Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Reviewer's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.5)
  1. Introducing Discovery Accelerator
      Key features of Discovery Accelerator
      About the Discovery Accelerator client
      Opening the Discovery Accelerator client
      Finding your way around the Discovery Accelerator client
  2. Searching for items
    1. Creating and running Discovery Accelerator searches
        Limitations on searching certain types of Skype for Business content
      About the search criteria options
      Guidelines on conducting effective searches
  3. Manually reviewing items
    1. About reviewing with Discovery Accelerator
        Limitations on reviewing certain types of Skype for Business content
      About the Review pane
      Filtering the items in the Review pane
    4. Searching within the review set
        Conducting quick searches
      2. Conducting advanced searches
          About the search attributes
        2. About the operators
            Guidelines on using the NEAR operator condition in Discovery Accelerator rules
          About SQL Server stopwords
        4. Manually editing queries in analytics rule definition language (RDL)
            Using parentheses to set Boolean precedence in analytics RDL
            Using stemming in analytics RDL
            Specifying custodian and target values in analytics RDL
      Finding all items in the same conversation
      Assigning review marks and tags to items
      Adding comments to items
      Viewing the history of items
      Displaying printable versions of items
      Downloading the original versions of items
      Copying the item list to the Clipboard
    12. Deleting items from Enterprise Vault archives
        Limitations on reviewing items after you have deleted them
      Changing how the Review pane looks
      Setting your Review pane preferences
  4. Working with research folders
      About research folders
      Creating research folders
      Editing the properties of research folders
      Copying items to research folders
      Reviewing the items in research folders
      Exporting items from research folders
      Giving other users access to your research folders
      Removing items from research folders
      Converting research folders into cases
      Deleting folders
  5. Exporting and producing items
    1. About exporting and producing items
        Limitations on exporting certain types of content
      How exporting differs from producing
      Performing an export or production run
      About the limits on the number of simultaneous export and production runs
      Making the export IDs or Bates numbers visible in Microsoft Outlook
  6. Creating and viewing reports
      About the Discovery Accelerator reports
      Creating Discovery Accelerator reports
    3. Available Discovery Accelerator reports
        Archive Source report
        Case History report
        Export Run Duplicates report
        Item Detail report
        Legal Holds report
        Production Run report
        Production Run Duplicates report
        Productions report
        Searches report
        Security report
      Viewing existing reports
      Deleting reports
    6. About viewing Discovery Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
        Available Discovery Accelerator datasets
        Accessing the Discovery Accelerator datasets
        Using the OData service with Microsoft Excel
        Using the OData service with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
        Troubleshooting OData errors
  7. Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in Discovery Accelerator searches
      About the Enterprise Vault search properties
      System properties
      Custom Enterprise Vault properties
      Custom Enterprise Vault properties for File System Archiving items
      Custom Enterprise Vault properties for SharePoint items
      Custom Enterprise Vault properties for Compliance Accelerator-processed items
      Custom properties for use by policy management software
      Custom properties for Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving

About the Review pane

The Review pane lets you review and mark the items in a review set. The pane is divided into the following areas:

Areas of the Review pane

The following sections describe each area of the Review pane. You can also read more about them in the Effective Reviewing white paper.

The following sections describe the areas of the review pane:

Header area

The header area provides options for customizing the view and selecting different items to display.

Maximize icon

Maximizes the Review pane by hiding the button bar across the top of the Discovery Accelerator window. Click the button again to restore the button bar.

Research Folder icon

Lets you view the items that you have copied to a research folder for further investigation.

Search icon

Lets you perform a search that is based on the currently selected item.

Preferences icon

Sets your preferences for the Review pane.


Lets you hide or change the position of the Reading pane and set the size of the text to display in it.


Shows the number of items in the list that you have yet to review.


Shows the Discovery Accelerator ID of the highlighted item. If you know the ID of an item that you want to review, type it here and then press the Enter key to display the item.


Groups the items in the list by date, author, subject, or policy action.

Display or hide the items in a group by clicking the down-arrow or up-arrow button at the left.


In lists where you have chosen not to group the items, lets you sort the items by date, author, subject, or policy action.


Lets you hide or show duplicate items and similar items in the review set. Discovery Accelerator considers items to be duplicates when they have exactly the same content. The items that Discovery Accelerator considers to be similar have the same metadata properties, such as their author display names, subjects, and number of attachments.

