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Veritas NetBackup™ Clustered Master Server Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.1)
- Introduction to NetBackup Master Server Clustering
- About NetBackup clustering
- NetBackup in a Windows Server Failover Clustering
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on UNIX/Linux
- About preinstallation checklist for a NetBackup failover server installation on VCS on Unix\Linux
- NetBackup in a Veritas Cluster Server on Windows
- NetBackup in a Solaris Cluster
- NetBackup on HP Service Guard cluster
- NetBackup on PowerHA cluster for AIX
- Configuring NetBackup
- Operational notes
- Appendix A. NetBackup master server in a cluster using multiple interfaces
Normal error messages when upgrading clustered servers to 8.1.1
When you upgrade clustered NetBackup servers to version NetBackup, you may encounter Windows Event Log messages that indicate the Sybase service (SQLANYs) failed to start. These messages are generated in a short period of time - normally a window of two to three seconds. These messages coincide with the cluster configuration portion of the upgrade. You should expect these messages and know that they do not reflect a problem with the upgrade.