Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Compliance Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
- Escalating items
- Working with research folders
- Exporting items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Available Compliance Accelerator reports
- About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
About the search criteria options
Compliance Accelerator groups the search criteria options into multiple sections, which are described below. Click the arrow icons at the right to expand or collapse the sections.
When you construct a search that contains multiple options, pay attention to how each option interacts with the others in the search properties pane. Compliance Accelerator links all the selected options together with Boolean AND operators rather than OR operators. For example, suppose that you construct a search whose criteria include the following:
A data range in the Date range section
A search term in the Search terms section
A file extension in the Attachments section
The search results contain only those items that match all the search criteria. Compliance Accelerator ignores any items that match some of the search criteria options but not others.
The search properties pane has the following sections:
The Search section identifies the search and specifies when it runs.
The Sampling section lets you sample the search results and add a random selection of items to the review set.
Compliance Accelerator does not deduplicate randomly-sampled items.
Sampling percentage | Specifies the percentage of search results to include in the review set. You can specify fractions, as in 10.25. You may not be able to change the sampling percentage if the owner of the department has locked this setting in the department properties. |
Minimum per author | Specifies the minimum number of items per author to include in the review set. If there are no items for an author in the search results, none can be included in the sample. Note that as the authors can be from outside the selected department, you may return more search results than expected. |
Absolute limit | Sets an upper limit on the total number of search results to add to the review set. This option takes precedence over any values that you set in the Sampling percentage box and Minimum per employee box. |
The Date range section lets you search for items according to when they were sent or received.
Today / Yesterday / Last 7 days / Last 14 days / Last 28 days | Limits the search to items that were sent or received during the selected period. The date ranges are relative to when the search runs, which is today in the case of an immediate search. You may find these options useful when creating a scheduled, recurrent search that runs once every day, week, two weeks, or four weeks. For example, if the search runs once a week, select to limit the range to the days since the search last ran. |
Specific date range | Lets you search the items that were sent or received during a longer or more specific period than the other date range options permit. To enter a date, click the options at the right of the From and To boxes and then select the required date. Enter the time in the format hh:mm, using the 24-hour clock. Unlike the other date range boxes, a specific date range remains static and not relative to when the search runs. |
Since search last ran | For a scheduled search only, lets you search the new items that have arrived since the last time you ran the search. This option is similar to options such as Today and Yesterday. However, it lets you set an explicit start date for the first run of the search. By default, this option searches from the date of the last run (or the start date for the first search) to the current day minus 1 (that is, up to yesterday). |
The Authors and Recipients section targets the departments for the search and the direction of the items to search. Any departments that you have organized into partitions can only search items to and from departments in the same partition.
Message Route | Specifies the direction in which the items for which you want to search have traveled. You can search for the items that are to or from the selected departments, and for the items that have traveled between the selected departments and other departments. The available message route options can depend on the date range that you have specified and on how Compliance Accelerator has been configured. |
Any Of/All Of | Specifies whether to apply the search to any of or all of the selected departments and employees. |
Use inheritance, automatically include new departments | For application-wide searches only, lets you specify whether to apply the search to the subdepartments of the selected departments. By default, any new departments that are subdepartments of others automatically inherit any active, recurring searches that you have applied to those departments. This is also true of any existing departments that you move under departments that have recurring searches. |
Department tree | Specifies the departments and employees that you want to include in the search. Click the arrows to the left of the department names to expand them and view the nested departments and exception employees. When you select a department, you do not automatically include any exception employees in the department. To search exception employees, you must select each one explicitly. |
Freeform email addresses / domains | Lets you type one or more email addresses and domains. Type each address or domain on a line of its own to search for the items whose From, To, CC, or BCC field contains any of the addresses or domains. Type all the addresses and domains on a single line to search for items in which they are all present. Place the minus sign (-) in front of an address or domain to exclude it from the search. To exclude multiple addresses or domains, type them all on a single line. This field is not available for all possible message routes. |
The Search terms section specifies the words or phrases for which Compliance Accelerator should search in the subject lines of items and their bodies. By default, when you search for words in both the subject of an item and its content, Compliance Accelerator finds those items that meet one or both criteria. However, it is possible to set up Compliance Accelerator so that only those items that meet both criteria are found.
Subject | Searches for those items that contain any or all of the specified words or phrases in either their subject lines or the file names of their attachments. |
Content | Searches for those items that contain any or all of the specified words or phrases in their bodies and any searchable attachments. |
The words or phrases that you specify here are highlighted in the Review pane when you review the items that this search has found.
Observe the following guidelines when you type the words and phrases:
Compliance Accelerator searches are case-insensitive.
Regular expressions are not permitted.
If you type multiple words on the same line, Compliance Accelerator treats them as a phrase.
Type each word on a line of its own if you want to use the
option or option to refine the search criteria.In the following example, Compliance Accelerator joins together the three words with an OR operator ("server OR group OR cluster"). Any item that contains one or more of the words matches the search criteria.
Any Of: server group cluster
In the next example, Compliance Accelerator joins together the three words with an AND operator ("server AND group AND cluster"). Only those items that contain all three words match the search criteria.
All Of: server group cluster
In the following example, Compliance Accelerator joins together the phrase "server group" and the word "cluster" with an AND operator ("'server group' AND cluster"). Only those items that contain both the phrase "server group" and the word "cluster" match the search criteria.
All Of: server group cluster
You can use an asterisk (*) wildcard to represent zero or more characters in your search. Use a question mark (?) wildcard to represent any single character.
