NetBackup™ Snapshot Manager Install and Upgrade Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (10.2)
  1. Introduction
      About the deployment approach
      Deciding where to run NetBackup Snapshot Manager
      About deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the cloud
  2. Section I. NetBackup Snapshot Manager installation and configuration
    1. Preparing for NetBackup Snapshot Manager installation
        Meeting system requirements
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager host sizing recommendations
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension sizing recommendations
        Creating an instance or preparing the host to install NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing container platform (Docker, Podman)
        Creating and mounting a volume to store NetBackup Snapshot Manager data
        Verifying that specific ports are open on the instance or physical host
        Preparing NetBackup Snapshot Manager for backup from snapshot jobs
    2. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager using container images
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager in the Docker/Podman environment
        Verifying that NetBackup Snapshot Manager is installed successfully
        Restarting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    3. Deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
        Before you begin installing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
        Downloading the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension
      3. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a VM
          Prerequisites to install the extension on VM
          Installing the extension on a VM
      4. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (AKS) in Azure
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in Azure
          Installing the extension on Azure (AKS)
      5. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS) in AWS
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in AWS
        2. Installing the extension on AWS (EKS)
            Install extension using the extension script
      6. Installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster (GKE) in GCP
          Prerequisites to install the extension on a managed Kubernetes cluster in GCP
          Installing the extension on GCP (GKE)
        Install extension using the Kustomize and CR YAMLs
        Managing the extensions
    4. NetBackup Snapshot Manager cloud providers
        Why to configure the NetBackup Snapshot Manager cloud providers?
      2. AWS plug-in configuration notes
          Prerequisites for configuring the AWS plug-in
          Configuring AWS permissions for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          AWS permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Before you create a cross account configuration
      3. Google Cloud Platform plug-in configuration notes
          Google Cloud Platform permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Configuring a GCP service account for NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Preparing the GCP service account for plug-in configuration
          GCP cross-project restore configuration
      4. Microsoft Azure plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure
          About Azure snapshots
      5. Microsoft Azure Stack Hub plug-in configuration notes
          Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure Stack Hub
          Configuring staging location for Azure Stack Hub VMs to restore from backup
    5. Configuration for protecting assets on cloud hosts/VM
        Deciding which feature (on-host agent or agentless) of NetBackup Snapshot Manager is to be used for protecting the assets
      2. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's on-host agent feature
        1. Installing and configuring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
            Downloading and installing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agent
          2. Linux-based agent
              Preparing to install the Linux-based agent
              Registering the Linux-based agent
          3. Windows-based agent
              Preparing to install the Windows-based agent
              Registering the Windows-based agent
        2. Configuring the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application plug-in
            Configuring an application plug-in
          2. Microsoft SQL plug-in
              Microsoft SQL plug-in configuration requirements
              Restore requirements and limitations for Microsoft SQL Server
              Steps required before restoring SQL AG databases
              Additional steps required after restoring SQL AG databases
            5. Additional steps required after a SQL Server instance snapshot restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server host-level restore
                Steps required after a SQL Server instance disk-level snapshot restore to new location
          3. Oracle plug-in
            1. Oracle plug-in configuration requirements
                Optimizing your Oracle database data and metadata files
              Restore requirements and limitations for Oracle
              Additional steps required after an Oracle snapshot restore
      3. Protecting assets with NetBackup Snapshot Manager's agentless feature
        1. Prerequisites for the agentless configuration
            Configuring SMB for Windows (Optional)
            Configuring WMI security for Windows (optional)
          Configuring the agentless feature
          Configuring the agentless feature after upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    6. NetBackup Snapshot Manager assets protection
      1. NetBackup protection plan
          Creating a NetBackup protection plan for cloud assets
          Subscribing cloud assets to a NetBackup protection plan
        Configuring VSS to store shadow copies on the originating drive
        Additional steps required after restoring an AWS RDS database instance
    7. Volume Encryption in NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        About volume encryption support in NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Volume encryption for Azure
        Volume encryption for GCP
        Volume encryption for AWS
    8. NetBackup Snapshot Manager security
        Configuring security for Azure Stack
        Configuring the cloud connector for Azure Stack
        CA configuration for Azure Stack
        Securing the connection to NetBackup Snapshot Manager
  3. Section II. NetBackup Snapshot Manager maintenance
    1. NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging mechanism
      2. How Fluentd-based NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging works
          About the NetBackup Snapshot Manager fluentd configuration file
          Modifying the fluentd configuration file
        NetBackup Snapshot Manager logs
        Agentless logs
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager logging
    2. Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        About NetBackup Snapshot Manager upgrades
        Supported upgrade path
        Upgrade scenarios
        Preparing to upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager using patch or hotfix
      7. Migrating and upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Before you begin migrating NetBackup Snapshot Manager
          Migrate and upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager on RHEL 8.6 or 8.4
        GCP configuration for migration from zone to region
      9. Post-upgrade tasks
          Upgrading NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions
        Post-migration tasks
    3. Uninstalling NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Preparing to uninstall NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Backing up NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager plug-ins
        Unconfiguring NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager from a standalone Docker host environment
        Removing NetBackup Snapshot Manager extensions - VM-based or managed Kubernetes cluster-based
        Restoring NetBackup Snapshot Manager
    4. Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        Troubleshooting NetBackup Snapshot Manager
        SQL snapshot or restore and granular restore operations fail if the Windows instance loses connectivity with the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host
        Disk-level snapshot restore fails if the original disk is detached from the instance
        Discovery is not working even after assigning system managed identity to the control node pool
        Performance issue with GCP backup from snapshot
        Post migration on host agents fail with an error message
        File restore job fails with an error message
        Acknowledgment not received for datamover
        Upgrade of extension on AWS (EKS) fails when upgrading through script
        Backup from snapshot job fails with timeout error

