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Enterprise Vault™ Setting up SharePoint Server Archiving
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (14.3)
- About this guide
- Configuring SharePoint archiving
- Creating objects in the Administration Console for SharePoint archiving
- Creating an archiving policy for Enterprise Vault for SharePoint
- Adding a SharePoint archiving target
- Running SharePoint archiving
- Adding SharePoint archiving Web Parts
- User access to archived SharePoint documents
- Appendix A. Installing Enterprise Vault and SharePoint on a single server
Creating a SharePoint archiving task
You can create one or more SharePoint archiving tasks. A single task can support several SharePoint web applications.
The account that the archiving task uses to access SharePoint must have site collection administrator permissions in each of its target SharePoint site collections.
To create a SharePoint archiving task
- In the explorer pane of the Enterprise Vault Administration Console, navigate to the Enterprise Vault computer that is to host the new SharePoint task. Click the computer name to display Services and Tasks.
- Right-click Tasks and select New, SharePoint Task. This starts the New SharePoint Task wizard.
- Work through the pages.