A wildcard search always finds items that match your search criteria and that were archived in Enterprise Vault 10.0 or later. To ensure that the search results also include items that Enterprise Vault 9.0 or earlier has archived, enter at least three other characters before the wildcard.
Use a minus sign (-) to indicate that you want to exclude from the search results any items that contain the following word or phrase. For example, the following search term finds the items that contain either of the words "server" and "group" but do not contain the word "cluster" ("(server AND NOT cluster) OR (group AND NOT cluster)"):
Any of: server -cluster group - cluster
A search term cannot comprise an excluded word or phrase only. When you specify such words or phrases, you must also specify a positive word or phrase that you want to appear in the search results.
A search term cannot start with any of the following characters on any line:
= + - @
For example, "server -cluster" is a valid search term but "-cluster server" is not.
to choose from a list of hotwords and phrases, if you have previously created one.Compliance Accelerator ignores any nonalphanumeric characters in the search term, except for those that have special significance, such as the plus sign, minus sign, and question mark.
For example, a search for the term US@100 may find instances not only of US@100 but also of US 100 and US$100. Including nonalphanumeric characters in the search term may therefore return more results than you expect.
In the Compliance Accelerator and client, you can create a proximity search by using operators such as
, , or .Note the following points about the search terms:
If you use an operator such as
, , or in the uppercase in the search term, that search term behaves as a proximity search query.Note:
In Compliance Accelerator and , text in the search term is treated as a phrase in regular and in proximity searches. The text before the operator is the first operand, and the text after the operator is the second operand.
If you do not use an operator such as
, , or in the uppercase in the search term, that search term behaves as a regular search term.The predefined hotwords sets (which are imported using an XML file) involving whole wildcards are converted at run time to use the
operator.For example, consider the following hotwords set:
roy * johnson
roy * * johnson
roy * * * johnson
This gets converted to
, as the use of the entire hotwords set in the search terms is semantically equivalent to the proximity search - .This optimizes the search query by making use of the proximity operators as expected from the hotwords set.
The following table contains a few proximity search syntax and examples:
Operator | Description | Examples |
BEFORE | Items in which the first specified term appears within a maximum of 10 words before the second term. Optionally, you can specify a maximum number of words between the two terms. | John Smith matches items in which John appears within 10 words before the word Smith. It does not match with Sue Smith met John.John /1 Smith matches items that contain John Smith or John B. Smith. It does not match items that contain John has met Smith or Sue Smith met John. |
NEAR | Items in which the first specified term appears within 10 words of the second term. Optionally, you can specify a maximum number of words between the two terms. | John Smith matches items in which John appears within 10 words of Smith.John /1 Smith matches items in which John appears within one word of Smith, as in John Smith, John B. Smith, or Smith sued John. It does not match items that contain John has met Smith or Sue Smith asked for John. |
NOTWITHIN | Items in which the first specified term appears outside the context that you have defined with the second term. | confidential "Disclaimer: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential" matches items that contain the word confidential outside the context of the disclaimer. |
The Attachments section lets you search for items with a certain number or type of attachments.
Number | Specifies the required number of attachments. The default option, "Does not matter", means that the item can have zero or more attachments. All the other options require you to type one or two values that specify the required number of attachments. |
File extensions | Specifies the file name extensions of particular types of attachments for which to search. Separate the extensions with space characters. For example, type the following to search for items with HTML or Microsoft Excel file attachments:
This search option evaluates attachments by their file names
only; it does not check their file type. For example, suppose that a user changes the file name extension of a
The contents of some attachments may not be searchable because Enterprise Vault has not indexed them. In particular, file formats such as Fax and Voice do not have any indexable content. For more information on how Compliance Accelerator conducts searches in which you have specified file name extensions, see the following article on the Veritas Support website: |
The Miscellaneous section lets you search for items of a certain size and type or that have the specified retention category.
Message size | Specifies the size in kilobytes of each item for which to search, as reported by the message store (Exchange, Domino, and so on). The item size includes the size of any attachments. |
Message type |
Searches for items of the selected types. |
Retention category | Searches for items to which Enterprise Vault has assigned the selected retention categories. |
The Policies section lets you search for items according to the tags with which any additional policy management software has classified them.
Policy | Lets you search for the items that match certain classification policies. There are several types of policies:
These policy types are not mutually exclusive. Your policy management software may apply multiple policies of different types to the same item. However, note that inclusion policies always take precedence over the other types of policies. Select the required policy type and then select the names of the policies for which you want to search. Alternatively, you can select as the policy type and then type the names of one or more policies. Separate multiple policy names with commas, like this:CustomPolicy1,CustomPolicy2 If you choose to search for multiple policies, the search results will contain items that match any one of the policies. |
Filter policies by current department | Lets you omit from the list those policies that are not in use in the current department. |
In the Intelligent Review section, choose options for the learning engine in Compliance Accelerator. This engine allows Compliance Accelerator to search for items intelligently, based on the actions that reviewers have taken on earlier items. For example, after a reviewer has marked a spam message or out-of-office reply as irrelevant then, when Compliance Accelerator detects other items that have similar characteristics, it can handle them in the same way.
Note the following:
Searches that use the intelligent review feature may take slightly longer to complete than those that do not use this feature.
Searches that you conduct in a research folder uses the learning data of the associated department. Folder searches do not have their own learning data and do not contribute to the department's learning data.
To determine the relevance of an item, Compliance Accelerator looks at the item's metadata and its route from sender to recipients. However, Compliance Accelerator does not evaluate the content of the item.
Learning Behavior | The options are as follows: