Veritas Enterprise Vault™ PST Migration
- About this guide
- Introduction to PST migration
- PST file ownership
- PST migration: scripted
- PST migration: wizard-assisted
- PST migration: Locate and Migrate
- Setting up PST Locate and Migrate
- Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate
- PST migration: client-driven migration
- About client-driven PST migration
- Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration
Overview of the scripting mechanism for PST migration
You can perform scripted migrations of the contents of PST files to Enterprise Vault using Policy Manager. For detailed information on Policy Manager, see the Utilities manual.
The scripting mechanism enables you to configure how each PST file is processed.
For example, for each PST file you can do the following:
Specify the destination archive.
Specify whether to create shortcuts to migrated items and, if so, whether to leave them in the PST file or to put them in a specific folder in the user's mailbox.
Specify which retention category to use for migrated items.
Control what happens to the PST file itself after the items in it have been migrated.
You write the Policy Manager initialization file, in which you list each of the files whose contents you want to migrate to Enterprise Vault. You can set up default settings that apply to all PST files and you can override the default settings for individual PST files.
It is possible for you to make Enterprise Vault clients save details of the owner's default archive in each PST file (PST marking). Policy Manager can then use this information to determine the correct archive and mailbox to use for each PST file. If you prefer to not to use this mechanism, or to override it for some PST files, then for individual PST files you can override these values.
When you migrate PSTs using Policy Manager you can use report mode to check all the PST files listed in your initialization file. This mode generates a new copy of the initialization file, with lines that identify any problems. Entries for PST files that cannot be processed are marked so that PST migrator ignores these files.
You can then do either of the following:
Fix any problems and run the Policy Manager in report mode again to see whether there are any more problems. When the file is error free, you can run it in process mode to process all the files. You can run in report mode as many times as needed. Each time, Policy Manager creates a new initialization file that you can then run normally or use to fix problems.
Run in process mode immediately. Files that could cause problems have been marked so that Policy Manager ignores them. You can then decide later what to do with these problem files.
Note the following:
Policy Manager uses only message class and shortcut content settings from the Exchange PST Migration policy. The rest of the settings in the policy are ignored.
Policy Manager can use the information written into the PST file by PST marking to identify the mailbox and archive associated with the PST file.
Veritas recommend that you do not use Policy Manager to perform other tasks at the same time as performing PST migrations.
If you have only a few PST files to migrate, you may find it easier to use the wizard-assisted PST migration tool instead.
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