Veritas™ System Recovery 23 User's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): System Recovery (23.0)
  1. Introducing Veritas System Recovery
      About Veritas System Recovery
      The components of Veritas System Recovery
      Accessing Help and Support for Veritas System Recovery
      Sending your feedback regarding Veritas System Recovery 23
      Accessing Veritas QuickAssist (VQA)
      Updating Veritas System Recovery with Veritas Update
  2. Installing Veritas System Recovery
      System requirements for Veritas System Recovery
      Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
      Feature availability in Veritas System Recovery
      About the trial version of Veritas System Recovery
    5. Installing Veritas System Recovery
        Activating and setting up Veritas System Recovery after installation
        Activating Veritas System Recovery after the trial period
      Uninstalling Veritas System Recovery
      System requirements for Veritas System Recovery Manager
      Installing Veritas System Recovery Manager
  3. Ensuring the recovery of your computer
    1. Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Welcome Panel
      2. Creation Options
          Veritas System Recovery Disk recovery matrix
          Veritas System Recovery Disk customization support matrix
          Non-availability of the Typical option
        Download and install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
        Languages Options
        Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
        Licensed Features Options
      7. Storage and Network Drivers Options
          Adding a Storage or Network Driver
        Startup Options
        Network Options
        Setup LightsOut Restore Options
    2. Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Welcome Panel
        Recovery Disk Source Options
      3. Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
          How to add new drivers or driver versions to the Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Licensed Features Options
      5. Storage and Network Drivers Options
          Adding a Storage or Network Driver
        Startup Options
        Network Options
    3. About restoring a computer from a remote location by using LightsOut Restore
      1. Configuring LightsOut Restore
          Welcome Panel
          Source Location Options
          Licensed Features Options
        4. Storage and Network Drivers Options
            Adding a Storage or Network Driver
          Startup Options
          Network Options
          Setup LightsOut Restore Options
      Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk
  4. Getting Started
      How to use Veritas System Recovery
      Starting Veritas System Recovery
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery default options
    4. Setting up default general backup options
        Setting a default backup destination
      Improving your computer's performance during a backup
      Enabling network throttling
      Setting default options for the Windows notification area
    8. File types and file extension
        Adding new file types and extensions
        Renaming file types and extensions
        Restoring default file types and extensions
        Deleting a file type and all of its extensions
      Removing or changing the unique name for an external drive
      Configuring default FTP settings for use with Offsite Copy
      Logging Veritas System Recovery messages
      Enabling email notifications for product (event) messages
      Setting up your first backup using Easy Setup
      Home page
      Status page
      Tasks page
      Tools page
      Advanced page
      Using Veritas System Recovery RESTful Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  5. Best practices for backing up your data
      About backing up your data
      Best practices for backing up data
      What to do when a backup is finished
      Tips for running defined backups
      Backup destinations
      Backing up dual-boot computers
      Manually validating recovery points
  6. Backing up entire drives
    1. Defining a drive-based backup
      1. USB disk rotation
          How USB disk rotation works
        Rules for network credentials
        Running command files during a backup
        Editing backup options
        Verifying the integrity of a recovery point
        Viewing the progress of a backup
        Recovery point encryption
      Compression levels for recovery points
      Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
      Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
      How Offsite Copy works
  7. Backing up files and folders
      Backing up files and folders
  8. Running and managing backup jobs
    1. Running an existing backup job immediately
        Running a backup to create an alternate type of recovery point
      Adjusting the speed of a backup
      Stopping a backup or a recovery task
      Verifying that a backup is successful
      Viewing the properties of a backup job
      Editing backup settings
      Enabling event-triggered backups
      Editing a backup schedule
      Disabling or enabling a backup job
      Deleting backup jobs
      Adding users who can back up your computer
      Configuring access rights for users or groups
  9. Backing up remote computers from your computer
    1. About backing up other computers from your computer
        Adding remote computers to the Computer List
        Adding local computers to the Computer List
        Removing a computer from the Computer List
    2. About the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        About managing the Veritas System Recovery Agent through Windows Services
    3. About deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Preparing a computer in a workgroup environment to deploy the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
        Manually installing the Veritas System Recovery Agent
    4. Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
        Opening Windows services
        Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
        Setting up recovery actions when the Veritas System Recovery Agent does not start
      Viewing Veritas System Recovery Agent dependencies
    6. About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
        Enabling users or groups to access Veritas System Recovery
        Changing permissions for a user or a group
        Disabling access for users or groups to Veritas System Recovery
        Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
  10. Monitoring the status of your backups
    1. About monitoring backups
        Refreshing the information that displays about hard disk configuration changes
      Icons on the Home page
