Veritas NetBackup™ for DB2 Administrator's Guide
- Introduction to NetBackup for DB2
- Installing NetBackup for DB2
- Configuring NetBackup for DB2
- About configuring a backup policy for a DB2 database
- About adding backup selections to a DB2 policy
- About adding schedules to a NetBackup for DB2 policy
- About backing up archive log files with the user exit program
- Configuring the run-time environment
- About NetBackup for DB2 templates and shell scripts
- Performing backups and restores of DB2
- Using Snapshot Client with NetBackup for DB2
- About NetBackup for DB2 with Snapshot Client operations
- Restoring NetBackup for DB2 from a snapshot backup
- About configuring NetBackup for DB2 block-level incremental backups on UNIX
- Configuring policies for BLI backups with NetBackup for DB2
- About Snapshot Client effects
- Troubleshooting NetBackup for DB2
- About the NetBackup for DB2 log files
- Appendix A. Configuration for a DB2 EEE (DPF) environment
- Appendix B. Using NetBackup for DB2 with SAP®
- Appendix C. Register authorized locations
Recovering a DB2 database - Simplest case
The DB2 commands for recovering a database differ from release to release. Use these commands to restore a database if the archive logs are in a location that is known and accessible to DB2 and NetBackup. The recovery commands you use depend on the release version of the DB2 database.
For example, you can probably use the recovery commands in this section if the following are true:
If ARCFUNC SAVE was in effect in the db2.conf file when all archive logs were backed up.
If ARCFUNC COPY was in effect in the db2.conf file when all archive logs were backed up and the logs were not moved from the ARCDIR and RETDIR directories.
If VENDOR was in effect in DB2 at the time all the archive logs were created.
When the DB2 database archive logs are accessible to DB2 and NetBackup, use the following commands:
For DB2 8.2 and later releases, enter the following command:
db2 recover db db_name
For DB2 releases before 8.2, enter the following commands:
Windows: db2 restore db db_name load install_path\NetBackup\bin\nbdb2.dll db2 rollforward db db_name to end of logs and stop
Where db_name is the name of the DB2 database you want to restore.
UNIX: db2 restore db db_name load /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/libdb2 rollforward db db_name to end of logs and stop
Name of the DB2 database.
Full path to the NBDB2 library.
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