Enterprise Vault™ Guide for Mac OS X Users

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.1)

Setting up a mailbox rule to manage your Enterprise Vault shortcuts

In the list of email messages in your mailbox, Enterprise Vault shortcuts look like unarchived messages. Shortcuts do not have a special icon or other identifying feature to make them more distinguishable. Therefore, to determine whether a message has been archived or not, you must open it or display a preview of it.

By setting up a mailbox rule, you can manage your shortcuts in ways that give them more prominence in the message list. For example, you can instruct the client to apply a color-coded category to each message that Enterprise Vault has archived. Then you can tell at a glance whether an email message is a shortcut or an unarchived message.

See the documentation that accompanies your email client for more information on how to perform the following steps.


These steps apply color-coding to existing shortcuts but not to the shortcuts that Enterprise Vault has yet to create. You must periodically repeat the final step in the procedure to color-code the latest shortcuts.

To set up a mailbox rule to apply color-coding to your shortcuts

  1. Click Categorize on the Home tab and then click Add New.
  2. Create a category that is called, for example, "Archived", and choose a color to associate with it.
  3. On the Tools menu, click Rules.
  4. Click the Exchange option.
  5. Click the option to add a new rule.

    The Edit Rule dialog box appears.

    Edit Rule  dialog box
  6. Set up a rule that has the following characteristics:

    If this condition is met

    The message body contains the text in the banner of the shortcut (typically, "This message has been archived").

    Do the following

    Set the message category to the category that you created in step 2.

  7. Select all the items in the message list.
  8. Point to Rules on the Message menu, and then click Apply and the name of your rule.