Veritas Data Insight 6.1 Installation Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): Data Insight (6.1)
  1. Understanding the Veritas Data Insight architecture
      About Veritas Data Insight
      About the Management Server
    3. About the Collector worker node
        About the Collector
        About the Scanner
      About the Indexer worker node
      About the Classification Server
      About the Self-Service Portal node
      About Communication Service
      About the DataInsightWatchdog service
      About the DataInsightWorkflow service
    10. About Veritas Data Insight installation tiers
        About three-tier installation
        About two-tier installation
        About single-tier installation
  2. Preinstallation
      Preinstallation steps
      Operating system requirements
    3. System requirements for Veritas Data Insight components
        System requirements for classification components
      Supported file servers and platforms
      Supported browsers
      List of ports
      Web server version
  3. Installing Veritas Data Insight
      About installing Veritas Data Insight
      Performing a single-tier installation
      Performing a two-tier installation
      Performing a three-tier installation
      Installing the Management Server
      Installing the worker node
      Installing the Classification Server
      Installing the Self-Service Portal
      Installing a Linux Indexer worker node
  4. Upgrading Veritas Data Insight
      Upgrading Data Insight to version
      Upgrading the product data using the Upgrade Data Wizard
      Names and locations of cache files
      Upgrading the Data Insight web service for SharePoint
  5. Post-installation configuration
      Post-installation configuration
      Registering the worker node
    3. About post-installation security configuration for Management Server
        About SSL client/server certificates
        Generating Management Console certificate
      Configuring your corporate firewall
  6. Installing Windows File Server agent
      About Windows File Server agent
      Installing Windows File Server agent manually
      Configuring the Windows File Server using ConfigureWindowsFileServer.exe
  7. Getting started with Data Insight
      About the Data Insight Management Console
      Logging in to the Data Insight Management Console
      Logging out of the Data Insight Management Console
      Displaying online help
  8. Uninstalling Veritas Data Insight
      Uninstalling Veritas Data Insight
  9. Appendix A. Installing Data Insight using response files
      About response files
      Installing Data Insight using response files
      Sample response files

Upgrading Data Insight to version

You can upgrade an existing Data Insight Server with Veritas Data Insight versions 5.2 or 6.0, to version. Data Insight does not support upgrading a version before 5.2 directly to version. If the server is installed with a version before 5.2, you must upgrade to version 5.2 or 6.0 before you can upgrade to version.

All Data Insight worker nodes must be at the same level of major version as the Management Server. Management Server version is compatible with the 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, and 6.0 versions of Windows File Server agents. In case of Windows file server 32-bit, Data Insight supports 4.5 in backward compatibility mode. This gives you enough time to plan the upgrade of your Windows File Server agents.

Note that due to security vulnerabilities, Data Insight version has turned off SSL and TLSv1 protocols. However, Windows File Server agents version 4.5 are not compatible with TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols. Thus, Windows File Server agents stop communicating with the collectors that are upgraded to Data Insight version. To resume this communication, perform the following on each Windows File Server agent node before or after upgrading the collectors to version:

  1. Obtain the latest 32-bit Java Runtime Environment (JRE) binaries from the Windows File Server agent version version. Typically, they are located in the jre folder of the agent version version installation. The default location is C:\Program Files\DataInsight\jre.
  2. Log on to the Windows File Server agent computer with the Administrator privileges.
  3. Stop the DataInsightComm and DataInsightWatchdog services on the agent.
  4. Replace the old jre binaries on the agent with the ones obtained from the Windows File Server agent node version version. By default, the agent version 4.5 JRE is located at C:\Program Files\Symantec\DataInsight\jre.
  5. Start the DataInsightComm and DataInsightWatchdog services.
  6. After few minutes, verify that the node's status is ONLINE on the Data Insight console. The status is displayed at Settings > Data Insight Servers page.

Before you begin to upgrade Data Insight to version, note the following:

  • As a best-practice measure, [CompanyNameShort] recommends that you take a backup of the server's data folder.

  • In case of a multi-node setup, the upgrade setup must be run first on the Management Server, then on the Indexer nodes, followed by the Collector nodes. You can upgrade the Windows File Server agent only after upgrading the Collector nodes.

  • If you are upgrading the server using a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), ensure that you do not set automatic log-off for the session.

Ensure that you complete the following tasks after the upgrade:

  • Configure the primary attributes that are used to classify users for the purpose of generating advanced analytics data.

  • Configure the time period for computing advanced analytics.

  • Refresh the Data Insight Dashboard data.

  • Verify that the .Net Framework version 4.5 is installed on the following:

    • Collector nodes monitoring the Windows SharePoint servers and the EMC Isilon filers.

    • The Management Server communicating with an Enterprise Vault server.

To upgrade Data Insight to version

  1. Log in as Administrator to the server that you want to upgrade.
  2. Double-click Veritas_Data_Insight_windows_6_1_0_N_x64.exe to launch the installer.
  3. When the setup prompts you to upgrade from current version to version, click Yes.
  4. In the Welcome to the Veritas Data Insight Setup Wizard window, click Next.
  5. In the License Agreement window, select I accept the agreement, and click Next.
  6. You must upgrade the product data before you start Data Insight services. In the Completing the Veritas Data Insight version Upgrade Wizard window, select the Launch the Upgrade Data Wizard check box.
  7. Click Finish to exit the setup.

To upgrade a Linux Indexer

  1. In case of a Linux indexer, log in as the appropriate user (root or non-root) configured to run the product.

    Note that if you had earlier installed the Linux Indexer as root and later switched to using a non-root user, you must perform the following steps before you start the Linux installer for upgrade. If you do not perform these steps, the installer you launch with non-root credentials cannot detect the previous version of Data Insight on the server.

    • Log in to the machine as root user.

    • Copy the following file to a temporary location:


    • Log out and log back in as the non-root user.

    • Create the following directory:


    • Change to the directory you have created.

    • Take a backup of prefs.xml.

    • Overwrite prefs.xml in this folder with the prefs.xml that was copied to the temporary location.

  2. To launch the Veritas Data Insight version installer, double-click Veritas_DataInsight_linux_6_1_0_N_RHEL6_x64.exe, or Veritas_DataInsight_linux_6_1_0_N_RHEL7_x64.exe where,

    N is the build number.

  3. When the setup prompts you to upgrade from current version to version, click Yes.


    On Linux, if the installer does not prompt you for upgrade because it does not detect the earlier version of Data Insight on the machine, ensure that you first follow the instructions in 1.

See Upgrading the product data using the Upgrade Data Wizard.


You can also upgrade the Windows File Server agent and Collector nodes using the Management Console. For more details, see the Veritas Data Insight Administration Guide.