Storage Foundation for Oracle® RAC 7.3.1 Administrator's Guide - Linux
- Section I. SF Oracle RAC concepts and administration
- Overview of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- About Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- Component products and processes of SF Oracle RAC
- About Virtual Business Services
- Administering SF Oracle RAC and its components
- Administering SF Oracle RAC
- Starting or stopping SF Oracle RAC on each node
- Administering VCS
- Administering I/O fencing
- About the vxfentsthdw utility
- Testing the coordinator disk group using the -c option of vxfentsthdw
- About the vxfenadm utility
- About the vxfenclearpre utility
- About the vxfenswap utility
- Administering the CP server
- Administering CFS
- Administering CVM
- Changing the CVM master manually
- Administering Flexible Storage Sharing
- Backing up and restoring disk group configuration data
- Administering SF Oracle RAC global clusters
- Administering SF Oracle RAC
- Overview of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
- Section II. Performance and troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- About troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- Troubleshooting I/O fencing
- Fencing startup reports preexisting split-brain
- Troubleshooting CP server
- Troubleshooting server-based fencing on the SF Oracle RAC cluster nodes
- Issues during online migration of coordination points
- Troubleshooting Cluster Volume Manager in SF Oracle RAC clusters
- Troubleshooting CFS
- Troubleshooting interconnects
- Troubleshooting Oracle
- Troubleshooting ODM in SF Oracle RAC clusters
- Prevention and recovery strategies
- Tunable parameters
- Troubleshooting SF Oracle RAC
- Section III. Reference
Stopping SF Oracle RAC manually on each node
Perform the steps in the following procedures to stop SF Oracle RAC manually on each node.
To stop SF Oracle RAC manually on each node
- Stop the Oracle database.
If the Oracle RAC instance is managed by VCS, log in as the root user and take the service group offline:
# hagrp -offline oracle_group -sys node_name
If the Oracle database instance is not managed by VCS, log in as the Oracle user on one of the nodes and shut down the instance:
For Oracle RAC 12c:
$ srvctl stop instance -db db_name \ -node node_name
For Oracle RAC and later versions of 11g Release 2:
$ srvctl stop instance -d db_name \ -n node_name
- Stop all applications that are not configured under VCS but dependent on Oracle RAC or resources controlled by VCS. Use native application commands to stop the application.
- Unmount the CFS file systems that are not managed by VCS.
Make sure that no processes are running which make use of mounted shared file system. To verify that no processes use the VxFS or CFS mount point:
# mount | grep vxfs | grep cluster
# fuser -cu /mount_point
Unmount the CFS file system:
# umount /mount_point
- Take the VCS service groups offline:
# hagrp -offline group_name -sys node_name
Verify that the VCS service groups are offline:
# hagrp -state group_name
- Unmount the VxFS file systems that are not managed by VCS.
Make sure that no processes are running which make use of mounted shared file system. To verify that no processes use the VxFS or CFS mount point:
# mount | grep vxfs
# fuser -cu /mount_point
Unmount the VxFS file system:
# umount /mount_point
- Verify that no VxVM volumes (other than VxVM boot volumes) remain open. Stop any open volumes that are not managed by VCS.
- Stop VCS, CVM and CFS:
# hastop -local
Verify that the ports 'f', 'm', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'y', and 'h' are closed:
# gabconfig -a GAB Port Memberships =============================================================== Port a gen 761f03 membership 01 Port b gen 761f08 membership 01 Port d gen 761f02 membership 01 Port o gen 761f01 membership 01
- Stop ODM:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop vxodm
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/vxodm stop
- Stop GMS:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop vxgms
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/vxgms stop
- Stop GLM:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop vxglm
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/vxglm stop
- Stop VCSMM:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop vcsmm
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/vcsmm stop
- Stop fencing:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop vxfen
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/vxfen stop
- Stop GAB:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop gab
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/gab stop
- Stop LLT:
For RHEL 7, SLES 12, and supported RHEL distributions:
# systemctl stop llt
For earlier versions of RHEL, SLES and supported RHEL distributions:
# /etc/init.d/llt stop