set, Restoring data from a server, a backup set, a backup job, or a storage device
from a completed backup job, Restoring data from a server, a backup set, a backup job, or a storage device
from a server, Restoring data from a server, a backup set, a backup job, or a storage device
from storage device media, Restoring data from a server, a backup set, a backup job, or a storage device
media created with other backup software, About restoring NetWare SMS volume backups to non-SMS volumes with Backup Exec
online restore of a Windows computer, Performing a complete online restore of a Microsoft Windows computer
searching for data to restore, Searching for data to restore
Shadow Copy Components, Restoring Backup Exec Shadow Copy Components
SQL master database, Restoring the SQL master database
starting the Restore Wizard, Methods for restoring data in Backup Exec
System State data, Restoring System State
System State to a domain controller, Restoring System State
UEFI system partitions, Restoring utility partitions or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface system partitions
utility partitions, Restoring utility partitions or Unified Extensible Firmware Interface system partitions
restricted encryption keys
defined, Using encryption with Backup Exec
restricted logon accounts
about, Backup Exec logon accounts
retensioning a tape, Retensioning a tape
retired media
defined, Default media sets
Retired Servers server group
about, Creating a server group
adding servers, Moving servers to the Retired Servers server group
retired tape media
moving damaged media, Retiring damaged tape media
Retrieve Media from Vault report, Retrieve Media from Vault report
robotic library
cleaning slot, Defining a cleaning slot
creating partitions, Creating robotic library partitions
example configuration, Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
initializing when Backup Exec services start, Initializing a robotic library when the Backup Exec service starts
inventory when Backup Exec services start, Inventorying robotic libraries when Backup Exec services start
reconfiguring partitions, Removing or reconfiguring robotic library partitions
removing partitions, Removing or reconfiguring robotic library partitions
setting up hardware, Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
using with Backup Exec, Robotic libraries in Backup Exec
Robotic Library Inventory report, Robotic Library Inventory report
RSS Reader
customizing, Configuring the RSS Reader
options, Configuring the RSS Reader
overview, Configuring the RSS Reader
removing default RSS feed, Configuring the RSS Reader
viewing articles, Configuring the RSS Reader
runtime scripts, for Agent for Linux and Unix, Run-time scripts to remove when manually uninstalling the Agent for Linux and Unix


hardware errors, Finding hardware errors in a SAN
resetting the SAN, Resetting the SAN
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting failed components in the SAN
troubleshooting offline storage devices, Troubleshooting offline storage devices in a SAN
about, How job scheduling works in Backup Exec
availability window, How job scheduling works in Backup Exec
configuring for backup jobs, Configuring schedules for backup jobs
conflicts, How job scheduling works in Backup Exec
deleting exclude dates, Removing dates from the list of excluded dates
exclude dates for all backups, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
exclude dates for individual backup jobs, Preventing backup jobs from running on a specific date
exporting exclude dates, Exporting a list of dates that are excluded from all backups to another server
importing a list of dates to exclude, Excluding dates from the backup schedule for all backups
including and excluding dates, How job scheduling works in Backup Exec
including dates, Including a specific date in the schedule for a backup job
scheduled jobs
about managing and monitoring, How to monitor and manage jobs in Backup Exec
changing priority, Changing the priority for a scheduled job
deleting, Deleting scheduled jobs
holding, Holding jobs
removing a hold, Removing the hold on jobs
running immediately, Running a scheduled job immediately
statuses, List of job statuses in Backup Exec
Scheduled Server Workload report, Scheduled Server Workload report
scratch media
creating, Overwriting allocated or imported tape media
defined, Default media sets
Scratch Media Availability report, Scratch Media Availability report
pass-through mode for tape drives, Editing tape drive properties
setting address for robotic library drives, Requirements for setting up robotic library hardware
Search, Searching for data to restore
Search Wizard, Searching for data to restore
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act
compliance, About accessibility and Backup Exec
seeding a deduplication disk storage device, Using optimized duplication to copy deduplicated data between OpenStorage devices or deduplication disk storage devices
server groups
about, Creating a server group
adding servers to, Adding servers to a server group
backing up, Backing up data
creating, Creating a server group
editing, Editing a server group
hiding, Hiding or viewing server groups on the Backup and Restore tab
removing, Removing server groups from Backup Exec
removing servers from, Removing servers from a server group
retiring servers, Moving servers to the Retired Servers server group
viewing, Hiding or viewing server groups on the Backup and Restore tab
server properties
about viewing, Viewing server properties
viewing, Viewing server properties
Server properties