      Icons on the Status page
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery to send SNMP traps
      Customizing the status reporting of a drive (or file and folder backups)
      Viewing drive details
      Improving the protection level of a drive
      About using event log information to troubleshoot problems
  11. Managing and Monitoring the backup status of remote computers using Veritas System Recovery Manager
      Configuring Windows firewall exceptions for Veritas System Recovery Manager
      Starting Veritas System Recovery Manager
      Icons on the Veritas System Recovery Manager console
      Configuring Veritas System Recovery Manager default options
      Viewing Veritas System Recovery Dashboard
    7. Adding a remote computer to All Computers
        Importing a text file to add multiple remote computers to All Computers
      Searching a remote computer from All Computers
      Modifying the logon credentials for the remote computers
      Running or Deleting Backup Jobs for the Remote computers
      Removing a remote computer from the All Computers
      Viewing the backup protection status of a remote computer
      Viewing the backup protection status for a remote computer
      Viewing the Protection Status report
    15. About Backup Tasks
        Recovery Point Set and Independent Recovery Point in backup job
        Tips for creating recovery points
      Creating Backup Jobs
      Editing Backup Jobs
      Removing Backup Jobs
      Applying Backup Jobs
  12. Exploring the contents of a recovery point
      About exploring recovery points
    2. Exploring a recovery point through Windows Explorer
        Mounting a recovery point from Windows Explorer
      Opening and restoring files within a recovery point browser
      Dismounting a recovery point drive
      Viewing the drive properties of a recovery point
  13. Managing backup destinations
      About backup destinations
      Differences between drive-based backups and file and folder backups
      Cleaning up old recovery points
      Deleting a recovery point set
      Deleting recovery points within a recovery point set
      Copying recovery points
    7. About managing file and folder backup data
        Viewing the amount of file and folder backup data that is stored on a backup destination
        Manually deleting files from your backups of files and folders
        Finding versions of a file or folder
      Automating the management of backup data
      Moving your backup destination
      About support of OneDrive for Business
  14. Managing virtual conversions
      Defining a virtual conversion job
      Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
      Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
      Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
      Editing a virtual conversion job
      Deleting a virtual conversion job
      Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
  15. Managing cloud storage
    1. Direct to cloud
        Providing the OpenStorage destination path
        OpenStorage destination options for backups
        OpenStorage destination options for recovery
      Downloading OpenStorage Files
      How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
    4. About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
        How to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
        How to view the conversion tasks and AMI status
    5. About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
        Using S3-Compatible Cloud Storage in Veritas System Recovery
    6. About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
        Using Veritas Access Storage in Veritas System Recovery
      About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
  16. Recovering files, folders, or entire drives
      About recovering lost data
      Recovering files and folders by using file and folder backup data
      Recovering files and folders
      Recovering a secondary drive
      Recovering a drive
      Exploring files and folders on your computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
      Recovering files and folders by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
  17. Recovering a computer
      About recovering a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)-based computer
    2. Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Configuring a computer to start from a USB device or DVD
      Preparing to recover a computer by checking the hard disk for errors
      Recovering a computer
      Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
      Recovering a computer with different hardware
    7. About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
        Starting networking services
        Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
      3. Configuring network connection settings
          Setting a status IP address to enable recovery from a recovery point on a network share or drive
          Getting a static IP address if pinging is unsuccessful
      Viewing the properties of a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
      Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
      About the Support Utilities
  18. Copying a hard drive
      Preparing to copy a hard drive
      Copying one hard drive to another hard drive
  19. Using the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
      About the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
    2. Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
        Protecting your Microsoft Exchange server for successful backups
      Starting the Granular Restore Option
      Starting Granular Restore Option and opening a specific recovery point
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange mailbox
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email folder
      Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email message
      Restoring files and folders using Granular Restore Option
  20. Appendix A. Backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
      About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
      Creating a manual cold (offline) backup
      Creating an automatic warm backup
      Creating a hot (online) backup using Veritas System Recovery
  21. Appendix B. Backing up Active Directory
      Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory
  22. Appendix C. Backing up Microsoft virtual environments
      About backing up Microsoft virtual hard disks
      About backing up and restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
  23. Appendix D. Using Veritas System Recovery 23 and Windows Server Core
      About Veritas System Recovery 23 and Windows Server Core
      Installing Veritas System Recovery 23 on Windows Server Core using commands


