NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
- Introduction
- Appendix A. NetBackup Commands
bpflist — list the backed up and archived files on the NetBackup server
[-l | -L | -U ] [-v] [-M master_server,...] [-d mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss] [-e mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss] [-ut unixtime] [-bt unixtime] [-st sched_type] [-policy policy_name] [-client client_name} [-keyword keyword_phrase] [-pattern fullpath] [-pt policy_type] [-user name] [-group name] [-raw mode] [-backupid name] [-psep path_separator_character] [-malgo match_algorithm] [-rl recursion_level] [-option option ...]
On UNIX systems, the directory path to this command is /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
On Windows systems, the directory path to this command is install_path\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\
The bpflist command shows a list of previously archived or backed up files according to the options that you specify. This command is available only on NetBackup servers and can be run only by authorized users. This command is similar to the bplist command that is available on all NetBackup hosts including clients.
The list can be reported in the following ways:
- -l
Generates the report in short mode and is the default condition. This terse listing is useful for the scripts or programs that rework the listing contents into a customized report format. See Example 1.
- -L
Generates the report in long mode.
- -U
Generates the report in user mode with a text header for each result. The values are comma-separated. See Example 2.
- -backupid name
Specifies a backup ID to use for finding images to list.
- -bt unixtime
Sets the start date to the specified UNIX time. the -bt option is an alternative to the - d option.
- -client client_name
Specifies a client name to use for finding backups or archives to list. By default, bpflist uses the name of the host that runs the command.
- -d mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss -e mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss
Specifies the start date and end date range for the listing as follows:
-d specifies a start date and time for the listing. The output list shows only files from backups or the archives that occurred at or after the specified date and time. The -d default is the previous midnight.
-e specifies an end date and time for the listing. The output list shows only files from backups or the archives that occurred at or before the specified date and time. The -e default is the current date and time.
The start date and end date have the same format. The valid range of dates is from 01/01/1970 00:00:00 to 01/19/2038 03:14:07.
The required date and time values format in NetBackup commands varies according to your locale. The
file (UNIX) and theinstall_path\VERITAS\msg\LC.CONF
file (Windows) contain information such as the date-time formats for each supported locale. The files contain specific instructions on how to add or modify the list of supported locales and formats.For more information about the locale of your system, see "About specifying the locale of the NetBackup installation" in the NetBackup Administrator's Guide, Volume II.
- -group name
Specifies the group that can access and list the files. Only the files accessible by the group can be listed. This option takes effect only if the - malgo option is set to 3.
- -keyword "keyword_phrase"
Specifies a keyword phrase for NetBackup to use when it searches for backups or archives from which to list files. The phrase must match the one that was previously associated with the backup or archive by the bpbackup -k command or the bparchive -k command. You can use this option in place of or in combination with the other options to make it easier to select backups and archives.
Use the following meta-characters to help match keywords or parts of keywords in the phrase:
* matches any string of characters.
? matches any single character.
[ ] matches the sequence of characters that is specified within the brackets.
[ - ] matches the range of characters that is separated by the hyphen ("-").
The keyword phrase can be up to 128 characters in length. All printable characters are permitted including a space and a period ("."). The phrase must be enclosed in double quotes ("...") or single quotes ('...' ). The default keyword phrase is the null (empty) string.
- -M master_server,...
Specifies a comma-delimited list of host names that represent one or more alternative master servers. Each master server in the list runs the bpflist command. If an error occurs on any master server, the process stops at that point. The report is the composite of the information that all the master servers in this list return. The bpflist command queries each of these master servers. The master server returns image or media information from the image catalogs. Each master server must allow access by the system that issues the bpflist command. The default is the master server for the system running bpflist.
- -malgo match_algorithm
Names the file or directory to list. Any files or directories that you specify must be listed at the end, following all other options. If you do not specify a path, the default is the current working directory. The valid values are as follows:
- -option option ...
Specifies a list of space-separated options that affect the operation of the command. Possible values of option are the following:
NONE FILESYSTEM_ONLY GET_ALL_FILES GET_PRIMARY_COPY_NUM_BLOCKS (Return the number of blocks in the primary copy) IGNORE_CASE INCLUDE_BITMAP INCLUDE_EDI (Include EDI images) INCLUDE_EFI (Include EFI system partition images) INCLUDE_FSMAP INCLUDE_HIDDEN_IMAGES (Include hidden images) INCLUDE_RAW_INCR (Include raw incremental images) INCLUDE_TIR (Include True Image Restore images) NO_HSHAKE (Continue sending data even if the socket is not ready) ONE_CONNECT (Run multiple queries on a single connection) ONE_PASS (Return all files at once) ONLY_DIRS(Return only directories) ONLY_ENV_VARS (Return only NDMP environment variables) ONLY_FIRST_FRAGMENT ONLY_INPROGRESS_IMAGES (Return only in progress or unvalidated images) ONLY_SC_CLIENT_TYPES ONLY_TIR (Return only TIR images) ONLY_VM_FILES (Return only virtual machine images) STR2FILE_ENTRY_FORMAT
- -pattern fullpath
Only files matching the specified pattern are listed.
- -policy policy_name
Names the policy to search to produce the list. If not specified, all policies are searched.
- -psep path_separator_character
Specifies the path separator character.
- -pt policy_type
Specifies a policy type. By default, bpflist searches for all policy types. The policy_type is one of the following character strings:
Auspex-FastBackup BigData DataStore DataTools-SQL-BackTrack DB2 Enterprise-Vault FlashBackup FlashBackup-Windows Hyper-V Informix-On-BAR LotusNotes MS-Exchange-Server MS-SharePoint MS-SQL-Server MS-Windows NDMP Oracle SAP Split-Mirror Standard Sybase Vault VMware
- -raw mode
Specifies the raw partition mode.
- -rl recursion_level
Recursively lists the subdirectories that are encountered to the specified depth.
- -st schedule_type
Specifies the schedule type for the selection of the backup images for which the primary copy is changed. By default, bpchangeprimary uses any schedule type. Valid values are as follows:
FULL (full backup)
INCR (differential-incremental backup)
CINC (cumulative-incremental backup)
UBAK (user backup)
UARC (user archive)
NOT_ARCHIVE (all backups except user archive)
TLOG (transaction logs)
ANY (any of the previous types)
- -user name
Specifies the user that can access and list the files. Only the files accessible by the user can be listed. This option takes effect only if the - malgo option is set to 3.
- -ut unixtime
Specifies an alternative to the - d and - e options and sets the start date and end date to the specified UNIX time. Use this option to specify a single backup or archive to list.
- -v
Generates the report in verbose mode and displays log messages on the console.
Example 1 - On a UNIX system, search for the path /images
in backups since unix time 1380000000. The list is in short mode (default condition).
# bpflist -client cl2 -bt 1380000000 -rl 0 -pt Standard -pattern /images FILES 10 0 0 1383577314 0 cl2 test cl2_1383577314 - *NULL* 1 0 unknown unknown 0 0 *NULL* 1 0 19 50 8 1 0 0 2051 /images/ 16877 root root 0 1383334897 1382366087 1383559354 FILES 10 0 0 1383334895 0 cl2 test cl2_1383334895 - *NULL* 1 0 unknown unknown 0 0 *NULL* 1 0 19 50 8 1 0 0 2051 /images/ 16877 root root 0 1383331790 1382366087 1383296672 FILES 10 0 0 1383331752 0 cl2 test cl2_1383331752 - *NULL* 1 0 unknown unknown 0 0 *NULL* 355 0 19 50 1708556 1 0 0 2051 /images/ 16877 root root 0 1382647177 1382366087 1383296672
Example 2 - Display the listing in user (-U) mode.
# bpflist -client cl2 -bt 1380000000 -rl 0 -pt Standard -pattern /images -U Client: cl2 Policy: test Backup ID: cl2_1383577314 Backed up: Mon 04 Nov 2013 09:01:54 AM CS (1383577314) Software Version: ? Policy Type: Standard Schedule Type: FULL Version: 10 Keyword: ? Num Files: 1 Files: FN=1 L=0 PL=19 DL=50 BK=8 II=1 RS=0 GB=0 DN=2051 P=/images/ D=16877 root root 0 1383334897 1382366087 1383559354 Client: cl2 Policy: test Backup ID: cl2_1383334895 Backed up: Fri 01 Nov 2013 02:41:35 PM CD (1383334895) Software Version: ? Policy Type: Standard Schedule Type: FULL Version: 10 Keyword: ? Num Files: 1 Files: FN=1 L=0 PL=19 DL=50 BK=8 II=1 RS=0 GB=0 DN=2051 P=/images/ D=16877 root root 0 1383331790 1382366087 1383296672
See bparchive.