Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.3)
  1. About this guide
      Introducing this guide
    2. Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
        Enterprise Vault training modules
  2. Configuring SharePoint archiving
      About SharePoint archiving with Enterprise Vault
      Overview of configuring Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
      Configuring Enterprise Vault access to the SharePoint server
      Installing Enterprise Vault components on the SharePoint server
      Running the Enterprise Vault for SharePoint configuration wizard
    6. Creating objects in the Administration Console for SharePoint archiving
        Creating a SharePoint archiving task
        SharePoint archiving task properties
      3. Creating an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
          Viewing or modifying a SharePoint archiving policy
        About the vault stores for SharePoint archives
      5. Adding a SharePoint archiving target
          Changing the default archiving settings for a SharePoint target
          Stopping the archiving of sites on a target
        Creating archiving targets for SharePoint site collections
        Creating archiving target subsites to override archiving settings
  3. Running SharePoint archiving
      Starting a SharePoint archiving run
      Scheduling SharePoint archiving runs
  4. Adding SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      About the SharePoint archiving Web Parts
      Adding the Archive Search Web Part to a SharePoint page
  5. User access to archived SharePoint documents
    1. About user access to archived SharePoint items
        Accessing archived versions on the SharePoint version history page
      2. Using the Archive Search Web Part to search for archived items
          SharePoint Archive Search Web Part advanced search
          Customizing the Archive Search Web Part search form
          Restoring a document using the Archive Search Web Part
      Modifying the browser security settings for SharePoint users
  6. Appendix A. Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on a single server
      Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on the same server

Creating an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint

This section describes how to create a SharePoint archiving policy. A policy defines what items are to be archived and, if versioning is enabled on the SharePoint server, how many versions are to be left in SharePoint after archiving.

To create an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint

  1. In the Enterprise Vault Administration Console tree, expand the Enterprise Vault site and then click Policies.
  2. Under Policies, click SharePoint.
  3. To create a new policy, right-click in the right pane and select New, Policy (alternatively, right-click SharePoint under Policies in the tree). The New SharePoint Policy wizard starts.

    Click Next.

  4. Give the policy a name and description.
  5. In the next page you create one or more rules to select the items that you want to process with this policy. Click New to display the Rule page.
  6. Enter a Name and Description for this rule.
  7. In the Rule type section, select the action to take with files that match the rule. This can be one of Archive, Do not archive, or Delete.

    If you select Archive, the Capture embedded images within content option is available. You can use this option to archive images within the content.

  8. To archive files according to content source and type, enter the details in the Content tab. Click Help for information about the options.

    In the Metadata tab, you can define conditions so that Enterprise Vault archives items according to the values in the SharePoint lists or library columns.

  9. To specify criteria to apply a rule to file types, click the File tab and specify the selection criteria.

    For File name, the first box lets you include or exclude the files specified in the second box.

    In the second box enter the files you want to target. You can include wildcards in the file names. For example, * means all files, whereas *.doc means all files with the extension .doc.

    Separate multiple file types with a comma.

    Similarly, specify the file size for the rule.

  10. Specify a retention category for the content that you selected for the rule in the Retention Category tab.

    Clear the check box Use Retention Category assigned to the target if you want to apply a retention category other than the one assigned to the target in the Retention Category list.

    The options in this tab are available only if you select Archive as the rule type in the General tab.

  11. Click OK to add the rule. One or more rules can be applied when selecting files to process with this policy. Click New to add further rules or Edit to change the highlighted rule.

    During processing, the rules are applied in order from the top of the list. The first rule that matches is applied, so you need to ensure that the required default action is last. Use Move Up and Move Down to re-order rules.

    To disable a rule, clear the check box for that rule.

  12. In the next page, you can configure how to handle the library items that have already been archived. You can choose to retain the items in SharePoint, to delete the items from SharePoint, or to replace them with shortcuts.
  13. In the next page, you can configure how to handle the list items that have already been archived. You can choose to retain the items in SharePoint, to delete the items from SharePoint, or to replace attachments of items with shortcuts.
  14. In the next page, select Prune SharePoint documents and set Prune versions of the document to the specify number of versions of an archived document that you want to leave in SharePoint after archiving. Earlier versions will be available only in the archive.
  15. In the next page, you can configure whether or not Enterprise Vault is to archive content with permissions that differ from those of other content in the folder. When Enterprise Vault archives items from SharePoint, the copy stored in the archive is given the same permissions as the folder that contained the original content. This means that users with read access to the folder in SharePoint will be able to access archived copies of any content in the folder.
  16. In the next page, you can configure Enterprise Vault to archive drafts of documents. When archiving drafts, you can specify that drafts of a document will only be archived if users who have access to the SharePoint document also have access to drafts of that document.

    If you select the option to archive drafts but do not select Archive drafts only if they can be viewed by users with read access to those items, then drafts of all items archived from the target site are archived. This means that anyone with read access to the original item in SharePoint will also be able to view archived drafts of the item in Enterprise Vault, even if they do not have access to drafts in SharePoint.

  17. The next page lists the various SharePoint policy settings that you created.
  18. Click Finish and then Close.