.sV2i files, Creating Backup Jobs
.sv2i, using to restore multiple drives, Recovering a computer


access, allowing or denying users or groups, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
activate the product, Activating Veritas System Recovery after the trial period
Active Directory, role of, Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory
administrator, run Veritas System Recovery as, Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
Advanced page
about, Advanced page
showing or hiding, Advanced page
dependencies, viewing, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service, Viewing Veritas System Recovery Agent dependencies
Microsoft Services, About managing the Veritas System Recovery Agent through Windows Services
setting security for, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
setting up recovery actions for, Setting up recovery actions when the Veritas System Recovery Agent does not start
starting, stopping, or restarting, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
troubleshooting in Services, About managing the Veritas System Recovery Agent through Windows Services
Agent Deployment
using, About deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
agent, about, About the Veritas System Recovery Agent
Amazon Machine Image
about, About creation of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) in Amazon from Veritas System Recovery backups
AMI status, How to view the conversion tasks and AMI status
conversion tasks, How to view the conversion tasks and AMI status
convert to .vhdx/.vhd, How to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
create, How to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
Amazon S3 storage
OpenStorage files, Downloading OpenStorage Files
apply backup jobs, Applying Backup Jobs
archive, copying recovery points, Copying recovery points


backing up dual-boot computers, Backing up dual-boot computers
allowing other users to define, Adding users who can back up your computer
best practices, Best practices for backing up data
cancelling, Stopping a backup or a recovery task
database, non-VSS-aware, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
database, VSS-aware, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
defining drive-based, Defining a drive-based backup
defining file and folder, Backing up files and folders
defining first, Setting up your first backup using Easy Setup
deleting, Deleting backup jobs
disabling, Disabling or enabling a backup job
dual-boot computers, Backing up dual-boot computers
editing options, Editing backup options
editing schedule, Editing a backup schedule
editing settings, Editing backup settings
enabling event-triggered, Enabling event-triggered backups
excluding folders during file and folder backups, Backing up files and folders
ignoring bad sectors during drive-based, Defining a drive-based backup, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
managing storage of, About backup destinations
monitoring, About monitoring backups
monitoring status, Icons on the Status page
one time from Windows, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
other computers from your computer, About backing up other computers from your computer
run immediately, Running an existing backup job immediately
running command files during, Running command files during a backup
running from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
running with options, Running a backup to create an alternate type of recovery point
selecting a backup destination, Backup destinations
setting advanced options for drive-based, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Copying recovery points
slowing down to improve PC performance, Adjusting the speed of a backup
speeding up, Adjusting the speed of a backup
things to do after, What to do when a backup is finished
things to do before, Best practices for backing up data
tips, Tips for running defined backups
verifying success, Verifying that a backup is successful, Icons on the Status page
viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a backup
viewing status of, Verifying that a backup is successful
backup data
automating management of, Automating the management of backup data
protecting with password, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Copying recovery points
using for recovering files and folders, Recovering files and folders by using file and folder backup data
backup destination
moving, Moving your backup destination
understanding how it works, Differences between drive-based backups and file and folder backups
backup job, editing options, Editing backup options
backup status, Verifying that a backup is successful
backup storage, about, About backup destinations
apply, Applying Backup Jobs
editing , Editing Backup Jobs
remove , Removing Backup Jobs
scheduling, about, About Backup Tasks
benefits of using Veritas System Recovery, About Veritas System Recovery
best practices, Best practices when you create recovery points for use with the Granular Restore Option
best practices, services, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services


