NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (10.0)
  1. Introduction
      About the NetBackup 10.0 Upgrade Guide
      Available NetBackup upgrade methods
    3. About changes in NetBackup 10.0
        Windows compiler and security requirements for NetBackup 9.1 and later installation and upgrade
        Java GUI and JRE installation optional for some computers
        Logging directory permissions require reset on rollback
        Upgrades from NetBackup and earlier are not supported
        External certificate authority certificates supported in NetBackup 8.2 and later
      About Veritas Usage Insights
      Best practices for Veritas Usage Insights
  2. Planning for an upgrade
    1. General upgrade planning information
        About planning a NetBackup 10.0 upgrade
        How to plan for an upgrade to NetBackup 10.0
        Legacy logging directory security update
        Notifications, Messages, and Resiliency configuration information are not upgraded
        Known catalog backup limitation
        About security certificates for NetBackup hosts
        About automatic file changes from an upgrade
        Reduce the job database size before upgrade
        Known SUSE Linux primary server upgrade issue
    2. About upgrade tools
        About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools
        Recommended SORT procedures for upgrades
        About the NetBackup preinstall checker
    3. Upgrade operational notes and limitations
        Creating the user account to support the NetBackup web server
        About NetBackup 10.0 support for Fibre Transport Media Server with RHEL 7.5 and later
        MSDP changes in NetBackup 8.1
        Potential required changes for NetApp clusters
        Errors when Bare Metal Restore information is replicated using Auto Image Replication
        Upgrade issue with pre-8.1 clients and 8.1 or later media servers
  3. Primary server upgrade
      About primary server upgrades
      Preinstall procedure for upgrading to NetBackup 10.0
      Performing local, remote, or clustered server upgrades on Windows systems
      Performing silent upgrades on Windows systems
      Upgrading Linux server software to NetBackup 10.0
      Silently upgrading NetBackup primary server software on Linux
      Post-install procedure for upgrading to NetBackup 10.0
      About NetBackup startup and shutdown scripts
      Completing your system update after an upgrade
  4. Media server upgrade
      Upgrading NetBackup media servers to NetBackup 10.0
      Silently upgrading NetBackup media server software on Linux
  5. MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
      MSDP upgrade considerations for NetBackup 8.1
      About MSDP rolling data conversion
      About MSDP fingerprinting algorithm changes
  6. Client upgrade
      About client upgrades
      Upgrading UNIX and Linux clients with the NetBackup upgrade script
      Upgrade of the UNIX and Linux client binaries with native installers
  7. NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
      About VxUpdate
      Commands used in VxUpdate
      Repository management
      Deployment policy management
      Manually initiating upgrades from the primary server using VxUpdate
      Manually initiating upgrades from the media server or client using VxUpdate
      Deployment job status
  8. Appendix A. Reference
      NetBackup master server web server user and group creation
      Generate a certificate on the inactive nodes of a clustered master server
      About the NetBackup Java Runtime Environment
      Add or Remove Java GUI and JRE after upgrade
      About the NetBackup web user interface
      About the NetBackup answer file
      Persistent Java Virtual Machine options
      About RBAC bootstrapping
      About NetBackup software availability
      Additional post-upgrade steps for NetApp clusters
      Using NetApp disk arrays with Replication Director
      About compatibility between NetBackup versions
      Upgrade requirements for UNIX and Linux
      Installation and upgrade requirements for Windows and Windows clusters
      Requirements for Windows cluster installations and upgrades
      Removing a clustered media server by migrating all data to a new media server
      Disabling the connection between your OpsCenter server and your NetBackup Primary Server
      Post upgrade procedures for Amazon cloud storage servers
      Upgrading clients after servers are upgraded
      Upgrade failure rollback steps

Upgrading Linux server software to NetBackup 10.0

You should schedule your upgrade and reconfiguration for a time when backups do not run. However, the upgrade procedure instructs you to deactivate all policies to ensure that backups do not interfere with the upgrade. You can also temporarily modify policies so that backups do not run while you upgrade and reconfigure NetBackup.

To upgrade Linux server software to 10.0

  1. Log on as the root user on the server.
  2. If the NetBackup Administration Console is open, you must close it now.
  3. (Conditional) For clustered environments, perform the following tasks:
    • If necessary, edit the bp.conf and the vm.conf files as follows:

      If a REQUIRED_INTERFACE entry exists, replace it with a CLUSTER_NAME entry. Otherwise, add a new CLUSTER_NAME entry. This entry should be defined as the virtual server name.

      For a primary server, make sure that the first SERVER entry matches the CLUSTER_NAME entry for the bp.conf file.

    • Take the NetBackup Server Resource (ServerResource) offline. Use the command shown:

      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hares -offline ServerResource -sys $nodename

    • Freeze the NetBackup Group so that migrations do not occur while the inactive nodes are upgraded. Use the command shown:

      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hagrp -freeze group -persistent

    • If you have a VCS cluster configured, you can freeze the NetBackup Group by using the Cluster Manager interface or the command line.

    • Before you proceed with a cluster upgrade, refer to the NetBackup Clustered Primary Server Administrator's Guide for other cluster upgrade requirements.

  4. NetBackup scripts that are not covered in Chapter 1 that you modified are removed when you run the upgrade script. More information about this topic is available.

    See About automatic file changes from an upgrade.

