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Veritas NetBackup™ for Enterprise Vault™ Agent Administrator's Guide
Last Published:
NetBackup (8.1.1)
- Introduction to NetBackup Enterprise Vault
- About NetBackup Enterprise Vault agent installation requirements
- Configuration requirements for upgrading the Enterprise Vault agent
- Configuration
- About features provided by Enterprise Vault for a backup provider
- Performing backups of Enterprise Vault
- Performing restores of Enterprise Vault
- About restoring Enterprise Vault SQL databases
- Disaster recovery
- Enterprise Vault Agent support for Enterprise Vault
- Policy configuration for Enterprise Vault
- Notes about Enterprise Vault 10.0 backups
- About Enterprise Vault agent backups
- About Enterprise Vault agent restores
- Enterprise Vault agent functionality and support for Enterprise Vault
- Troubleshooting
- Appendix A. NetBackup Enterprise Vault Migrator
- Restoring Enterprise Vault migrated data from NetBackup
- Troubleshooting the Enterprise Vault migrator
Privileges for Enterprise Vault backup
You require the following privileges to create Enterprise Vault agent backups:
These privileges are required to create a backup. To assign these specific privileges to the Enterprise Vault administrator account, you need to add them to the following locations in the Local Security Policy. If Enterprise Vault is clustered, add these privileges on all nodes of the cluster.
Backup files and directories = SeBackupPrivilege.
Restore files and directories = SeRestorePrivilege.
Manage auditing and security log = SeSecurityPrivilege
Take ownership of files or other objects = SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege.
Debug programs = SeDebugPrivilege.