The option to hide or show duplicate items is available only in cases that you have enabled for analytics. However, the option to hide or show similar items is available in all cases, regardless of whether you have enabled them for analytics.

If you sort the items before you select an option in the Stack field then, after you have selected the Stack option, the items may no longer be in the original sort order. For example, this is the case if you first choose to sort the items by the Author column and then select one of the Stack options.

For more information on the deduplication features in Discovery Accelerator, see the Accelerator Deduplication white paper.

Download icon

Downloads the current item in its original form and opens it in the appropriate application. You can also download an item by right-clicking the item and then clicking View original.

Hit Highlight Navigation icon

Shows or hides the hit highlighting navigation controls at the bottom of the Reading pane.

Conversation icon

Finds all the items that share the same subject line as the selected item. This feature also generates a hierarchy view for Exchange mail items.

Print icon

Sends the current item for printing.


Shows the mark that is assigned to the current item.


Shows the status of the current item.

Virtual scrolling icon

Lets you get more context of the selected chat item by enabling virtual scrolling. Depending upon the scroll direction loads next/previous conversations from selected chat item.

Filter pane

The filter pane provides a large number of criteria by which you can filter the items in the list. The number next to each filter option shows the number of matching items that Discovery Accelerator will add to the item list when you apply the selected filters.

Item list

The item list shows the items in the review set that match the filter options you have selected. Use the controls at the bottom of the list to page through the items and specify the maximum number of items to list per page. Unreviewed items display in bold text.

Any items that are colored blue are also in a research folder that is associated with the case.


Discovery Accelerator stores the date and time values for items as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). However, in the item list and right-hand Preview pane, it converts these values according to your computer's local time zone setting. As a result, two Discovery Accelerator reviewers in different time zones may see different dates and times for the same items.

This is the expected behavior, and it is identical to the way that applications like Microsoft Outlook show the dates and times of items.

Reading pane

If you click the Hit Highlighting Navigation button above the Reading pane, you can show or hide the following navigation controls at the bottom right of the pane:

Hit Highlighting Navigation Text Box

Displays the search keyword. If the search includes multiple words, displays a drop-down list of the search keywords.

n of m

Shows the number of the highlighted word and the total number of occurrences of the search keyword in the item.

Hit Highlighting Navigation Previous icon

Displays the previous occurrence of highlighted word.

Hit Highlighting Navigation Next icon

Displays the next occurrence of highlighted word.

Hit Highlighting Navigation Close icon

Closes the hit highlighting navigation controls.

The tabs at the bottom of the Reading pane have the following functions:


Displays an HTML preview of the current item.


Shows the comments that reviewers have assigned to the current item.


Displays the comment and audit history of the current item.


Displays a printable version of the current item.

Legal holds

Displays information on any holds that you have placed on the current item to stops users from deleting it from their Enterprise Vault archives.

Footer area

The footer area provides facilities for navigating from one item to another and applying marks and comments to those items.

First page icon

Displays the first page of items for review.

Previous Page icon

Displays the previous page of items for review. Pressing the key sequence Alt+z performs the same function.

n of m

Shows the number of the currently displayed page and the total number of pages. To go to a particular page, type its number in the box and then press Enter.

Next Page icon

Displays the next page of items for review. Pressing the key sequence Alt+x performs the same function.

Last Page icon

Displays the last page of items for review.


Lets you type a comment to add to the selected items.

In the item list, the comment indicator symbol in the Comment Present column indicates that one or more comments have been added to the items.

No mark/Relevant/Flagged/Not relevant

Applies the required mark to the selected items.


Provides additional options with which you can take the following actions on the selected items.

Your role in Discovery Accelerator determines whether these options are available.

Apply Tags icon

Apply tags (secondary marks) to the selected items.

Tags differ from marks in that you can assign multiple tags to an item, but you can assign one mark only. In addition, by assigning a mark to an item, you also assign the associated status to it. This is not the case with tags, which do not have an associated status.

Accept icon

Accept the mark or tag with which Discovery Accelerator has automatically categorized the selected items.

Copy Items to Research Folder icon

Select a research folder in which to copy either the selected items or all the items in the current review set.

Delete from Archive icon

Delete one or more items from the review set or from the Enterprise Vault archives.