Remote Media Agent for Linux, Editing properties for the Remote Media Agent for Linux
service account
changing credentials, Changing the credentials for a service account
changing service account credentials, Changing the credentials for a service account
changing startup options, Changing startup options for Backup Exec services
starting and stopping, Starting and stopping Backup Exec services
SGMon, Using the Backup Exec Debug Monitor for troubleshooting
Shadow Copy Components
file system, Backup Exec Shadow Copy Components file system
restoring, Restoring Backup Exec Shadow Copy Components
SharePoint Agent
about, About the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
adding a farm, Adding a Microsoft SharePoint server farm to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
backing up SharePoint data, Backing up Microsoft SharePoint data
disabling or enabling communication between web servers and Backup Exec, Disabling or enabling communication between a Microsoft SharePoint web server and Backup Exec
disaster recovery for SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019, Disaster recovery of Microsoft SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019 data
installing, About installing the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
overview, About the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
restoring SharePoint data, Restoring Microsoft SharePoint data
system requirements, Requirements for the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint
using with SharePoint Server 2010/2013/2016/2019 and SharePoint Foundation 2010/2013/2016/2019, Using the Agent for Microsoft SharePoint with SharePoint Server 2010/2013/2016/2019 and SharePoint Foundation 2010/2013/2016/2019
SharePoint farms
adding, Adding a Microsoft SharePoint server farm to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
viewing properties, Viewing or changing SharePoint farm properties
silent mode installation, Installing Backup Exec using the command line (silent mode)
Simplified Disaster Recovery
Advanced Disk Configuration
about, Advanced Disk Configuration on the Recover This Computer Wizard
boot managers, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
Contents of the Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image, Contents of the Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
editing the default path, Changing the default path for the disaster recovery information files
enabling backups for, How to ensure that backups are enabled for Simplified Disaster Recovery
installing, About Simplified Disaster Recovery
Microsoft Exchange Server
recovering, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, CAS, Hyper-V hosts, and the Deduplication feature
Microsoft Hyper-V hosts, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, CAS, Hyper-V hosts, and the Deduplication feature
Microsoft SQL Server
recovering, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, CAS, Hyper-V hosts, and the Deduplication feature
no internet connection
ADK 10, Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
Windows ADK, Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
OS/2 boot manager
restoring, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
overview, About Simplified Disaster Recovery
Recover This Computer Wizard
encrypted backup sets, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
restoring from a remote Backup Exec server, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
recovering IBM computers, Prepare to recover IBM computers with Simplified Disaster Recovery
recovery requirements in SDR, Recovering a computer with Simplified Disaster Recovery
requirements, Requirements for using Simplified Disaster Recovery
setting an alternate location, Setting or changing the alternate location for the disaster recovery information file
SharePoint Portal Server
recovering, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with Exchange, SQL, SharePoint, CAS, Hyper-V hosts, and the Deduplication feature
storage pools and storage spaces
recovering, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with storage pools and storage spaces
Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016, Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
Windows Server 2019, Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
Windows Server 2022, Creating a Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
contents, Contents of the Simplified Disaster Recovery disk image
Simulated tape library
creating, Creating a simulated tape library
delete, Deleting a simulated tape library
viewing properties, Viewing simulated tape libraries properties
single block mode
setting for tape drives, Editing tape drive properties
snapshot technology
using with Exchange Agent, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent
configuring system service for Windows, Installing and configuring the SNMP system service
installing WMI provider, Installing the Windows Management Instrumentation provider for SNMP
object identifier prefix, SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
defined, SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
traps for alerts, SNMP traps for Backup Exec alerts
son media rotation strategy, Tape media rotation strategies
Sort, filter, and copy, How to sort, filter, and copy information on the Backup Exec Administration Console
splash screen
show at startup, Changing the default preferences
restore to named transaction, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
SQL Agent
backing up
