Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Classification
- About this guide
- Getting started
- Setting up the classification properties
- Configuring your classification rules
- Defining and applying classification policies
- Running classification in test mode
- Publishing classification properties and rules across your site
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in classification rules
- Appendix B. PowerShell cmdlets for use with classification
- Appendix C. Troubleshooting and performance monitoring
Get-EVClassificationPolicy returns a list of all the classification policies that are configured in an Enterprise Vault site. You can also return the properties of a specific classification policy using the -Name parameter.
Get-EVClassificationPolicy is provided by Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.AdminAPI.dll
, which is loaded by the Enterprise Vault Management Shell.
Get-EVClassificationPolicy [[-SiteId] <String>] [[-Name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVClassificationPolicy parameters
Parameter | Description |
-SiteId | The ID of the Enterprise Vault site for which to return the classification policy details. If you omit this parameter, and the cmdlet cannot determine the ID by looking in the registry, then Get-EVClassificationPolicy prompts you to enter the required ID. You can use Get-EVSite to obtain the site ID. |
-Name | The name of a specific classification policy whose properties you want to return. |
Returns a list of all the classification policies that are configured in the Enterprise Vault site. As no site ID is specified, the cmdlet first looks for it in the registry and then, if it cannot find the ID there, prompts you for it.
Get-EVClassificationPolicy -SiteId
Returns a list of all the classification policies that are configured in the specified Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVClassificationPolicy -SiteId -Name "Classification policy"
Returns the properties of the classification policy that is named "Classification policy". For example:
Name : Classification policy EntryId : IsADefaultPolicy : True DuringIndexing : True DetermineRC : True RCDuringDeletion : True RCDuringExpiry : True PreventRCDuringMove : True AllowRCOnRecTypeChange : True Description : Classification policy SiteId :
This cmdlet returns an object of type Symantec.EnterpriseVault.Admin.ClassificationPolicy, which has the following properties.
Table: Get-EVClassificationPolicy properties
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of the classification policy. |
EntryId | String | The directory entry ID of the classification policy. |
IsADefaultPolicy | Boolean | Whether the classification policy is a default policy. |
DuringIndexing | Boolean | Whether to classify items during indexing, and reclassify them during an index rebuild. |
DetermineRC | Boolean | Whether classification is used to determine the retention category. |
RCDuringDeletion | Boolean | Whether items are classified during user deletion. |
RCDuringExpiry | Boolean | Whether items are classified during automatic expiry. |
PreventRCDuringMove | Boolean | Whether to prevent Enterprise Vault from updating the retention categories of archived items when users move the items from one folder to another folder that has a different retention category. |
AllowRCOnRecTypeChange | Boolean | Whether to allow retention category updates for moved items when this will change their record type (for example, from Temporary to Permanent). |
Description | String | The description of the classification policy. |
SiteId | String | The site ID to which the classification policy belongs. |
Identity | Number | The identity number of the classification policy. |