Veritas NetBackup™ for Microsoft Exchange Server Administrator's Guide
- Introducing NetBackup for Exchange
- Installing NetBackup for Exchange
- Snapshot Client configuration and licensing requirements for Exchange snapshot backups
- Configuring Exchange client host properties
- Configuring the account for NetBackup Exchange operations
- Configuring the Exchange hosts
- Configuring Exchange Granular Recovery
- About Exchange backups and Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
- About installing and configuring Network File System (NFS) for Exchange Granular Recovery
- About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2012, 2012 R2, or 2016(NetBackup for Exchange)
- About configuring Services for Network File System (NFS) on Windows 2008 and 2008 R2 (NetBackup for Exchange)
- Configuring Exchange backup policies (non-VMware)
- About configuring a backup policy for Exchange Server
- Adding schedules to a NetBackup for Exchange policy
- Adding backup selections to an Exchange policy
- About configuring snapshot backups of Exchange Server
- About configuring Instant Recovery backups of Exchange Server
- Configuring an Exchange snapshot policy with Instant Recovery
- Performing backups of Exchange Server, mailboxes, and public folders
- Performing restores of Exchange Server, mailboxes, and public folders
- About restoring Exchange snapshot backups
- About restoring individual Exchange mailbox and public folder items
- About redirecting a restore of Exchange mailbox or public folder objects to a different path
- Protecting Exchange Server data with VMware backups
- About protecting Exchange Server data with VMware backups
- About configuring a VMware backup that protects Exchange Server
- About configuring a VMware backup that protects Exchange Server, using Replication Director to manage snapshot replication
- Recovering an Exchange database to a repaired or an alternate Exchange server
- Troubleshooting backups and restores of Exchange Server
- About NetBackup for Exchange debug logging
- Viewing Event Viewer logs on an off-host Exchange server
- About NetBackup status reports
- Troubleshooting Exchange restore operations
- Troubleshooting DAG backups and restores
- Appendix A. NetBackup Legacy Network Service (Exchange 2010)
Veritas VSS provider logs (NetBackup for Exchange agent)
The Veritas VSS provider records its activities in Windows Event Logs. Debug logs are also available at the following location:
install_path\Veritas VSS provider\logs
Enable the Veritas VSS provider logging on the NetBackup computer where Exchange is installed.
To enable Veritas VSS provider logging in the registry
- Log on as administrator on the computer where NetBackup is installed.
- Open Regedit.
- Open the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging
- Create a new DWORD value named CreateDebugLog.
- Right-click on the new value and click Modify.
- In the Value data box, enter 1.
- Click OK.
To increase the log debug level modify both the pre-freeze-script.bat and post-thaw-script.bat files in the C:\Windows
folder. Add the -log
parameter to the script, at the line where BeVssRequestor.exe
is called. VMware determines which script is invoked.
To increase the Veritas VSS provider log debug level
- Change the following line in the pre-freeze-script.bat:
BeVssRequestor.exe -pre2 -logscreen !SkipExReplica! !SkipSQL! !VMBackupType! !ExcludeList!
BeVssRequestor.exe -pre2 -logscreen !SkipExReplica! !SkipSQL! !VMBackupType! !ExcludeList! -log
- Also change the following line in the post-thaw-script.bat:
BeVssRequestor.exe -post2 -logscreen !SkipExReplica! !SkipSQL! !VMBackupType! !ExcludeList!
BeVssRequestor.exe -post2 -logscreen !SkipExReplica! !SkipSQL! !VMBackupType! !ExcludeList! -log