backup methods, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs, Setting default backup options for SQL Server
consistency check after backup, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs, Setting default backup options for SQL Server
consistency check recommendations, Backup strategies for SQL
databases, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
strategies for, Backup strategies for SQL
Windows registry, Backup strategies for SQL
consistency check, Configuring Backup Exec to run a consistency check before every SQL backup
recommendations, Backup strategies for SQL
Database Consistency Check (DBCC)
recommendations, Backup strategies for SQL
database snapshots
overview, Using database snapshots for SQL Server
disaster recovery, Disaster recovery of a SQL Server
manual, Manual recovery of a SQL Server
features, About the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
installation, About installing the SQL Agent
logon account, Requirements for using the SQL Agent
overview, About the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server
requirements, Requirements for using the SQL Agent
master database, Restoring the SQL master database
point in time log restore option, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
redirecting restores, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
TDE-encrypted database backups, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
very large databases, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
snapshot technology
using, Using snapshot technology with the SQL Agent
strategy recommendations, Backup strategies for SQL
SQL Server Always On availability groups
about, About SQL Server Always On availability groups
adding a listener, Adding a listener to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
backing up databases, Backing up databases from a SQL Server availability group
recommendations, Backup Exec recommendations for SQL Server Always On availability groups
requirements, Requirements of Always On availability groups from SQL Server
restoring databases, Restoring databases from a SQL Server availability group
terms, Terms used by SQL Server Always On availability groups
about, Adding a stage to a backup definition
adding, Adding a stage to a backup definition
defined, Backing up data
editing, Editing a stage
types, Adding a stage to a backup definition
stalled jobs
setting thresholds, Setting job status and recovery options
standard view, Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
about sharing, Sharing storage devices
about tape drives and robotic libraries, Support for tape drives and robotic libraries
backup set retention by storage type, Backup sets
change to online, Changing the state of a storage device to online
configuring for backup jobs, Configuring storage options for backup jobs
deleting, Deleting a storage device
disabling, Disabling and enabling a storage device
editing global settings, Editing global settings for storage
enabling, Disabling and enabling a storage device
Hot-swappable Device Wizard, Adding or replacing devices with the Hot-swappable Device Wizard
pausing, Pausing and unpausing a storage device
renaming, Renaming a storage device
sharing deduplication devices, Sharing a deduplication device between multiple Backup Exec servers
unpausing, Pausing and unpausing a storage device
storage and media data
location of in CAS, How to choose the location for CAS storage and media data
storage device pools
about, Creating storage device pools
adding or removing devices, Adding or removing devices in a storage device pool
changing defaults, Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
creating, Creating storage device pools
Least Free Space First device, Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
Most Free Space Firsst device, Specifying a default selection method for a device in a storage device pool
system-defined, Creating storage device pools
storage devices
installing, Backup Exec preinstallation checklist
storage operations
cataloging, Cataloging a storage device
cleaning a drive, Cleaning a robotic library drive
ejecting media, Ejecting media from a disk cartridge or tape drive
exporting expired media, Exporting media and expired media
exporting media, Exporting media and expired media
format WORM, Formatting a tape as a WORM tape
importing media, Importing media to Backup Exec
initializing a robotic library, Initializing a robotic library
inventorying, Inventorying a storage device
inventorying and cataloging, Inventorying and cataloging a storage device
locking the front portal, Locking and unlocking the robotic library's front portal
overview, About storage operation jobs
retensioning, Retensioning a tape
scanning, Scanning a storage device
unlock front portal, Locking and unlocking the robotic library's front portal
storage pools and storage spaces, recovering with SDR, Recovery notes for using Simplified Disaster Recovery with storage pools and storage spaces
storage trending, Storage trending statuses for disk storage and virtual disks
synthetic backup
baseline, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
requirements for, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
requirements, How to use synthetic backups in place of recurring full backups
system logon account
about, Backup Exec logon accounts
creating, Creating a new Backup Exec System Logon Account
system requirements
Backup Exec, System requirements for Backup Exec
System State
restoring, Restoring System State
restoring to a domain controller, Restoring System State


Tabbed dialog boxes
