Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.3)
  1. Introducing Discovery Accelerator
      Key features of Discovery Accelerator
      About the Discovery Accelerator components
    3. Product documentation
        White papers on the Veritas Support website
        Discovery Accelerator training modules
  2. Preparing to install Discovery Accelerator
    1. Configuration options for Discovery Accelerator
        Discovery Accelerator configuration for large installations
        Discovery Accelerator configuration for smaller installations
      Supported versions of Enterprise Vault in Discovery Accelerator environments
    3. Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator
        Prerequisites for the SQL Server computer
        Prerequisites for the Discovery Accelerator server computer
        Prerequisites for the Enterprise Vault server computer
        Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator client computers
      Configuring Outlook to enable the processing of items with many attachments or many recipients
      Setting the Windows and ASP.NET Temp folder permissions
    6. Security requirements for temporary folders
        Granting additional users and groups access to the temporary folders
      Disabling networking facilities that can disrupt a Discovery Accelerator environment
      Disabling the Windows Search Service on the Discovery Accelerator server
      Ensuring that the Windows Server service is running on the Discovery Accelerator server
      Configuring the SQL Server Agent service
      Assigning SQL Server roles to the Vault Service account
      Installing and configuring the SQL full-text search indexing service
      Verifying that Enterprise Vault expands distribution lists
    14. Configuring Intelligent Review API Authentication and Authorization
        Setting Kerberos trusted delegation between Compliance Accelerator Servers and Compliance Accelerator Database Servers
        Setting Kerberos trusted delegation between Compliance Accelerator Servers and Compliance Accelerator Database Servers on IP address
  3. Installing Discovery Accelerator
    1. Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
        Allowing Enterprise Vault to communicate with Discovery Accelerator through the Windows firewall
      2. Creating the configuration database and customer databases
          Configuring analytics database locations
      3. Setting up a Custodian Manager website
          Assigning the required Active Directory permissions to the Custodian Manager synchronization account
        Uploading the Discovery Accelerator report templates
        Configuring a dedicated server for Intelligent Review processing (optional deployment configuration)
      6. Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a SQL Server Always On environment
          Using SQL Server Reporting Services in an Always On environment
      7. Installing Discovery Accelerator in a clustered environment
          Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a Network Load Balancing cluster
        Maximizing security in your Discovery Accelerator databases
    2. Installing the Discovery Accelerator client software
        Modifying the configuration file for the Discovery Accelerator client
        Using the MSI installer package to install the Discovery Accelerator client
  4. Appendix A. Ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
      Default ports for Discovery Accelerator
      Changing the ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
  5. Appendix B. Troubleshooting
      Error messages appear in the event log when upgrading to Discovery Accelerator 14.3
      Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service not created
      Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager service does not start
      "Access is denied" message is displayed when you try to create a customer database on a UAC-enabled computer
      Cannot create or upgrade Discovery Accelerator customer databases when Symantec Endpoint Protection is running
      Permissions error when uninstalling the Discovery Accelerator client from a UAC-enabled computer
      Uninstalling the Discovery Accelerator client from a shared location may prevent other users from starting the client
      Error messages when the Intelligent Review (IR) API authentication and authorization fails

Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software

Follow the instructions in this section to perform a first-time installation of the Discovery Accelerator server software. If you want to upgrade an existing Discovery Accelerator installation, see the DAUpgradeInstructions file.

Before you proceed, note the following:

  • You must install this software as the Vault Service account.

  • Installing this software on a computer on which you have also installed the Compliance Accelerator server software is not supported.

  • You can configure Discovery Accelerator for use in a Network Load Balancing cluster. However, installing the software on the nodes in other types of clusters is not supported.

    See Installing Discovery Accelerator in a clustered environment.

To install the Discovery Accelerator server software

  1. Load the release media, and then do one of the following:

    • When the Install Launcher starts, follow the links to install the Discovery Accelerator server software.

    • In Windows Explorer, browse to the Veritas Enterprise Vault Discovery Accelerator\Server folder, and then run setup.exe.

      The setup.exe program launches the Windows Installer (.msi) package that is in the same folder with elevated privileges. This is necessary to enable the installation to complete all of its processes.

  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

    The installer navigates you to the Settings section, where you can configure the values required for the Compliance Accelerator and the Veritas Advanced Supervision installation.

  3. On the Prerequisites screen, scroll up and down to view the list of hardware and software required for the Compliance Accelerator and the Veritas Advanced Supervision installation.

    If you meet the listed prerequisites, select the I have read and met the above prerequisites check box and then click Next.

  4. On the Prerequisite Status screen, the installer performs a check for all required software. When the prerequisite check is completed, click Next.
  5. On the End-User License Agreement screen, read the Veritas Software License Agreement. If you agree the terms, select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement check box and then click Next.
  6. On the Custom Setup Type screen, choose between the following setup types:


    Lets you install all the components. This option is recommended for most users.

    After you click Typical, The default path is displayed. Ensure that the path to the folder where you want to install Compliance Accelerator is appropriate. If not, click Browse to select path of the appropriate folder.


    Lets you select or remove the components as per your requirement.


    It is recommended to install the Compliance Accelerator website, as it provides functionality for some of the Compliance Accelerator reports.


    If you choose the Typical option, you can choose to install and configure Veritas Advanced Supervision on the Veritas Advanced Supervision Configuration screen. You are required to enter details, such as Server Alias, Internal Port, and Website Port. Ensure that you meet the additional prerequisites. .

    If you prefer not to install Veritas Advanced Supervision, you can also use the Custom setup, and then remove the Veritas Advanced Supervision option on the Custom Setup screen during installation.

  7. On the Accelerator Service Account Login screen, provide the accelerator service account details such as Domain, Username, and Password. Click Next.
  8. On the Intelligent Review Configuration screen, specify the following details, and click Next.

    Server Alias

    DNS Alias name or machine name for the Compliance Accelerator server.


    Port for the IRAPIEndPoint Website. By default, its value is 449. If required, user can change it to valid available port number.

    Holding Folder path

    A directory where files of the Intelligent Review features will be stored temporarily.

  9. Click Next.
  10. On the Ready to install screen, click Install to start Compliance Accelerator installation.
  11. If you have chosen to install the Accelerator Manager service then, when the installation program has finished, select the option to display the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager website. Then you can create the configuration database and customer databases.

    The installation program automatically opens the Accelerator Manager website with administrator privileges if you have installed Discovery Accelerator on a server in which User Account Control (UAC) is enabled. (This is a requirement when accessing the website in such environments.) If UAC is not enabled, a Run As dialog box may prompt you for the name and password of the user account under which to access the website. Enter the details of the Vault Service account with which you manage your Enterprise Vault server.

  12. To ensure that all the endpoints are encrypted, Compliance Accelerator generates self-signed certificates for the IRAPIEndPoint web application during configuration. It is recommended to replace such self-signed certificates with certificates signed by well-known authorities. Import these certificates into all Enterprise Vault Storage servers and then add these certificates to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store. If there are multiple Compliance Accelerator servers, import the certificates from all these servers.
  13. If you want to use the Legal Hold facility to stop users from deleting items from their archives, install a Discovery Accelerator license on each storage server in your Enterprise Vault site.