Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Introducing the Discovery Accelerator client
- Setting up and assigning roles
- Working with cases
- Setting up review marks and tags
- Using rules to mark and tag items automatically
- Using Custodian Manager
- Searching for items
- About searching with Discovery Accelerator
- Defining email targets with Address Manager
- Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
- Searching within the review set
- Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- About exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Customizing Discovery Accelerator
- Setting Discovery Accelerator system configuration options
- Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Appendix C. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
- Appendix D. Troubleshooting
- Issues with Custodian Manager
- Issues with Discovery Accelerator reports
How exporting differs from producing
Exporting items is different from producing items in the following ways:
Discovery Accelerator locks produced items, but it does not lock exported items.
After you have exported an item, you can change the mark or status that you have assigned to it. However, after you have produced an item, you cannot mark it or change its status (but you can still display it in the Review pane). If the same item has been captured in another case, its status in that case remains unaffected.
You can export individual items multiple times, but you can produce items once only.
In effect, the export feature provides a less formal way to copy items out of Discovery Accelerator for offline review.
You do not have to wait until the end of the reviewing process to carry out production; you can produce the items that you have reviewed at any time. You can then carry out productions of further items later, after they have been reviewed. If you use the same output folder and production run name for multiple runs, Discovery Accelerator overwrites the report summary each time.
If you carry out a production run and then something goes wrong with the files that you have produced - for example, they are accidentally deleted - you can reproduce the items. However, once you have successfully produced items, you cannot undo the process.