Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SMTP Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.5)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Introducing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
    1. About Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
        SMTP Archiving configurations
        SMTP Archiving components
      About SMTP Journaling
      About SMTP Group Journaling
      About SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP Archiving licensing
      Journaling messages to Enterprise Vault from Exchange Server or Office 365
  3. Installing SMTP Archiving
      About installing Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving components
  4. Configuring SMTP Archiving
      Steps to configure SMTP Archiving
      Planning your configuration
    3. Configuring the Enterprise Vault SMTP Servers in the site
        Entering the name or IP address of connecting hosts
        Obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate
        Configuring message tracking for SMTP messages
    4. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    5. Adding an SMTP Archiving task and holding folder
        About the SMTP holding folder
        Keeping safety copies of archived messages
        Task summary reports
    6. Configuring retention categories and retention plans
        Managing cascading retention settings on multiple archives
        About changing retention on SMTP Group Journaling provisioning groups
    7. Creating SMTP policies
      1. About X-Headers
          About X-Kvs X-Headers
          Searching archives for messages with specific X-Headers
    8. Configuring archives for SMTP messages
        Assigning multiple archives to spread the archiving load across servers
      Adding SMTP routing addresses
      Checking settings for SMTP Journaling
      Additional configuration for Compliance Accelerator
  5. Provisioning users for SMTP Group or SMTP Mailbox Journaling
      About SMTP provisioning groups
      Adding an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group
      Adding an SMTP Mailbox Journaling provisioning group
      Changing the order of the SMTP provisioning groups
      Deleting an SMTP provisioning group
      Adding or deleting an SMTP Provisioning task
      SMTP Provisioning task summary reports
      Configuring the SMTP site setting, Selective Journal Archiving
      Adding SMTP target addresses manually
  6. Using the SMTP dashboard
      About the SMTP dashboard
      Using the Summary page
      Using the Search page
      Using the SMTP Archiving page
  7. PowerShell cmdlets
      About the PowerShell cmdlets for SMTP Archiving
  8. Appendix A. Configuring target address rewriting
      About target address rewriting
      Steps to configure target address rewriting
      Adding SMTP target addresses
      Adding target address aliases

About target address rewriting

If a high volume of SMTP traffic is sent to Enterprise Vault using one or two SMTP routing addresses, you can use a load balancing solution to distribute the incoming messages across a number of Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. For example, a simple load balancing solution is to configure equal preference MX records in DNS for the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers.

In Enterprise Vault SMTP Journaling configurations that use a single SMTP routing address to send messages to Enterprise Vault, all the messages are stored in the archive that is associated with the routing address. You can implement target address rewriting on each SMTP server to distribute the archiving load over several archives and Enterprise Vault storage servers. With target address rewriting, the messages that arrive at each SMTP server are redirected to a different target address and archive.

In Enterprise Vault SMTP Journaling configurations that use a single SMTP routing address to send messages to Enterprise Vault, all the messages are stored in the archive that is associated with the routing address. In Enterprise Vault 12.3 and later, you can assign multiple archives to an SMTP Journaling routing address, or an SMTP Group Journaling provisioning group to spread the archiving load over several archives and Enterprise Vault storage servers.

See Assigning multiple archives to spread the archiving load across servers.

In previous releases of Enterprise Vault, you could only implement target address rewriting to do this.

The instructions in these sections describe how to set up target address rewriting on the Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. Instructions on how to set up DNS MX records for load balancing are not included in this guide.

Figure: SMTP Journaling without address rewriting

SMTP Journaling without address rewriting

Figure: SMTP Journaling without address rewriting shows an example environment where equal preference MX records provide basic load balancing of incoming messages across several Enterprise Vault SMTP servers. The example Enterprise Vault environment is configured as follows:

  • All SMTP messages are sent to the same SMTP routing address, SMTPjournal@example.com.

  • SMTP messages for SMTPjournal@example.com are evenly distributed across the different Enterprise Vault SMTP servers.

  • In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, SMTPjournal@example.com is configured as an SMTP target address, and enabled for archiving. The archive that is configured for this target is SMTPjournal.

    With this configuration, all the SMTP messages are stored in the one archive, SMTPjournal.

In the above example, the SMTP traffic is distributed across several Enterprise Vault SMTP servers, but all of the servers store the messages in the same archive. To spread the archiving load over several archives, you can implement target address rewriting on the SMTP servers. This is illustrated in the following example.

Figure: SMTP Journaling with address rewriting

SMTP Journaling with address rewriting

The example environment in Figure: SMTP Journaling with address rewriting is configured as follows:

  • As in the previous example, all SMTP messages are sent to the same SMTP routing address, SMTPjournal@example.com.

  • In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, SMTPjournal@example.com is configured as an SMTP target address. As address rewriting will send the messages to different target addresses and archives, this target address is not enabled for archiving.

  • To implement address rewriting, alias entries are added manually to the aliases files on each of the SMTP servers. On the first SMTP server, for example, the alias might be SMTPserver1. The target routing address in each message that is received by this server is then rewritten as SMTPserver1@example.com.

    On the second SMTP server, if the alias is SMTPserver2, the target routing address in each message that is received by this server is rewritten as SMTPserver2@example.com, and so on.

  • In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, the alias address for each server, SMTPserver1@example.com, SMTPserver2@example.com, and SMTPserver3@example.com, is configured as an SMTP target address, and enabled for archiving.

    Enterprise Vault stores the messages in the archive that is associated with the target address. The archive SMTPjournal1 is associated with the target SMTPserver1@example.com, the archive SMTPjournal2 is associated with the target SMTPserver2@example.com, and so on.