Veritas Enterprise Vault™ NSF Migration

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (12.1)

How to edit the welcome messages for NSF migration

When NSF migrator completes the migration of each user's items, it automatically sends one of three messages to tell the user that the migration has finished.

Table: NSF migration messages lists the three messages and describes the circumstances under which each is sent.

Table: NSF migration messages


Subject and description


Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived.

NSF migrator sends this message to users whose items have been archived, when you have chosen not to create shortcuts to the migrated items.


Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived. Shortcuts to the items are in {1}.

{1} represents the name of the folder that contains the shortcuts.

NSF migrator sends this message to users whose items have been archived, when you have chosen to place shortcuts in their mail files.


Your NSF file ({0}) has been archived. Shortcuts to the items are in the NSF file.

This message is sent to users whose items have been archived, when you have chosen to place shortcuts in the NSF file.

In all three messages, {0} represents the name of the NSF file.

These three messages are in a file called EVMessages.nsf. This file is in the \Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang\ folder in the Enterprise Vault program folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Languages\Mailbox Messages\lang\, where lang represents your language.

The three messages contain placeholder text and you can edit this text if necessary. You should edit the messages in EVMessages.nsf using an account that has the Access to current database permission, to avoid execution security alerts.

Once you have edited the messages, save EVMessages.nsf and copy it to the Enterprise Vault program folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault, on all the Enterprise Vault servers.