Veritas Enterprise Vault™ PST Migration
- About this guide
- Introduction to PST migration
- PST file ownership
- PST migration: scripted
- PST migration: wizard-assisted
- PST migration: Locate and Migrate
- Setting up PST Locate and Migrate
- Migrating PST files using PST Locate and Migrate
- PST migration: client-driven migration
- About client-driven PST migration
- Enabling mailboxes for PST client-driven migration
PST message sampling to determine PST file ownership
PST message sampling determines the owner of each PST file by sampling a configurable percentage of the messages in the file. Depending on how you have configured message sampling, the feature then sets the migration status of files whose owners have been identified to Ready to copy.
See Results of message sampling.
You can use the PST Ownership Identification tab of the Personal Store Management properties to configure the following:
Use message sampling as the initial method to identify PST file owners.
Allow Enterprise Vault to use this method only if PST file marking fails.
Configure the following criteria:
Sample size percentage: The percentage of messages within the PST file that you want Enterprise Vault to sample to look for possible owners.
Ownership percentage: The percentage of associated messages within the sample size that decides ownership.
Change migration state percentage: The percentage of messages that are associated with the assigned owner that decides whether the state of the PST file changes to Ready to copy.
For example, for a PST file that has a 100 messages, when you set the sample size to 80%, Enterprise Vault scans 80 random messages to look for a possible owner. If you set the ownership percentage to 70%, Enterprise Vault assigns ownership to the user that has 56 or more associated messages in the PST file. If you set the change migration state percentage to 80%, Enterprise Vault checks whether the identified owner has 64 associated messages, and then changes the PST migration state to Ready to copy.
Specify a default archive to store the PST files that have no owners identified.
The Locate and Migrate tool and the add single PST file and add multiple PST files options in the
> node in the Administration Console use these settings to identify PST file owners.The ownership identification workflow depends on how you have configured message sampling.
Table: Owner identification workflow details the owner identification workflow with respect to message sampling.
Table: Owner identification workflow
Message sampling | Locate and Migrate | Add single or multiple PST files |
Disabled | Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
| Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
| |
| Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
| Enterprise Vault tries to identify the owner using the following methods in the listed order:
To optimize performance, make sure that you turn off message sampling and run the PST Locator task to look for PST files. After the PST Locator task completes, turn message sampling on and run the task again to identify possible owners.
The performance of message sampling depends on the number of items in the PST file.