NetBackup™ Web UI Cloud Administrator's Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (10.2)
  1. Managing and protecting cloud assets
      About protecting cloud assets
      Limitations and considerations
    3. Configure Snapshot Manager's in NetBackup
        Configure a third-party CA certificate
        Add a Snapshot Manager
      3. Add a cloud provider for a Snapshot Manager
          IAM Role for AWS Configuration
        Associate media servers with a Snapshot Manager
        Discover assets on Snapshot Manager
        Edit a Snapshot Manager
        Enable or disable a Snapshot Manager
        (Optional) Add the Snapshot Manager extension
    4. Managing intelligent cloud groups
        Create an intelligent cloud group
        Delete an intelligent cloud group
    5. Protecting cloud assets or intelligent cloud groups
        Customize or edit protection for cloud assets or intelligent groups
        Remove protection from cloud assets or intelligent groups
      Cloud asset cleanup
      Cloud asset filtering
      AWS and Azure government cloud support
    9. About protecting Microsoft Azure resources using resource groups
        Before you begin
        Limitations and considerations
      3. About resource group configurations and outcome
          Examples of resource group configurations
        Troubleshoot resource group permissions
    10. About the NetBackup Accelerator for cloud workloads
        How the NetBackup Accelerator works with virtual machines
        Accelerator forced rescan for virtual machines (schedule attribute)
        Accelerator backups and the NetBackup catalog
        Accelerator messages in the backup job details log
      Configuring backup schedule for cloud workloads
      Backup options for cloud workloads
      Snapshot replication
      Configure AWS snapshot replication
      Using AWS snapshot replication
      Support matrix for account replication
      Protect applications in-cloud with application consistent snapshots
    18. Protecting PaaS assets
        Prerequisites for protecting PaaS assets
      2. Installing the native client utilities
          Installing the MySQL client utility
          Installing sqlpackage client utility
          Installing Postgres client utility
        Configuring the storage server for instant access
        About incremental backup for PaaS workloads
        Limitations and considerations
        Discovering PaaS assets
        Viewing PaaS assets
        Managing PaaS credentials
        View the credential name that is applied to a database
      10. Add credentials to a database
          Creating an IAM database username
          Creating a system or user managed identity username
        Add protection to PaaS assets
        Perform backup now
  2. Recovering cloud assets
      Recovering cloud assets
      Perform rollback recovery of cloud assets
    3. Recovering PaaS assets
        Recovering non-RDS PaaS assets
        Recovering RDS-based PaaS asset
        Recovering Azure protected assets
        Recovering duplicate images from AdvancedDisk
  3. Performing granular restore
      About granular restore
      Supported environment list
      List of supported file systems
      Before you begin
      Limitations and considerations
      Restoring files and folders from cloud virtual machines
      Restoring volumes on cloud virtual machines
  4. Troubleshooting protection and recovery of cloud assets
      Troubleshoot cloud workload protection issues
      Troubleshoot PaaS workload protection and recovery issues


Troubleshooting snapshot restore process for Microsoft Azure cloud

When you trigger a subsequent (twice) restore operation on the same VM, an error occurs during restore operation. This error causes the following issues:

  • The tags from original OS disk are not copied to newly created restored OS disk.

  • User login might fail after the VM restore due to ssh failure.


Check if the ssh daemon is running on the system. If not, then perform the steps that are mentioned in the the following document provided by Microsoft:

Filtering unsupported files and folders

If you try to restore files or folders from partition or file system that are not supported by Snapshot Manager, then you get the following error in the restore job.

Error nbcs (pid=<processs id>) Failed to restore file(s) and folder(s) from snapshot for asset <asset name>


If you want to avoid listing files or folder while browsing for single file restore, which are not supported by Snapshot Manager, then enable CP DISKMAP check by setting below flag in bp.conf file of NetBackup master server.


Backup from restore operation is partially successful

Backup from restore operation is partially successful when disk is full on the selected target directory. Following messages are displayed:

Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - Info nbcs (pid=2244) Granular restore(SFR) is completed
    Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - Info nbcs (pid=2244) Summary of SFR Operation - Success files/folders count: 0 , 
    Failed files/folders count: 1 , Warning files/folders 
    count: 0, Skipped files/folders count: 0
    Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - Info nbcs (pid=2244) 
    Detailed restore summary report is available on recovery target host at location: 
    Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - Warning bprd (pid=1977) Granular Restore from backup completed with error. 
    Copy the files manually from live access mount: 
    Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - end Restore; elapsed time 0:01:51
    the requested operation was partially successful(1)

For backup from restore if live mount is created successfully then even though there is other error reported apart from ASSET_NOT_FOUND, its considered as partial success. If there is no network devices/filesystem mounted on target location and disk is full then below messages can be seen in job details:

 Jan 02, 2023 12:11:16 AM - Error nbcs (pid=13934) 
187776K space required for file/folder restore while 20K is total available space on /disk1

In this case other network devices/file system must have been mounted on the target path, hence Snapshot Manager agent considers the free space on device/file system. But once it tries to copy the file it fails with space error logged into summary report. For example,

 /var/log/flexsnap/restore/granular-restore-09b4d44d in above Job details log


  • Check the summary report on target host location. For example,

    [root@ip-10-239-187-148 granular-restore-09b4d44d]# cat root-error.log
    Dec 29 09:27:44: ERROR - FILE: /disk1/
    [Error 28] IOError: No space left on device
  • If the file copy operation failed due to disk space, then create some space and copy the file from live mount.