cancel the current operation, Stopping a backup or a recovery task
categories, managing file types, File types and file extension
see also removable media, Creating Backup Jobs
check computer agent services, Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
Cloud Instance Creator utility, About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
creating, About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
deleting, About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
displaying help, About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
viewing, About the Cloud Instance Creator Utility
clustered shared volumes, About backing up and restoring Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines
cold backup, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
creating manually, Creating a manual cold (offline) backup
command files, running during a backup, Running command files during a backup
compression levels in recovery point, Compression levels for recovery points
adding to Computer List, local, Adding local computers to the Computer List
adding to Computer List, remote, Adding remote computers to the Computer List
recovering, Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk, Recovering a computer
recovering from virtual disk file, Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
computer agent
services, checking, Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
tour, About the Veritas System Recovery Agent
Computer List
adding local computers to, Adding local computers to the Computer List
adding remote computers to, Adding remote computers to the Computer List
configuring agent security, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
Configuring LightsOut Restore
configuring or reconfiguring, Configuring LightsOut Restore
configuring LightsOut Restore
add storage or network driver, Adding a Storage or Network Driver
licensed features options, Licensed Features Options
network options, Startup Options, Network Options
setup LightsOut Restore options, Setup LightsOut Restore Options
source location options, Source Location Options
storage and network driver options, Storage and Network Drivers Options
welcome panel, Welcome Panel
conversion job
deleting, Deleting a virtual conversion job
editing, Editing a virtual conversion job
recovery points to virtual disks, Defining a virtual conversion job
run now, Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
viewing properties, Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
convert recovery point to virtual disk one time, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
backup tasks, Creating Backup Jobs
create recovery point, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
add storage or network driver, Adding a Storage or Network Driver
availability of typical option, Non-availability of the Typical option
creation options, Creation Options
cutomization support matrix, Veritas System Recovery Disk customization support matrix
language options, Languages Options
licensed features options, Licensed Features Options
network options, Network Options
setup LightsOut Restore options, Setup LightsOut Restore Options
startup options, Startup Options
storage and network options, Storage and Network Drivers Options
storage media/destination, Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
welcome panel, Welcome Panel
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK), Download and install Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)
creating recovery point, options, Copying recovery points
creating recovery points
tips, Tips for creating recovery points
creating recovery points, options, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
credentials, change for agent, Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
customizing existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
add storage or network driver, Adding a Storage or Network Driver
licensed features options, Licensed Features Options
network options, Network Options
recovery disk source options, Recovery Disk Source Options
startup options, Startup Options
storage and network options, Storage and Network Drivers Options
storage media/destination options, Veritas System Recovery Disk Storage Media/Destination Options
welcome panel, Welcome Panel


