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Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Domino Server Archiving
Last Published:
Enterprise Vault (12.5)
- About this guide
- Setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- Preparation for Domino mailbox archiving
- Configuring Domino targets, tasks and policies in Enterprise Vault
- Adding Domino Server archiving targets
- Configuring mailbox policies for Domino mailbox archiving
- Using customized shortcuts for Domino mailbox archiving
- Configuring desktop policies for Domino mailbox archiving
- Adding a Provisioning Group when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- Installing Enterprise Vault extensions for Notes and DWA clients
- About Enterprise Vault clients for Notes and DWA clients
- Granting Execution Control List permissions when setting up Notes and DWA clients
- Changes made by EVInstall.nsf when setting up Domino mailbox archiving
- How to edit automatic messages after installing Domino mailbox archiving
- Setting up a Vault Cache for offline users
- Setting up Domino Journaling archiving
- How to configure clients when setting up Domino Journal archiving
- Configuring filtering
- Configuring custom filtering
- Configuring registry settings for Domino custom filtering
- About custom filtering ruleset files
- About controlling default custom filtering behavior
- About the general format of ruleset files for custom filtering
- About rule actions for custom filtering
- About message attribute filters for custom filtering
- About the general format of Custom Properties.xml
- About content categories
- Defining how custom properties are presented in third party applications
Editing the Welcome message after installing Domino mailbox archiving
When Enterprise Vault enables a mailbox for archiving, it automatically sends a Welcome message to that mailbox. The Welcome message provides information for users on how to get help and what to expect. You must edit this message before it is sent to reflect how you have set up Enterprise Vault.
During the installation, the Welcome message is placed in a folder beneath the Enterprise Vault program folder, for example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang
Where lang indicates the language used.
The Welcome message is in a file called EVMessages.nsf.
To set up the Welcome message
- Decide which language version of EVMessages.nsf you want to use and locate the file.
- Optionally, use an appropriate user ID to sign the file. The ID must have Access to current Database permission in the Execution Control List on the computer on which you intend to edit the file. If you have an existing ID set up for such purposes, you can use that ID.
- Using a computer that has Notes installed, double-click the file EVMessages.nsf in Windows Explorer to edit the message.
- Review the text and make any changes that you require.
- Save the file.
- Copy EVMessages.nsf to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault) on every Enterprise Vault server in the site.