Veritas NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
- Installing NetBackup for DB2
- Configuring NetBackup for DB2
- About configuring a backup policy for a DB2 database
- About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- About adding schedules to a NetBackup for DB2 policy
- About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- Configuring the run-time environment
- About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- Performing backups and restores of DB2
- Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- About Snapshot Client effects
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
- About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
- Appendix C. Register authorized locations
Using the recovery wizard
When you are ready to perform a recovery, complete the following procedure to create and run a template with the recovery wizard. When you run a template, all restore operations are performed before any and all roll-forward operations.
Note the following:
When you perform a DB2 restore, false alarms are reported in the NetBackup Activity Monitor. DB2 accesses the NetBackup image twice when you perform a restore. The first access reads a partial image, which is reported as "The restore failed to recover the requested files" (status 5) in the Activity Monitor. The next access reads the entire image, which should result in a successful restore (status 0). The template execution status, not the activity monitor, is the best indication of overall success.
DB2 warning SQL2539W indicates that the requested restore operation replaces the existing database. That is, the existing database files are deleted. When running a template to perform a restore, this warning is logged and the restore proceeds without interruption.
DB2 warning SQL2523W indicates that the backup image originates from a different database of the same name. This warning is handled as an error to prevent DB2 from deleting log files.
DB2 error SQL1260N indicates that the restored partition is not configured for roll-forward recovery. If the template is configured to perform a roll-forward, this step is skipped.
To use the recovery wizard
- Log onto NetBackup as the DB2 user.
- In the Backup, Archive, and Restore interface, do one of the following:
Windows: Choose File > Select Files and Folders to Restore > from Normal Backup
UNIX: Click the Restore Files tab.
- Expand a DB2 instance and select the database objects you want to restore.
- Windows: Click Actions > Restore
UNIX: Click Restore.
- If you need an explanation of any of the fields on the wizard screens or more details, click Help on the wizard screen.
Enter information about the restore operation you want to perform in the following screens:
Database Login
Time Periods
Restore Options
Recovery Options
- Run the template immediately after the wizard finishes, to save the template locally, or both. For explanations of your choices, click Help.
Template execution does not support the use of local time when performing a roll-forward. The roll-forward time that is specified in the template is passed to DB2, and it is interpreted as GMT by DB2. For more information, see the ROLLFORWARD command in your DB2 documentation.