About the Enterprise Vault Database Settings tab
On Enterprise Vault Database Settings tab you can choose how you want to leave the Enterprise Vault SQL database after a restore job completes. You have the option to leave the database operational, non-operational, or in a read-only state that enables you to still restore additional transaction logs. Also, you can perform an alternate SQL restore, a Point in time (PIT) restore, or a consistency check of the database after the restore completes.
Table: Enterprise Vault Database Setting tab options lists the restore options on the Enterprise Vault Database Setting tab.
Table: Enterprise Vault Database Setting tab options
Restore option | Description |
Restore completion state
| After a restore completes, you can leave an SQL database in any of the following states: Operational Read-only Non-operational
To bring the Enterprise Vault SQL database to the required Point in time (PIT) or end-of-log (EOL), the SQL database restore consists of a set of restores. An example set of restores consists of the following: In other scenarios, the set of restores would require a subset of restores, such as a FULL or a FULL and cumulative restore. If the set contains incremental restores, the initial restores should leave the database in a "Restore pending" state so future restores append to the database. Thus, you should use the option only in the last restore job of the restore set. Once the database is brought online, the user cannot make any further cumulative or differential (database differential or transaction log) restores on that database. If you want to perform any further restores, you must start from a FULL database restore. Given a PIT or EOL, the NetBackup SQL Agent has the capacity to find the SQL restore set (FULL, database differential, and transaction logs). However, the Enterprise Vault agent does not have this capability; therefore, the user must find and sequence the SQL restore set manually. |
Consistency check after restore
| You can check the consistency of the database after restores are complete. To check the consistency of the database, select one of
the following consistency checks when you select the option: Select this option to exclude indexes from the
consistency check. If indexes are not checked, the consistency check runs
significantly faster but is not as thorough. Only the data pages and clustered
index pages for each user table are included in the consistency check. The
consistency of the nonclustered index pages is not checked. Select this option to include indexes in the
consistency check. Any errors are logged. This option is selected by default. This option only applies to SQL Server 2000. Select this option to ensure that no consistency check occurs after a restore. Any option other than is effective only in the restore job that brings the database to an operational state.
Point-in-time recovery | To recover the Enterprise Vault SQL database to a PIT, select a restore set that includes the immediate DIFFERENTIAL (transaction log) backup after the PIT. In addition, while restoring this backup you must select the "PIT" option and specify the PIT.
You must ensure that you use the PIT option only with the last differential backup restore. You must select the option in the user interface to enable you to select the PIT option. |
Redirected restore | Select this option and specify the new <SQL INSTANCE\SQL database name > to restore to an alternate client, alternate SQL instance, or alternate SQL database.
You must do that for each restore in the restore set.
The destination SQL database should not be present. If it is present, a chance of data loss in the destination database is possible. You can change the SQL INSTANCE name, however do not change the SQL database name. If you change the SQL database name Enterprise Vault does not automatically recognize the new name. If you chose to change the SQL database name then you must also update your Enterprise Vault configuration. A redirected restore of an auditing database must be made to the same SQL instance where the directory database resides. |
Take database offline | Select this option to disconnect all the connections to the destination SQL database (including
Enterprise Vault connections) before it is restored. You should use this option only with the
full restore. |