Meeting system requirements

NetBackup Snapshot Manager host requirements

The host on which you install NetBackup Snapshot Manager must meet the following requirements.

See NetBackup Snapshot Manager host sizing recommendations.

Table: Operating system, processor and package requirements for NetBackup Snapshot Manager host



Operating system

  • Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 and 18.04 Server LTS

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9, 8.6, 8.4 and 7.x


    NetBackup Snapshot Manager deployment for RHEL 8.6 and 8.4 over IPV6 is not supported.

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 15 SP2

Processor architecture

x86_64 /64-bit processors

Packages on NetBackup Snapshot Manager host

Following are the operating system specific respective required packages to be installed on NetBackup Snapshot Manager host:

  • Ubuntu: lvm2, udev

  • SUSE: lvm2, udev

  • RHEL 7: lvm2, systemd

  • RHEL 8: podman-plugins, lvm2, systemd-udev


The single hostname or FQDN for NetBackup Snapshot Manager has limit of 64 characters which is required at the time of installation.

Table: System requirements for the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host

Host on which NetBackup Snapshot Manager is installed


Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance

  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance type: t3.large

  • vCPUs: 2

  • RAM: 16 GB

  • Root disk: 64 GB with a solid-state drive (GP2)

  • Data volume: 50 GB Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume of type GP2 with encryption for the snapshot asset database; use this as a starting value and expand your storage as needed.

Microsoft Azure VM

  • Virtual machine type: D2s_V3 Standard

  • CPU cores: 2

  • RAM: 16 GB

  • Root disk: 64 GB SSD

  • Data volume: 50 GB Premium SSD for the snapshot asset database; storage account type Premium_LRS; set Host Caching to Read/Write.

Ensure that do the following before you deploy NetBackup Snapshot Manager on an RHEL instance in the Azure cloud:

  • Register the RHEL instance with Red Hat using Red Hat Subscription Manager

  • Extend the default LVM partitions on the RHEL instance so that they fulfil the minimum disk space requirement

Microsoft Azure Stack Hub VM

  • Virtual machine types:

    • DS2_v2 Standard - CPU cores 2, RAM 7 GB

    • DS3_v2 Standard - CPU cores 4, RAM 14 GB

  • Root disk: 64 GB SSD

  • Data volume: 50 GB Premium SSD for the snapshot asset database; storage account type Premium_LRS; set Host Caching to Read/Write.

Ensure that do the following before you deploy NetBackup Snapshot Manager on an RHEL instance in the Azure Stack Hub cloud:

  • Register the RHEL instance with Red Hat using Red Hat Subscription Manager

  • Extend the default LVM partitions on the RHEL instance so that they fulfil the minimum disk space requirement

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) VM

  • Virtual machine type: n2-standard-4

  • vCPUs: 2

  • RAM: 16 GB

  • Boot disk: 64 GB standard persistent disk

  • Data volume: 50 GB SSD persistent disk for the snapshot asset database with automatic encryption


    To support LVM indexing, ensure that the Multipath service is disabled on NetBackup Snapshot Manager host.

VMware VM

  • Virtual machine type: 64-bit with a NetBackup Snapshot Manager supported operating system

  • vCPUs: 8

  • RAM: 16 GB or more

  • Root disk: 64 GB with a standard persistent disk

  • Data volume: 50 GB for the snapshot asset database

Physical host

(x86_64 / AMD64)

  • Operating system: A 64-bit NetBackup Snapshot Manager supported operating system

  • CPUs: x86_64 (64-bit), single-socket, multi-core, with at least 8 CPU count

  • RAM: 16 GB or more

  • Boot disk: 64 GB

  • Data volume: 50 GB for the snapshot asset database


NetBackup Snapshot Manager is not fully FIPS compliant.

Disk space requirements

NetBackup Snapshot Manager uses the following file systems on the host to store all the container images and files during installation:

  • /(root file system)

  • /var

The /var file system is further used for container runtimes. Ensure that the host on which you install or upgrade NetBackup Snapshot Manager has sufficient space for the following components.