Viewing Dashboard, Viewing Veritas System Recovery Dashboard
backing up non-VSS-aware, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
backing up VSS-aware, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
default options
configuring, Configuring Veritas System Recovery Manager default options
default options, configuring, Configuring Veritas System Recovery default options
default settings, changing for the Veritas System Recovery Agent, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
Defining drive-based backup
USB disk rotation, USB disk rotation
dependencies, view agent, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
dependencies, viewing agent, Viewing Veritas System Recovery Agent dependencies
devices, supported storage, Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
different hardware, restoring to, Recovering a computer with different hardware
direct backup to cloud
OpenStorage destination
backups, OpenStorage destination options for backups
recovery, OpenStorage destination options for recovery
OpenStorage destination path, Providing the OpenStorage destination path
Direct to cloud, Direct to cloud
disable a backup, Disabling or enabling a backup job
disabled features, Feature availability in Veritas System Recovery
disk media, supported, Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
disks, rescanning, Refreshing the information that displays about hard disk configuration changes
domain controllers, protecting using Veritas System Recovery, Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory
OpenStorage files, Downloading OpenStorage Files
backup protection level, Icons on the Home page
identifying for backup, Protecting your Microsoft Exchange server for successful backups
improving protection level of, Improving the protection level of a drive
protecting, Icons on the Home page
recover, About recovering lost data
recover multiple using system index file, Recovering a computer
unmounting recovery point, Dismounting a recovery point drive
viewing details of, Viewing drive details
viewing properties from within Veritas System Recovery Disk, Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
viewing within recovery point, Viewing the drive properties of a recovery point
drive letter, assigning to a recovery point, About exploring recovery points
drive-based backup
defining, Defining a drive-based backup
excluding files from, Defining a drive-based backup
Driver Validation, Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk
dual-boot computers, backing up, Backing up dual-boot computers
see removable media, Creating Backup Jobs


Easy Setup, defining first backup, Setting up your first backup using Easy Setup
editing backup jobs, Editing Backup Jobs
email notification, setting up to send warnings and errors, Enabling email notifications for product (event) messages
email, restoring, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email folder, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email message
recovering a computer, Recovering a computer
encrypting recovery points, Creating Backup Jobs
encryption, recovery point, Recovery point encryption
error messages, configuring to show or hide, Setting default options for the Windows notification area
setting notification for
warnings:setting up email to send, Enabling email notifications for product (event) messages
evaluation version, installing or upgrading, About the trial version of Veritas System Recovery
Event Log
about, About using event log information to troubleshoot problems
using to troubleshoot, About using event log information to troubleshoot problems
event-triggered backup
enabling, Enabling event-triggered backups
Events tab, log file history, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
protecting, Protecting your Microsoft Exchange server for successful backups
restoring a mailbox, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange mailbox
restoring an email folder, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email folder
restoring an email message, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email message
expiration of trial version, About the trial version of Veritas System Recovery
explore computer from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Exploring files and folders on your computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
external drive, assigning unique name, Removing or changing the unique name for an external drive


feedback, send, Sending your feedback regarding Veritas System Recovery 23
file and folder backup
defining, Backing up files and folders
deleting files from, Manually deleting files from your backups of files and folders
excluding folders, Backing up files and folders
recovering using backup data from, Recovering files and folders by using file and folder backup data
file and folder backup data
backup destination, Backup destinations
managing, About managing file and folder backup data
viewing amount of data stored, Viewing the amount of file and folder backup data that is stored on a backup destination
file names
base and incremental recovery points, About Backup Tasks
spanned recovery points, Creating Backup Jobs
file systems. supported, Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
file types
creating new, Adding new file types and extensions
deleting, Deleting a file type and all of its extensions
editing, Renaming file types and extensions
managing, File types and file extension
deleting from file and folder backup, manually, Manually deleting files from your backups of files and folders
locating versions of, Finding versions of a file or folder
opening from within a recovery point browser, Opening and restoring files within a recovery point browser
recovering lost or damaged, About recovering lost data
files and folders
recovering lost or damaged, About recovering lost data
recovering using Veritas System Recovery Disk, Recovering files and folders by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
restoring, Restoring files and folders using Granular Restore Option
locating versions of, Finding versions of a file or folder
recovering lost or damaged, About recovering lost data


network credentials, rules when supplying, Rules for network credentials
network drive, how to map, Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
network services
configuring connection settings, Configuring network connection settings
getting a static IP address, Setting a status IP address to enable recovery from a recovery point on a network share or drive
starting in Veritas System Recovery Disk, Starting networking services
using in Veritas System Recovery Disk, About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
network, adjusting throttling during backup, Enabling network throttling
non-VSS-aware databases, back up, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
notification area icon
adjusting default settings, Setting default options for the Windows notification area
showing or hiding error messages, Setting default options for the Windows notification area
showing or hiding status messages, Setting default options for the Windows notification area
NTbackup, backing up with, Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory


Offsite Copy
assigning unique names to external drives for use with, Removing or changing the unique name for an external drive
copying recovery points, How Offsite Copy works
offsite copy
Amazon S3 storage options, OpenStorage destination options for backups
download OpenStorage files, Downloading OpenStorage Files
Microsoft Azure storage options, OpenStorage destination options for backups
Offsite copy
Amazon S3 storage, How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
Microsoft Azure storage, How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
S3-Compatible or Veritas Access storage, How Offsite Copy works for cloud storage
One Time Backup from Windows, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
OneDrive for Business
About, About support of OneDrive for Business
OpenStorage destination options for backups, OpenStorage destination options for backups
OpenStorage destination options for recovery, OpenStorage destination options for recovery
OpenStorage options, OpenStorage destination options for backups, OpenStorage destination options for recovery
operating system, backing up computers with multiple, Backing up dual-boot computers
Options, configuring defaults, Configuring Veritas System Recovery default options
original disk signature, recovering, Recovering a computer, Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
Protection Status report, Viewing the Protection Status report
Veritas System Recovery Manager, About
Veritas System Recovery Manager icons, Icons on the Veritas System Recovery Manager console
View Console, Viewing the backup protection status for a remote computer


one time, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
scheduling, Defining a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, deleting, Deleting a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, editing, Editing a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, run now, Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
virtual conversion job, viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, viewing properties, Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
pagefile.sys, Defining a drive-based backup
adding to recovery point, Creating Backup Jobs
performance during backup, adjusting for network, Enabling network throttling
permissions, allowing other users to back up, Adding users who can back up your computer
job, deleting, Deleting a virtual conversion job
job, editing, Editing a virtual conversion job
job, run now, Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
job, viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
job, viewing properties, Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
scheduling, Defining a virtual conversion job, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
progress of backup, viewing, Viewing the progress of a backup
hard disks, Icons on the Home page
protection status, Verifying that a backup is successful
Protection Status report
viewing, Viewing the Protection Status report
push install of agent, About deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent


