Enterprise Vault™ Discovery Accelerator Installation Guide
- Introducing Discovery Accelerator
- Preparing to install Discovery Accelerator
- Configuration options for Discovery Accelerator
- Prerequisites for Discovery Accelerator
- Security requirements for temporary folders
- Configuring Intelligent Review API Authentication and Authorization
- Installing Discovery Accelerator
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
- Creating the configuration database and customer databases
- Setting up a Custodian Manager website
- Configuring Discovery Accelerator for use in a SQL Server Always On environment
- Installing Discovery Accelerator in a clustered environment
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator client software
- Installing the Discovery Accelerator server software
- Appendix A. Ports that Discovery Accelerator uses
- Appendix B. Troubleshooting
Assigning SQL Server roles to the Vault Service account
The Vault Service account is the account that Enterprise Vault services and tasks use when accessing Enterprise Vault databases. You must assign a number of SQL Server roles to this account to perform various activities with Discovery Accelerator. The two required roles are as follows:
dbcreator (database creator). The facility to create configuration and customer databases with Discovery Accelerator is dependent on the Vault Service account having this role.
sysadmin (system administrator). Discovery Accelerator provides the facility to create schedules with which you can conduct searches repeatedly or at some future time. These schedules are SQL Server Agent jobs and, by default, Discovery Accelerator assumes that you want to make a user with the sysadmin role the creator and owner of them.
In addition, you require the sysadmin role to enable Discovery Accelerator cases for analytics.
The dbcreator and sysadmin roles are server-wide roles that may grant more security privileges to the Vault Service account than you are comfortable with. If this is the case, you can give the Vault Service account the minimum required permissions by following the instructions in this article on the Veritas Support website:
Then, after you have installed the Discovery Accelerator client, you must change the value of the security configuration option "Use SQL Server SysAdmin Server Role for Schedules". For instructions on how to do this, see the Administrator's Guide.
To assign SQL Server roles to the Vault Service account
- On the SQL Server computer, start SQL Server Management Studio.
- In the left pane of the SQL Server Management Studio window, expand the tree to display first the required SQL Server and then the Security folder.
- Under the Security folder, double-click Logins to display the users in the right pane.
- In the Logins list, right-click the Vault Service account, and then click Properties.
- In the Login Properties dialog box, select the Server Roles page.
- In the Server roles box, make sure that dbcreator and sysadmin are selected.
- Click OK.