NetBackup™ Upgrade Guide
- Introduction
- About changes in NetBackup 10.0
- Planning for an upgrade
- General upgrade planning information
- About upgrade tools
- Upgrade operational notes and limitations
- General upgrade planning information
- Primary server upgrade
- Media server upgrade
- MSDP upgrade for NetBackup
- Client upgrade
- NetBackup Deployment Management with VxUpdate
- Appendix A. Reference
Performing silent upgrades on Windows systems
A silent upgrade avoids the need for interactive input in the same manner as performing a remote upgrade. Silent NetBackup installations are not supported if you want to run the NetBackup services as a specific user rather than the local system.
To perform a silent upgrade, you must first modify the appropriate NetBackup script. After script modification, you can run the script to initiate the silent upgrade.
The script shuts down all NetBackup services so that the upgrade can be initiated. If the script detects that other system processes still maintain a handle on any NetBackup files, the upgrade fails. To identify which NetBackup processes are still running, check the NetBackup Install
log file at the following location:
After you have manually stopped each of the identified processes, you can run the upgrade script again.
For Windows 2012/2012 R2/2016 Server Core systems, you can only upgrade NetBackup with this procedure.
To upgrade NetBackup server software silently
- Log on as administrator to the system where you want to upgrade NetBackup.
- Navigate to the location where the ESD images (downloaded files) reside.
- Open Windows Explorer and copy the contents of the
directory to a temporary directory on your hard drive. Choose the directory that is associated with the platform type that you want to install. - Since the source files are read-only, you must change the permissions for the copied files to allow the installation or the update.
In the temporary directory where the copied files reside, select the appropriate script to modify:
To upgrade a primary server, edit
To upgrade a media server, edit
To upgrade a NetBackup Remote Administration Console, edit
Edit the following lines as needed for your installation:
SET ADDITIONALSERVERS=media1,media2,media3
Enter the names of any additional NetBackup primary servers and media servers that you want to communicate with this host. Include the names of servers where you plan to install NetBackup later.
If no other servers are to communicate with this host, remove this line from the script.
This line lets you determine how you want the upgrade to continue if a restart is required. Select from the following settings:
0 (default)
By default, a silent upgrade does not abort if it is determined that a restart is required. If you leave this setting at 0, select one of the following tasks:
After the upgrade is complete, check the installation log to see if a restart is required.
If the string in use appears anywhere in the log, you must restart the system manually.
Force an automatic restart after the upgrade is complete.
To force an automatic restart, before you run the script, remove the following option from the silent installation command script (silent*.cmd):
A forced restart occurs with no warning to the user. It does not cancel the upgrade or roll back the system to its original state.
Select this setting to abort the upgrade if it is determined that a restart is required.
If a restart is needed, this setting cancels the upgrade and the system is rolled back to its original state.
For primary servers only, you must specify the path to the Veritas Usage Insights customer registration key. More information is available. See About Veritas Usage Insights.
This field is for primary servers only. This value determines if the upgrade from releases earlier than NetBackup 9.0 can proceed. Specify 1 to allow the upgrade to continue. The upgrade includes the infinite expiration conversion process. If you specify 0, then you cannot upgrade the primary server.
NetBackup 9.0 and later versions support the expiration dates that extend beyond the year 2038. To ensure compatibility with previous NetBackup versions, all items with an infinite expiration date are updated to reflect the new infinite expiration date value. This conversion may extend the time that is required to complete the upgrade. Review the article that is shown for more information:
SET ECA_CERT_STORE=cert_store_string
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the external certificate location in a Windows certificate store. This field is specified in the form store_name\issuer_DN\subject. This field is required to use an external certificate from the Windows certificate store.
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the path and the file name of the external certificate file. This field is required to set up an external certificate from a file.
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the path and the file name of the file representing the trust store location. This field is required to set up an external certificate from a file.
Use this field to specify the path and the file name of the file representing the private key. This field is required to set up an external certificate from a file.
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the CRL mode. This field is required. Supported values are:
USE_CDP: Use the CRL defined in the certificate.
USE_PATH: Use the CRL at the path that is specified in ECA_CRL_PATH.
DISABLED: Do not use a CRL.
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the path and the file name of the CRL associated with the external CA certificate. This field is required only when ECA_CRL_CHECK_LEVEL is set to USE_PATH. If not applicable, leave this field empty.
This field is for media servers only. Use this field to specify the path and the file name of the file that contains the passphrase to access the keystore. This field is optional and applies only when setting up an external certificate from a file.
Installation of the NetBackup Java GUI and JRE packages is optional for NetBackup Windows media server installation. This option specifies if the Java GUI and the JRE packages should be installed, upgraded, or removed. Supported values for this option are:
INCLUDE: Include the Java GUI and JRE when installing or upgrading NetBackup.
EXCLUDE: Exclude the Java GUI and JRE when installing or upgrading NetBackup. Any preexisting NetBackup Java GUI and JRE packages are removed.
MATCH: Match the existing configuration on the host. Hosts that already have the Java GUI and JRE components are updated with the latest versions. The components are excluded for all other hosts.
- Save the script and run it.
- Examine the installation log at the following location:
This log includes information about the optional installation of the Java GUI and the JRE.
Search the installation log for the following error indications:
Strings that include
Return Value 3
.Important log messages are color coded as follows:
Yellow = warning.
Red = error.
- The binaries are successfully installed. Proceed to the post-installation procedure. More information is available.