Enterprise Vault™ Setting up Exchange Server and Office 365 for SMTP Archiving
- Configuring Exchange Server for an Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving solution
- Configuring Office 365 for Enterprise Vault SMTP Archiving
- Configuring the Azure RMS Decryption feature for Office 365 email encryption support
- Configuring decryption of MPIP-protected Office 365 emails archived in Enterprise Vault
Creating a remote domain using the Exchange Management shell
Create the remote domain for the SMTP address to which the Exchange Server will send journal mail. The remote domain must conform to the following guidelines:
The domain must not exist in your Exchange organization.
The domain must not be one that can be resolved or routed to from inside or outside of your organization.
A suitable example domain might be evsmtp.local.
To create a remote domain
- Open the Exchange Management shell, and enter the following command:
New-RemoteDomain -DomainName <domain name> -Name "<domain description>"
<domain name> is the domain, for example, evsmtp.local.
<domain description> describes what the domain is used for, for example, "SMTP Archiving".
- Enter the following command to enable auto-forwarding and disabled TNEF encoding:
Get-RemoteDomain | Where {$_.DomainName -eq "<domain name>"} | Set-RemoteDomain -TNEFEnabled $false -AutoForwardEnabled $true
- Enter the following command to verify the settings:
Get-RemoteDomain | Where {$_.DomainName -eq "<domain name>"} | Format-table Name, DomainName, TNEFEnabled, AutoForwardEnabled