navigation, Tabbed dialog box navigation in Backup Exec
Tabs, About the Backup Exec Administration Console
tape drives
buffer count, Editing tape drive properties
buffer size, Editing tape drive properties
default settings, Editing tape drive properties
high water count, Editing tape drive properties
statistics, Viewing tape drive statistics
Tape Library Simulator Utility
creating a simulated tape library, Creating a simulated tape library
deleting library, Deleting a simulated tape library
overview, About the Tape Library Simulator Utility
running from command line, Managing simulated tape libraries from the command line
viewing properties, Viewing simulated tape libraries properties
tape media
associating with a media set or vault, Associating tape media with a media set
damaged, Retiring damaged tape media
deleting, Deleting tape media
scanning barcode labels, Moving tape media to a vault
with excessive errors, Retiring damaged tape media
tape media label
barcodes, How barcode labels become media labels for tapes
imported, About labeling imported tape media
overview, Labeling tape media
renaming, Renaming a tape media label
tape media operations
associating media with media sets, Associating tape media with a media set
DLT tape drive, Troubleshooting hardware-related issues in Backup Exec
technical support
contacting, Contacting Backup Exec Technical Support
test run job
about, Running a test run job manually
configuring, Configuring automatic test run jobs for backup jobs
running, Running a test run job manually
Test Run Results report, Test Run Results report
text message notification
configuring, Configuring email or text message notification for alerts
transform, creating, Installing the Agent for Windows in an Active Directory network
Transparent Database Encryption
SQL Agent, Restoring SQL databases and transaction logs
tree view, Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
Backup Exec performance
improving, How to improve Backup Exec's performance
backup issues, Troubleshooting backup issues in Backup Exec
error messages, How to get more information about alerts and error messages
hardware-related issues, Troubleshooting hardware-related issues in Backup Exec
installation issues, Troubleshooting installation issues in Backup Exec
instant cloud recovery, Troubleshooting Instant Cloud Recovery issues in Backup Exec
Remote Media Agent for Linux, Troubleshooting the Remote Media Agent for Linux
true image restore
overview, About true image restore for synthetic backups
establishing, Establishing a trust between the Backup Exec server and a remote computer
establishing for a remote Linux and Unix computer, About establishing trust for a remote Linux and Unix computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
establishing for a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer, About establishing trust for a Remote Media Agent for Linux computer in the Backup Exec list of servers
typical installation, Installing Backup Exec by using the Installation Wizard


scan barcode labels to move tape media, Moving tape media to a vault
vault rules for media sets, Creating media vault rules to move tape media to and from media vaults
verify operation
configuring for backup jobs, Configuring automatic verify operations for backup jobs
Veritas Knowledge Base
searching, Searching the Veritas Knowledge Base
Veritas QuickAssist Help Tool, Running the Veritas QuickAssist Help Tool
Veritas Update
about, Updating Backup Exec with Veritas Update
running manually, Updating Backup Exec with Veritas Update
scheduling automatic updates, Updating Backup Exec with Veritas Update
version of Backup Exec, displaying, Displaying the version information for Backup Exec
vhd files
about managing, How Backup Exec backs up and restores Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk (vhd) files
vhdx files
with GRT, Notes about using the Agent for Hyper-V
Viewing information on the administration console, Customizing views on the Backup Exec Administration Console
virtual machine
backing up, Backing up VMware virtual machines
virtual machine conversion
adding a stage for, Adding a conversion to virtual machine stage to a backup job
after a backup job, Converting to a virtual machine after a backup job
from point in time, Converting to a virtual machine from a point in time
overview, How conversion of physical computers to virtual machines works in Backup Exec
requirements, Requirements for conversion to virtual machine jobs
setting default options, Setting default options for conversion to virtual machine jobs
simultaneous with backup job, Converting to a virtual machine simultaneously with a backup job
virtual machines
automatic protection for Hyper-V, How Backup Exec automatically protects new virtual machines during a backup job
virtual tape library
DirectCopy to physical devices, Copying data from a virtual tape library to a physical tape device using DirectCopy to tape
virtual-based backup, Recommendations for when to use virtual-based backup and agent-based backup
VMware vCenter Server, adding, Adding VMware vCenter Servers and ESX/ESXi hosts to the list of servers on the Backup and Restore tab
VMware virtual machines
push-installing Agent for Windows, Push-installing the Agent for Windows to VMware virtual machines
volume level backups
automatic exclusion of SQL data, Backing up SQL databases and transaction logs
perform consistency check before Exchange backup, Backing up Exchange data, Setting default backup options for Exchange Server
using to protect Exchange data, Snapshot and offhost backups with the Exchange Agent