    The live mount path details can be found in the job details as follows:

    Dec 29, 2022 2:57:51 PM - Warning bprd (pid=1977) Granular Restore from backup completed with error. 
    Copy the files manually from live access mount: 
Partial recovery is observed when user selects a disconnected target virtual machine

Partial recovery could be due to the following reasons:

  • If the target virtual machine is disconnected (no connectivity through agent).

  • If any failure is seen while copying files/folders on target virtual machine.

  • When a window virtual machine content is restored on Linux target virtual machine.

In such partial recovery cases, the created instance access will not be deleted and will be available for next 24 hours.

The instance access retention interval is configurable by setting CLOUD_VM_IA_RETENTION_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS key in bp.conf file. (Default value is 24hrs).


User can perform manual steps to access the Instant access share on target host and then manfully copy the required files/folders.

(Copy files over NFS) To restore Linux image content on Linux host:

  • To mount an NFS share on a Linux system, install the NFS client package using the following command:

    $ sudo yum install nfs-utils

  • Using the following mount command, mount the Instant access on target Linux host:

    # Create a directory say /mnt/restore
    $ mkdir -p /mnt/restore
    # Mount the instant access 
    $ mount -t nfs <InstantAccessServer:InstantAccessPath> /mnt/restore
  • Instant access path can be retrieved from activity manager logs which is in the following format:


(SMB access) To restore Windows image contents (with ACL) on Windows target host:

  • SMB credentials of MSDP storage server of source virtual machine image must be added to the Windows credential manager.

  • Use the given live mount to access virtual hard disks by navigating to Activity Monitor > Job details.

    The virtual hard disks are listed under the folder with vhd_ as the prefix.

  • On the Disk Management dialog box under the Action tab, attach the required virtual hard disk and click on OK.

  • On the Add Drive Letter or Path dialog box, select Assign the following drive letter option to assign the letter to Virtual Disk to browse data and click on OK.

  • Navigate to the assigned drive in the above step and copy the data manually.

(Live mount) To restore windows image contents on Linux target host:

  • Linux must have the cifs package. Obtain the packages using the # yum install cifs-utils command.

  • Create the mount directory using the # mkdir <my_mount_dir> command.

  • Mount exported path using Samba username and password as follows:

    mount -t cifs -o username=<sambauser> //<InstantAccessServer>/<InstantAccessPath> <my_mount_dir>

  • Copy the files using the following command:

    # cp <my_mount_dir>/<file_path> <target_dir_path>

Issues with single file restore from backup of snapshot




Log path to check

For information related to restore details on target host, check the following logs:

  • path/file: /tmp/flexsnap-agentless-onhost.log

  • /var/log/flexsnap/restore/granular-restore-*

To resolve the failures or exceptions occurred during single file restore on Snapshot Manager, refer to the following logs on Snapshot Manager host:


Pre-recovery check fails

When restoring files and folders to disconnected target virtual machine, the pre-recovery check fails with the following error:

Target VM state: Target VM <vm_name> has no agent configured

If recovery is started, restore operation would be partially successful.

Ensure that the target virtual machine is in connected state with agent configured for successful restore.

Partial recovery for source Linux VM to target Windows VM (no NFS client)

When restoring files and folders from source Linux VM to target Windows VM without installing NFS client on Windows target machine, then the recovery is partially successful with the following error displayed:

Error nbcs (pid=42513) Invalid operation for asset: <asset_id> Warning bprd (pid=42045) Granular Restore from backup completed with error. Copy the files manually from live access mount: <livemount_path>. Note that live access mount is available only for 24 hrs.

Install NFS client on window target machine before you perform restore from Linux VM to Windows VM.

Restore job fails for deleted target VM

Restore job fails with the following error when restoring files and folders on target VM which is deleted from cloud environment:

Error nbcs (pid=44859) Target VM not found, asset_id <asset_id>

Select a different target VM.

Create Instant access fails

Creation of Instant access fails during restore job if Instant access is not enabled on MSDP storage server.

Verify if Instant access is supported on MSDP media server by using the following pre-check script:


Target VM does not have free drives to attach Virtual Disk

If the number of volumes containing the selected files are more than the number of free available drives on target host then the operation fails.

Restore files and folders from less number of volumes.

Not enough space: '*\\driverMapping.json

If media server where MSDP is configured has FIPS enabled.

Disable FIPS on the media server where MSDP is installed or add domain user samba credentials to target VM.

Issue with Azure cloud provider VM's

If one of VM's disks is not initialized, downloading or restoring VM files using Instant access fails with the following error:

Jan 24, 2023 11:58:47 AM - Error NBWMC (pid=3716) Internal Error: ('failed to find operation system information, please check the source VM', ('Failed to expose 
VMDK', 1006), None)
Failed to create the instant access mount.

Libguestfs is a third party tool used by Instant access to retrieve files from VM backup. If a disk is not initialized, libguestfs will not be able to handle it.


Initialize the disk, backup the VM and try to download or restore VM files using Instant access again.