Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Compliance Accelerator Reviewer's Guide
- Introducing Compliance Accelerator
- Searching for items
- Manually reviewing items
- About reviewing with Compliance Accelerator
- Escalating items
- Working with research folders
- Exporting items
- Creating and viewing reports
- Available Compliance Accelerator reports
- About viewing Compliance Accelerator datasets using the OData web service
Reviewer Activity Detail report
For each department, the Reviewer Activity Detail report shows the status of the review set items for each reviewer.
This report contains the following fields.
Table: Fields in the Reviewer Activity Detail report
This field | Shows |
Reviewer | The name of the reviewer or, for the items that are awaiting review, "No reviewer". |
Message Status | The marking status ("Questioned", "Reviewed Relevant", or "Reviewed Irrelevant") and escalation status ("Escalated"). |
Messages | The number of items of the specified status, and the total number of items that this reviewer has either marked or escalated. |
Delegation Details | If appropriate, the principal reviewer or supervisor for whom the user is acting as a delegate. |
Marking activity total for department_name | The total number of items in the review set that all the department reviewers have marked. |
Escalation activity total for department_name | The total number of items in the review set that all the department reviewers have escalated to a higher authority for further attention. |