Veritas NetBackup™ Troubleshooting Guide
- Introduction
- Troubleshooting procedures
- Troubleshooting NetBackup problems
- Troubleshooting vnetd proxy connections
- Troubleshooting security certificate revocation
- Verifying host name and service entries in NetBackup
- Frozen media troubleshooting considerations
- Troubleshooting problems with the NetBackup web services
- Resolving PBX problems
- Troubleshooting problems with validation of the remote host
- Troubleshooting Auto Image Replication
- Using NetBackup utilities
- About the NetBackup support utility (nbsu)
- About the NetBackup consistency check utility (NBCC)
- About the robotic test utilities
- About the NetBackup Smart Diagnosis (nbsmartdiag) utility
- Disaster recovery
- About disk recovery procedures for UNIX and Linux
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for UNIX and Linux
- About disk recovery procedures for Windows
- About clustered NetBackup server recovery for Windows
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog
- About NetBackup catalog recovery and OpsCenter
- About recovering the entire NetBackup catalog
- About recovering the NetBackup catalog image files
- About recovering the NetBackup relational database
Issues with initiating the NetBackup CA migration because of large key size
Initiating the NetBackup CA migration may be timed out during installation or upgrade because of large key size.
Following is an example of the error that is logged in the installation logs:
06-19-2020,20:40:39 : Initiating the NetBackup CA migration with 16384 bits key size.
06-19-2020,20:40:39 : NetBackup security service is still generating key pairs with key size of 16384 bits.
06-19-2020,20:40:39 : NetBackup will recheck the status of the NetBackup CA migration initiation phase after every 30 seconds
06-19-2020,20:40:40 : The NetBackup CA migration initiation process is taking more time than expected
06-19-2020,20:40:40 : Failed to set up the new NetBackup CA
06-19-2020,20:40:40 : network connection timed out(Error code: 41)
06-19-2020,20:40:40 : Command returned status 41
06-19-2020,20:40:40 : "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd \nbseccmd.exe" -nbcamigrate -initiatemigration -quiet -keysize 16384 -reason "Upgrade" -installtime, ERROR: nbseccmd.exe failed with error status: 41
In case of such an error, it is possible that the CA migration was successfully initiated but the request is timed out because of the large key size. However, in the background the CA migration initiation may be complete and the certificates may be renewed with the new CA.
To verify if the initiation of NetBackup CA migration was successful
- Run the following command:
nbseccmd -nbcaMigrate -summary
- Check if the NetBackup CA migration status is INITIATED.
If the migration status is NO_MIGRATION, it implies that the CA migration has failed during installation.
Initiate a new migration using the following command:
nbseccmd -nbcaMigrate -initiateMigration | -i -keysize <key-value> [-reason <comment>] [-json] [-quiet]
- Once you have ensured that the migration status is INITIATED, run the following command to verify if the new CA is displayed in the list:
nbseccmd -nbcalist
If the new CA is present in the list, it implies that the migration is successfully initiated.
If the new CA is not present in the list, run the following command:
nbseccmd -nbcaMigrate -syncMigrationDB
- If the certificates are still not updated, contact Veritas Technical Support.