Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (15.1)

About the Compliance Accelerator reports

SSRS Reports

The SSRS reports are discontinued, however, the previously generated reports are saved and organized in a folder provided on the SSRS database server. Contact your database administrator if needed. Either the administrator can grant you access to the SSRS reports by providing you with individual report links or by assigning the My Reports permission on the SSRS Database server or the folder itself. You can then access the entire folder on the SQL Server Reporting Services web portal.

See Accessing data through the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Enhanced reporting

Compliance Accelerator has introduced reporting endpoint APIs to improve reporting and analytics capabilities. To utilize these reporting endpoints, the administrator must configure them in Alta Surveillance. Upon successful configuration, Alta Surveillance generates a base URL and API keys to ensure secure access to the reporting endpoints. To securely access data, the primary or secondary API access keys are provided. The specified IP addresses during the configuration of these

See Enhanced reporting.

OData Reports

With Compliance Accelerator, you can access information from the configuration and customer databases using the Open Data (OData) web service. Use any OData-compatible reporting tool, for example Excel/PowerQuery, to generate reports.

See Accessing reports through the OData web service.

Besides printing the reports, you can export them in a number of formats, including XML, comma-separated values (CSV), Acrobat (PDF), web archive (MHTML), Excel, and TIFF.