NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- About changes in NetBackup 10.5
- Planning for an upgrade
- General upgrade planning information
- About upgrade tools
- Upgrade operational notes and limitations
- General upgrade planning information
- Primary server upgrade
- Media server upgrade
- MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
- Client upgrade
- NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
- Appendix A. Reference
- About pushing client software from a primary server to clients
EEB management view
The EEB management tab under Deployment management provides a window into your environment's use of NetBackup emergency engineering binaries (EEBs). The EEB management tab displays all the EEBs deployed in your NetBackup environment.
Each EEB lists a description of the issue as well as the formal NetBackup releases in which the issue was resolved. You can view either the hosts that particular EEB installed or the hosts that don't. You can export the EEB information into a CSV file for review and analysis.
You can review each individual EEB and determine which hosts have a given EEB installed. Like the description information, you can export these details to a CSV file.
For the description and fixed version information to display, the computer running the NetBackup web UI must have access to the internet. This information is collected from the latest data on the NetBackup SORT website. If there are problems with the SORT API, you are provided a URL to the SORT auditor site.
The EEB Management view can display all EEBs installed on NetBackup appliance hosts at NetBackup 10.5 or later.
The EEB Management view is integrated with VxUpdate Deploy Now, so you can deploy EEBs to hosts that don't have them installed.
Be aware that pre-8.0 and earlier clients and media servers cannot use this feature.