Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Administrator's Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Introducing the Discovery Accelerator client
- Setting up and assigning roles
- Working with cases
- Setting up review marks and tags
- Using rules to mark and tag items automatically
- Using Custodian Manager
- Searching for items
- About searching with Discovery Accelerator
- Defining email targets with Address Manager
- Building Discovery Accelerator search schedules
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
- Searching within the review set
- Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
- Working with research folders
- Exporting and producing items
- About exporting and producing items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Appendix A. Customizing Discovery Accelerator
- Setting Discovery Accelerator system configuration options
- Appendix B. Importing configuration data from an XML file
- Appendix C. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
- Appendix D. Troubleshooting
- Issues with Custodian Manager
- Issues with Discovery Accelerator reports
Searches report
The Searches report provides information on the live and accepted searches in the selected case.
This report contains the following fields.
Table: Fields in the Searches report
This field | Shows |
Date | The date and time at which the search was run. |
Search Name | The name that the creator of the search has assigned to it. Click the name to display the criteria used for the search. |
Search ID | The identifying number that Discovery Accelerator has assigned to the search. |
Status | The status of the search, such as Pending Acceptance, In Progress, Accepted, Failed, or Completed. |
# of Archives | The number of archives that Discovery Accelerator has searched. |
Search Status | The progress of the search, expressed as a percentage value. |
# of Hits | The number of items that match the search criteria. |
# of Unique Hits | The number of found items that no other search in the case has retrieved. |
Submitted By | The name of the Discovery Accelerator user who submitted the search. |
The following table lists the Search Criteria fields.
Table: Search Criteria fields
This field | Shows |
Date Ranges | The date range between which items must be sent or received to match the search criteria. |
To | The recipients of the items. |
From | The senders of the items. |
Subject | The words or phrases for which to search in the subject lines of items. |
Content | The words or phrases for which to search in the message bodies of items. |
Number of Attachments | The required number of attachments to items. |
Attachment Type | The file name extensions of particular types of attachments for which to search. |
Message Size | The size of item for which to search. |
Message Type | The type of item for which to search. |
Retention Category | The selected retention category that Enterprise Vault has assigned to the items. |
Policy Type | The selected policy type (Inclusion, Exclusion, or Category) with which third-party policy management software has tagged the items. |
Policy | The specific policy with which the policy management software has tagged the items. |
Filter Policies by Case | The filter applied in the search to sort by case. |