Table: Space considerations for NetBackup Snapshot Manager components


Space requirements

NetBackup Snapshot Manager containers

30 GB free space

NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents and plug-ins

350 MB free space, for every NetBackup Snapshot Manager plug-in and agent configured

Additionally, NetBackup Snapshot Manager also requires a separate volume for storing NetBackup Snapshot Manager data. Ensure that you create and mount this volume to /cloudpoint on the NetBackup Snapshot Manager host.

Table: Space consideration for NetBackup Snapshot Manager data volume

Volume mount path



50 GB or more

See NetBackup Snapshot Manager host sizing recommendations.

Applications, operating systems, and cloud platforms supported by NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents and plug-ins

NetBackup Snapshot Manager supports the following applications, operating systems and cloud platforms.

These assets are supported irrespective of how you configure NetBackup Snapshot Manager, whether using the NetBackup Snapshot Manager cloud agents and plug-ins (earlier known as off-host plug-ins), or using the NetBackup Snapshot Manager application configuration plug-ins (earlier known as on-host plug-ins), or using the NetBackup Snapshot Manager agentless feature.

Table: Supported applications, operating systems, and cloud platforms




  • File systems

    • Linux native file systems: ext3, ext4, and XFS

    • Microsoft Windows: NTFS

  • Microsoft SQL 2014, SQL 2016, SQL 2017, SQL 2019

Operating systems on supported assets

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9, 8.6 and 8.4

  • Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019 and 2022


NetBackup Snapshot Manager agents are not supported on non-English operating systems.

Cloud platforms

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

    If you wish to protect applications, the applications must be hosted on a t2.large or a higher specification AWS instance type. NetBackup Snapshot Manager currently does not support applications that are running on t2.medium or a lower instance type.

    The t2 series instances are supported only if the device naming conventions recommended by AWS are followed.

    For more details, refer to the following links:

    For protecting Microsoft Windows-based applications, use t2.xlarge or t3.xlarge or a higher specification instance type.

    For more information on the required permissions for configuring AWS, refer to the following link:

    See AWS permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

  • Microsoft Azure

    If you wish to protect applications, the applications must be hosted on a D2s_V3 Standard or a higher specification Azure virtual machine type.

    For protecting Microsoft Windows-based applications, use B4ms or D4s_V3 or a higher specification virtual machine.


    The NetBackup Snapshot Manager Azure plug-in supports disks of type Premium_LRS, Standard_LRS, and StandardSSD_LRS.

    All other disk types are defaulted to Standard_LRS during snapshot restore operations.

    For more information on the required permissions for configuring Azure, refer to the following link:

    See Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure.

  • Microsoft Azure Stack Hub (2008 and later)

    If you wish to protect applications, the applications must be hosted on a DS2_v2 Standard or a higher specification Azure Stack Hub virtual machine type. For more information, see VM sizes supported in Azure Stack Hub.


    The NetBackup Snapshot Manager Azure Stack Hub plug-in supports disks of type Premium_LRS, Standard_LRS, and StandardSSD_LRS.

    All other disk types are defaulted to Standard_LRS during snapshot restore operations.

    For more information on the required permissions for configuring Microsoft Azure Stack, refer to the following link:

    See Configuring permissions on Microsoft Azure Stack Hub.

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    If you wish to protect applications, the applications must be hosted on a n2-standard-4 or a higher specification GCP virtual machine type.

    For more information on the required permissions for configuring Google cloud platform, refer to the following link:

    See Google Cloud Platform permissions required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager.

NetBackup Snapshot Manager time zone

Ensure that the time zone settings on the host where you wish to deploy NetBackup Snapshot Manager are as per your requirement and synchronized with a public NTP server.

By default, NetBackup Snapshot Manager uses the time zone that is set on the host where you install NetBackup Snapshot Manager. The timestamp for all the entries in the logs are as per the clock settings of the host machine.

Proxy server requirements

If the instance on which you are deploying NetBackup Snapshot Manager is behind a proxy server, that is, if the NetBackup Snapshot Manager instance connects to the internet using a proxy server, you must specify the proxy server details during the NetBackup Snapshot Manager installation. The NetBackup Snapshot Manager installer stores the proxy server information in a set of environment variables that are specific for the NetBackup Snapshot Manager containers.

The following table displays the environment variables and the proxy server information that you must provide to the NetBackup Snapshot Manager installer. Make sure you keep this information ready; you are required to provide these details during NetBackup Snapshot Manager installation.

Table: Proxy server details required by NetBackup Snapshot Manager

Environment variables created by NetBackup Snapshot Manager installer



Contains the HTTP proxy value to be used for all connections. For example, "".


Contains the HTTP proxy value to be used for all connections. For example, "".


Contains the hosts that are allowed to bypass the proxy server. For example, "localhost,,".

NetBackup Snapshot Manager services that need to communicate externally via a proxy server use these predefined environment variables that are set during the NetBackup Snapshot Manager installation.