NetBackup cloudstore.conf configuration file
Table: cloudstore.conf
configuration file parameters and descriptions describes the cloudstore.conf
configuration file parameters.
The cloudstore.conf
file is available on the master server and all the media servers that are installed on the platforms that NetBackup cloud supports.
Before you modify any of the parameters in the cloudstore.conf
file, you must stop the nbcssc
service (on media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2 only) and the nbwmc
service (on master server). Once you modify the parameters, restart these services for the changes to take effect.
The cloudstore.conf
file resides in the following directories:
UNIX: /usr/openv/var/global/cloud
On media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2, the path is /usr/openv/netbackup/db/cloud
Windows: install_path\NetBackup\var\global\cloud
On media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2, the path is install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\db\cloud
Table: cloudstore.conf
configuration file parameters and descriptions
Parameter | Description |
It is not recommended to modify this value.
Specifies the version of cloudstore.conf file. The default value is 2.
It is not recommended to modify this value.
Specifies the path where NetBackup cloud storage plug-ins are installed. The default path is as follows:
On Windows:
On UNIX: /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins
This is applicable to media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2 only.
Specifies the port number for the CloudStore Service Container (nbcssc). Specify the value as 5637.
This port is used to provide
for the older media
that are configured
for cloud storage. Ensure
that the older media
use this port. Communication
with the master
fails if the older media
use a different port.
Specifies the directory path where csconfig, nbcldutil, and cloud plugins generate log files.
The default path is as follows:
On Windows:
On UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbcssc
For media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2, the nbcssc service uses this path for log files.
This is applicable only up to NetBackup release 8.1.2.
Specifies the file name that the nbcssc service uses to write its logs. The default value is empty, which means that the NetBackup logging mechanism determines the log file name.
Specifies the file name that the csconfig utility uses to write its logs. The default value is empty, which means that the NetBackup logging mechanism determines the log file name.
Specifies if the nbcssc service runs in secure (value 64) or non-secure mode (value 0). The default value is 64.
Specifies the cipher list that NetBackup uses for the following purpose:
The cloud master host's cipher is used for communication with the cloud service provider. The media server cipher is used for communicating with the cloud master host's nbwmc service and with the cloud service provider.
It is recommended that you do not modify this value. However, if you want to customize the cipher list, depending on the purpose, you must modify the cipher list in the cloudstore.conf on the master server and the media servers.
If the cipher list is invalid, the customized cipher list is replaced by the default cipher list.
The default value is AES:!aNULL:@STRENGTH.
Specifies the log level for csconfig and nbcldutil CLI utility logging. Value 0 indicates that the logging is disabled and non-zero value indicates that the logging is enabled.
The default value is 0.
This is applicable for media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2 only. It is not applicable for NetBackup master and media server versions 8.2 and later.
This parameter value must be set to 5637.
This port is used to provide back-level media server support for older media servers that are configured for cloud storage. Ensure that the older media servers use this port. Communication with the master server fails if the older media servers use a different port.
Specifies the NetBackup master server name. This entry indicates that the nbwmc service runs on this host. It processes all cloud provider-specific requests based on the CloudProvider.xml and CloudInstance.xml files.
Specifies if the nbcssc service has the legacy authentication enabled (value 1) or disabled (0). The default value is 0.
Starting from NetBackup 8.1, the CSSC_LEGACY_AUTH_ENABLED option is deprecated. To communicate with legacy media servers, use the option on the NetBackup master server. The option is available in the NetBackup Administration Console on the Security Management > Global Security Settings > Secure Communication tab.
Specifies if the master server can communicate with legacy media servers that are configured for cloud storage. Only media server versions 7.7.x to 8.1.2 are supported.
The value 1 (default value) indicates that the communication is enabled while the value 0 means that the communication is disabled.
Use this parameter in conjunction with the Enable insecure communication with 8.0 and earlier hosts option available in the NetBackup Administration Console GUI ( tab).
The GUI option allows you to enable or disable master server communication with all back-level legacy media servers. It works as an all or none kind of a setting and is not specific to cloud storage media servers. This parameter provides that additional level of control for the cloud. You can use this setting to enable or disable master server communication with back-level cloud storage media servers explicitly.
For example, if the GUI option is enabled (default value) and this parameter value is set to 0, the NetBackup master server continues to work with supported back-level media servers as other storage servers. However, legacy cloud storage media servers that use the older method of communication using hardcoded credentials are blocked altogether, thus increasing the security of your NetBackup environment.
This parameter value has no effect if the GUI option is disabled. If you modify this parameter value, you must restart the NetBackup Web Management Console (nbwmc ) service for the changes to take effect.