    Save any files that you have modified and want to keep.

  5. Navigate to the location where the installation images reside. Enter the command that is shown to start the upgrade script:


  6. Follow the prompts in the installation script to install the NetBackup server binaries.
  7. (Conditional: For primary servers only) If prompted, reply to the question regarding the infinite expiration conversion:
    NetBackup 9.0 and later versions support the retention periods that 
    extend beyond the year 2038. To ensure compatibility with previous 
    NetBackup versions, all items with an infinite expiration date are 
    updated to reflect the new infinite expiration date value. This 
    conversion may extend the time that is required to complete the upgrade. 
    Review the following article for more information:
    Date of collection: date_time
    NetBackup state: online|offline
    Records found: records
    Conversion time estimate: time (hh:mm)
    Please see the linked article to obtain a more accurate estimate of how
    long the conversion may take.
    Would you like to continue with the upgrade? [y,n]
  8. (Conditional: For primary server only) If prompted, provide the name of the service user account you want to use to start most of the daemons. This prompt is only shown if the installer cannot retrieve the service user value from the bp.conf file.

    Enter the name of the service user account to be used to start most of the daemons

    Please note:

    • The service username cannot exceed 32 characters and can only contain English characters.

    • Veritas does not recommend that you use the root user as the service user.

    • You cannot use the nbwebsvc user as the service user.

    • The nbwebgrp group must be a secondary group of the service user.

    • Ownership of the /usr/openv directory changes to the new service user account that you specified here.

    • Using a service account involves a one-time conversion that may significantly increase the upgrade time based on your catalog size.

    • If you want to change the service user account after the installation, use the nbserviceusercmd --changeUser command.

    For more details on the service user account, see:

  9. (Conditional: For media servers only) If your environment uses an external certificate authority, provide the external certificate authority information at the prompts shown:
    Enter the certificate file path or q to skip security configuration: 
    Enter the trust store location or q to skip security configuration: 
    Enter the private key path or q to skip security configuration: 
    Enter the passphrase file path or q to skip security configuration 
    (default: NONE): /usr/eca/private/passphrase.txt


    Be aware the passphrase file path is optional.

  10. (Conditional: For media servers only) When prompted, provide the required information for the CRL configuration:
    Should a CRL be honored for the external certificate?
    1) Use the CRL defined in the certificate.
    2) Use the CRL from a file path.
    3) Do not use a CRL.
    q) skip security configuration
    CRL option (1): 
  11. (Conditional: For media servers only) If you specified Use the CRL from a file path, you must enter the path to the CRL location:
    Enter the CRL location path or q to skip security configuration: 
  12. (Conditional: For media servers only) The installer echoes the configuration information you entered and attempts to retrieve details for the external certificate:
    External CA values entered:
    Certificate file path:  /usr/eca/cert_chain.pem
    Trust store file path:  /usr/eca/trusted/cacerts.pem
    Private key file path:  /usr/eca/private/key.pem
     Passphrase file path:  /usr/eca/private/passphrase.txt
          CRL check level:  Use the CRL from a file path.
        CRL location path:  /usr/eca/crl
    Getting external CA certificate details
             Issued By : CN=IITFRMNUSINT,O=Veritas,OU=iitf
          Subject Name : CN=cuomovm04,O=Veritas,OU=iitf
           Expiry Date : Oct 31 17:25:59 2019 GMT
      SHA1 Fingerprint : 62:B2:C3:31:D5:95:15:85:9D:C9:AE:C6:EA:C2:
         Serial Number : 0x6c7fa2743072ec3eaae4fd60085d468464319a
      Certificate Path : /usr/eca/cert_chain.pem
    Validating host ECA certificate.
    NOTE: Depending on the network, this action may take a few minutes.
          To continue without setting up secure communication, press Ctrl+C.
  13. (Conditional: For media servers only) If the external certificate enrollment pre-check finishes successfully, select 1 and press Enter to continue.
    The external certificate enrollment pre-check is successful.
    The external certificate is valid for use with primary server name
    How do you want to proceed?
    1) Continue the installation using this certificate.
    2) Modify the external CA values entered.
    3) Abort the installation.
    Default option (1): 
  14. (Conditional: For media servers only) If the external certificate enrollment pre-check fails, select from the choices shown. The default is 2.
    The external certificate enrollment pre-check failed.
    The external certificate is not valid for use with primary server name
    How do you want to proceed?
    1) Continue the installation and set up external certificates later.
    2) Modify the external CA values entered.
    3) Abort the installation.
    Default option (2): 
  15. (Conditional: For media servers only) When prompted, indicate how the upgrade should handle the Java GUI and JRE binaries.

    The Java GUI and JRE packages are currently install_state on this host.

    The Java GUI and JRE can be optionally included with NetBackup. The Java GUI and JRE enable the NetBackup Administration Console and the Backup, Archive and Restore (BAR) GUI. Choose an option from the list below.

    1) Update the Java GUI and JRE.

    2) Remove the Java GUI and JRE.

    If you specify 1, the Java and JRE binaries are installed or upgraded, based on the status of the server. If you specify 2, the Java and JRE binaries are removed or excluded, based on the status of the server.

  16. When the script finishes, the binaries are successfully installed.

    Proceed to the post-installation procedure.

    More information is available.

    See Post-install procedure for upgrading to NetBackup 10.0.