NetBackup™ for OpenStack Administrator's Guide
- Introduction
- Deploying NetBackup for OpenStack
- Requirements
- NetBackup for OpenStack network considerations
- Preparing the installation
- Spinning up the NetBackup for OpenStack virtual machine
- Installing NetBackup for OpenStack Components
- Installing on RHOSP
- Prepare for deployment
- Updating the overcloud roles data file to include NetBackup for OpenStack services
- Additional Steps on NetBackup for OpenStack Appliance
- Installing on Ansible OpenStack Ussuri
- Installing on Kolla
- Pushing NetBackup for OpenStack images to the local registry
- Installing on RHOSP
- Configuring NetBackup for OpenStack
- Post Installation Health-Check
- Uninstalling NetBackup for OpenStack
- Uninstalling from RHOSP
- Uninstalling from Ansible OpenStack
- Uninstalling from Kolla Openstack
- Uninstalling from RHOSP
- Upgrading NetBackup for OpenStack
- Configuring NetBackup OpenStack Appliance
- Configuring NetBackup primary server
- NetBackup for OpenStack protections
- Performing snapshots, backups, and restores of OpenStack
- About restores
- Required restore.json file for CLI
- About schedules
- Performing Backup Administration tasks
- Disaster recovery
- Troubleshooting
- General Troubleshooting Tips
- Health check of NetBackup for OpenStack
- Important log files
Preparing the deployment host
Select the NetBackup for OpenStack backup target storage type.
See See About NetBackup for OpenStack backup target types.
Copy Ansible roles and vars to the required places.
cd nbos-cfg-scripts/ cp -R ansible/roles/* /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/roles/ cp ansible/main-install.yml /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/ os-nbos-install.yml cp ansible/environments/group_vars/all/vars.yml /etc/openstack_ deploy/user_nbos_vars.yml
Add NetBackup for OpenStack playbook to /opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/setup-openstack.ymlat the end of the file.
- import_playbook: os-nbos-install.yml
Add the following information at the end of the file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml
# Datamover haproxy setting haproxy_extra_services: - service: haproxy_service_name: nbosdm_service haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['nbosdmapi_all'] | default([]) }}" haproxy_ssl: "{{ haproxy_ssl }}" haproxy_port: 8784 haproxy_balance_type: http haproxy_balance_alg: roundrobin haproxy_timeout_client: 10m haproxy_timeout_server: 10m haproxy_backend_options: - "httpchk GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\nUser-agent:\\ osa-haproxy-healthcheck"
Create the file /opt/openstack-ansible/inventory/env.d/nbos-nbosdmapi.yml
Add the following information to the file.
cat > /opt/openstack-ansible/inventory/env.d/nbos-nbosdmapi.yml component_skel: nbosdmapi_api: belongs_to: - nbosdmapi_all container_skel: nbosdmapi_container: belongs_to: - nbos-nbosdmapi_containers contains: - nbosdmapi_api physical_skel: nbos-nbosdmapi_containers: belongs_to: - all_containers nbos-nbosdmapi_hosts: belongs_to: - hosts
Edit the file /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml according to the example below to set host entries for NetBackup for OpenStack components.
#nbosdmapi nbos-nbosdmapi_hosts: # Add controller details in this section as # nbos-dmapi is resides on controller nodes. infra1: # Controller host name ip: <controller_ip> # IP address of controller infra2: # For multiple controller nodes add controller node # details in same manner as shown in infra2 ip: <controller_ip> #nbos-datamover nbos_compute_hosts: # Add compute details in this section as nbosdm # resides on compute nodes. infra-1: # Compute host name ip: <compute_ip> # IP address of compute infra2: # For multiple compute nodes add compute node # details in same manner as shown in infra2 ip: <compute_ip>
Edit the common editable parameter section in the file /etc/openstack_deploy/user_nbos_vars.yml
Append the required details like NetBackup for OpenStack Appliance IP address, NetBackup for OpenStack package version, OpenStack distribution, snapshot storage backend, SSL related information and so on.
##common editable parameters required for installing nbos-horizon-plugin, nbosdm and nbosdmapi #ip address of nbosvm IP_ADDRESS: <Nbosvm IP> ##Time Zone TIME_ZONE: "Etc/UTC" #Update NBOS package version here, we will install mentioned version plugins for Example# NBOS_PACKAGE_VERSION: 3.3.36 NBOS_PACKAGE_VERSION: <Build No> # Update Openstack dist code name like ussuri etc. OPENSTACK_DIST: ussuri #Need to add the following statement in nova sudoers file #nova ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /home/nbos/.virtenv/bin/privsep-helper * #These changes require for nbosdm, Otherwise nbosdm will not work #Are you sure? Please set variable to # UPDATE_NOVA_SUDOERS_FILE: proceed #other wise ansible nbosdm installation will exit UPDATE_NOVA_SUDOERS_FILE: proceed ###details of nbosdmapi ##If SSL is enabled "NBOSDMAPI_ENABLED_SSL_APIS" value should be nbosdmapi. #NBOSDMAPI_ENABLED_SSL_APIS: nbosdmapi ##If SSL is disabled "NBOSDMAPI_ENABLED_SSL_APIS" value should be empty. NBOSDMAPI_ENABLED_SSL_APIS: "" NBOSDMAPI_SSL_CERT: "" NBOSDMAPI_SSL_KEY: "" #### Any service is using Ceph Backend then set ceph_backend_enabled value to True #True/False ceph_backend_enabled: False #Set verbosity level and run playbooks with -vvv option to display custom debug messages verbosity_level: 3