RAM drives, supported, Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
recovering files and folders
recovery points, Recovering files and folders
about, About recovering lost data
cancelling, Stopping a backup or a recovery task
customizing, Recovering a drive
files and folders, About recovering lost data
original disk signature, Recovering a computer, Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
restoring files and folders, About recovering lost data
UEFI-based computer, About recovering a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)-based computer
recovery actions, setting up when agent does not start, Setting up recovery actions when the Veritas System Recovery Agent does not start
recovery point
archiving, Copying recovery points
assigning a drive letter to, About exploring recovery points
checking for viruses, About exploring recovery points
checking integrity of, Defining a drive-based backup, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
choosing options for, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Copying recovery points
cleaning up old, Cleaning up old recovery points
creating a specific type, Running a backup to create an alternate type of recovery point
creating cold manually, Creating a manual cold (offline) backup
creating hot, Creating a hot (online) backup using Veritas System Recovery
creating offline, Creating a manual cold (offline) backup
creating online, Creating a hot (online) backup using Veritas System Recovery
creating warm automatically, Creating an automatic warm backup
deleting sets, Deleting a recovery point set
encrypting, Recovery point encryption
exploring, About exploring recovery points
limiting number of sets, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery
mounting, About exploring recovery points, Exploring a recovery point through Windows Explorer
mounting from Windows Explorer, Mounting a recovery point from Windows Explorer
Offsite Copy, How Offsite Copy works
one time conversion to virtual disk, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
opening a specific, Starting Granular Restore Option and opening a specific recovery point
opening up hard disk space, Copying recovery points
protecting with password, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Copying recovery points
scheduling conversion to virtual disk format, Defining a virtual conversion job
setting compression levels, Compression levels for recovery points
unmounting as a drive letter, Dismounting a recovery point drive
verifying, Defining a drive-based backup, Running a one-time backup from Veritas System Recovery, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
verifying after creation, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point
viewing properties of drive from Veritas System Recovery Disk, Viewing the properties of a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
viewing properties of drive within, Viewing the drive properties of a recovery point
viewing properties of mounted, Viewing the drive properties of a recovery point
virtual conversion job, deleting, Deleting a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, editing, Editing a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, run now, Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
virtual conversion job, viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, viewing properties, Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
recovery point browser
opening files within, Opening and restoring files within a recovery point browser
Recovery Point Browser
using to open files within recovery points, Opening and restoring files within a recovery point browser
recovery point files, locating, Backup destinations
recovery points
encrypting, Creating Backup Jobs
file names, About Backup Tasks
incremental, Recovery Point Set and Independent Recovery Point in backup job
independent, creating, Recovery Point Set and Independent Recovery Point in backup job
limiting the number of recovery points for a drive, Creating Backup Jobs
passwords, Creating Backup Jobs
set, creating, Recovery Point Set and Independent Recovery Point in backup job
remote backup, About backing up other computers from your computer
remote computer
adding, Adding a remote computer to All Computers
importing, Importing a text file to add multiple remote computers to All Computers
modifying the logon credentials, Modifying the logon credentials for the remote computers
removing, Removing a remote computer from the All Computers
searching, Searching a remote computer from All Computers
viewing the backup protection status, Viewing the backup protection status of a remote computer
removable media
creating recovery points for copying to removable media later, Creating Backup Jobs
supported, Supported file systems, disk types, disk partition schemes, and removable media
remove backup jobs, Removing Backup Jobs
reports, log file, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
requirements, system, System requirements for Veritas System Recovery
rescan disks, Refreshing the information that displays about hard disk configuration changes
restart agent, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
Exchange, email folders, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email folder
Exchange, email messages, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange email message
Exchange, mailboxes, Restoring a Microsoft Exchange mailbox
files and folders, Restoring files and folders using Granular Restore Option
Restore Anyware, using, Recovering a computer with different hardware
Run as, change logon using, Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
Run Backup Now, about, Running an existing backup job immediately
Run Backup With Options feature, Running a backup to create an alternate type of recovery point


S3-compatible cloud storage, About S3-Compatible Cloud Storage
using, Using S3-Compatible Cloud Storage in Veritas System Recovery
schedule, editing backup, Editing a backup schedule
scripts, running during a backup, Running command files during a backup
Secondary drive, recovering, Recovering a secondary drive
agent, Adding users who can back up your computer, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
allowing or denying permissions, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
giving other users rights to back up, Adding users who can back up your computer
granting access to users to back up, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery
security, setting in recovery points, Creating Backup Jobs
starting, stopping, or restarting agent, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
using with agent, About managing the Veritas System Recovery Agent through Windows Services
Share Your Ideas, Sending your feedback regarding Veritas System Recovery 23
SmartSector Copying, about, Defining a drive-based backup, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
SNMP traps, configuing Veritas System Recovery to send, Configuring Veritas System Recovery to send SNMP traps
spanned recovery points, Creating Backup Jobs
start agent, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
start, computer Agent services, Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
status messages
configuring to show or hide, Setting default options for the Windows notification area
using SNMP traps, Configuring Veritas System Recovery to send SNMP traps
status reports, customizing per drive, Customizing the status reporting of a drive (or file and folder backups)
stop a backup, Stopping a backup or a recovery task
stop agent, Starting or stopping the Veritas System Recovery Agent service
stop computer agent services, Using the Veritas System Recovery Agent
storage groups, identifying and protecting, Protecting your Microsoft Exchange server for successful backups
support for Veritas Access
about, About Veritas System Recovery supporting Veritas Access
Support Utilities, About the Support Utilities
system drive, recovering, Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk
system index file, using to recover multiple drives, Recovering a computer
system requirements, System requirements for Veritas System Recovery
Veritas System Recovery Manager, System requirements for Veritas System Recovery Manager


UEFI-based computer
recovering, about, About recovering a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)-based computer
unmount recovery point drives, Dismounting a recovery point drive
update, automatically with Veritas Update, Updating Veritas System Recovery with Veritas Update
upgrade, trial version of Veritas System Recovery, About the trial version of Veritas System Recovery
users, rights to run Veritas System Recovery, About controlling access to Veritas System Recovery


verify recovery point, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point
verify recovery point after creation, Icons on the Status page
Veritas Access storage
using, Using Veritas Access Storage in Veritas System Recovery
Veritas System Recovery
accessing Veritas Quick Assist, Accessing Veritas QuickAssist (VQA)
advanced page, Advanced page
configuring default options, Configuring Veritas System Recovery default options
getting more information, Accessing Help and Support for Veritas System Recovery
home page, Home page
restoring with, About the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
running with different user rights, Running Veritas System Recovery using different user rights
status page, Status page
tasks page, Tasks page
tools page, Tools page
using, How to use Veritas System Recovery, About the Veritas System Recovery Granular Restore Option
Veritas System Recovery Agent
changing default settings for, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
deploying over a network, About deploying the Veritas System Recovery Agent
setting up recovery actions for, Setting up recovery actions when the Veritas System Recovery Agent does not start
starting automatically, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
Veritas System Recovery Disk
about, Recovering a computer
booting into, Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
configuring network connection settings, Configuring network connection settings
creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk, Creating a new Veritas System Recovery Disk
creating backups from, Running a backup from Veritas System Recovery Disk
customizing existing Veritas System Recovery Disk, Customizing an existing Veritas System Recovery Disk
exploring computer while using, Exploring files and folders on your computer by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
getting a static IP address, Setting a status IP address to enable recovery from a recovery point on a network share or drive
mapping drive from, Mapping a network drive from within Veritas System Recovery Disk
networking tools, About using the networking tools in Veritas System Recovery Disk
recovering computer, Recovering a computer
recovering computer from virtual disk file, Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
recovering files and folders, Recovering files and folders by using Veritas System Recovery Disk
scanning hard disk, Preparing to recover a computer by checking the hard disk for errors
starting, Booting a computer by using the Veritas System Recovery Disk
Support Utilities, About the Support Utilities
testing, Testing the Veritas System Recovery Disk
troubleshooting, Configuring a computer to start from a USB device or DVD
viewing drive properties, Viewing the properties of a drive within a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
viewing recovery point properties, Viewing the properties of a recovery point in the Veritas System Recovery Disk
Veritas System Recovery Manager
configure Windows firewall exceptions, Configuring Windows firewall exceptions for Veritas System Recovery Manager
icons, Icons on the Veritas System Recovery Manager console
overview, About
starting, Starting Veritas System Recovery Manager
Veritas System Recovery services
best practices for using, Best practices for Veritas System Recovery services
Veritas Update, using, Updating Veritas System Recovery with Veritas Update
virtual disk
conversion job, viewing progress, Viewing the progress of a virtual conversion job
conversion job, viewing properties, Viewing the properties of a virtual conversion job
one time conversion of recovery point to, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
recovering computer from a, Recovering a computer from a virtual disk file
scheduling conversion of recovery point to, Defining a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, deleting, Deleting a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, editing, Editing a virtual conversion job
virtual conversion job, run now, Running an existing virtual conversion job immediately
viruses, checking recovery points for, About exploring recovery points
VMware ESXi, Defining a virtual conversion job
VMware ESXi Server, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
VMware Virtual Disk, Running a one-time conversion of a physical recovery point to a virtual disk
VMware Virtual Disk (.vmdk), Defining a virtual conversion job
back up databases, About backing up databases using Veritas System Recovery
performing full backup, Defining a drive-based backup, Verifying the integrity of a recovery point
support, Tips for protecting a domain controller in Active Directory


warm backup, creating automatically, Creating an automatic warm backup
Windows Explorer
mounting recovery points from, Mounting a recovery point from Windows Explorer
viewing file and folder version information in, Finding versions of a file or folder
Windows services, opening on local computer, Opening Windows services