Veritas Enterprise Vault™ Classification
- About this guide
- Getting started
- Setting up the classification properties
- Configuring your classification rules
- Defining and applying classification policies
- Running classification in test mode
- Publishing classification properties and rules across your site
- Appendix A. Enterprise Vault properties for use in classification rules
- Appendix B. PowerShell cmdlets for use with classification
- Appendix C. Troubleshooting and performance monitoring
System properties
Table: Enterprise Vault system properties lists the system properties defined in Enterprise Vault.
Table: Enterprise Vault system properties
Property | Type | Description |
adat | Date | The date on which the item was archived. |
archiveid | String | The ID of the archive in which the item is stored. You can use the PowerShell cmdlet Get-EVArchive to obtain the required ID. |
audn | String | The display names of the author and, if appropriate, of the person on whose behalf the item has been sent. |
auea | String | The email addresses of the author and, if appropriate, of the person on whose behalf the item has been sent. |
cend | Date | The end date of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
clcn | String | The current location of the item. A sequence of folders. |
clon | String | The location of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
cntp | String | The conversation tracking topic. This is currently populated for MAPI and SMTP items only. |
comr | String | The reason for missing content. The options are as follows:
cont | String | The content of the item, up to the limit that the Windows File Classification Infrastructure imposes. |
cpnm | String | The name of the extension content provider. |
crcn | String | The current retention category name. |
crre | Integer | Calendar recurrence exception. |
crrp | String | Calendar recurrence pattern. |
crrt | Integer | Calendar recurrence type. |
csrt | Date | The start date of an event, such as a calendar meeting. |
date | Date | The created, sent, received, or archived date. |
dtyp | String | The data type of the item. For example, DOCX, XLSX, or MSG. |
flag | String | The message flag status. |
impo | String | The message importance, expressed as a numeric value. 0 = Low, 1 = Normal, and 2 = High. |
isrc | String | Whether Enterprise Vault has marked the item as a record (True) or not (False). For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "isrecord" or "isrc". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
keys | String | Categories/keywords. |
locn | String | The original location of the item. A sequence of folders. |
mdat | Date | The last-modified date of the item. |
msgc | String | The item's original MAPI message class (for example, IPM.Note). |
natc | Number | The number of attachments. |
prio | String | The message priority, expressed as a numeric value. -1 = Low, 0 = Normal, and 1 = High. |
rbdn | String | The display names of the BCC recipients. |
rbea | String | The email addresses of the BCC recipients. |
rcdn | String | The display names of the CC recipients. |
rcea | String | The email addresses of the CC recipients. |
rcid | String | The record ID of the item. For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "recordid" or "rcid". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
rtdn | String | The display names of the TO recipients. |
rtea | String | The email addresses of the TO recipients. |
rtyp | String | The record type of the item, such as permanent or temporary. For use with Capstone and other approaches to records management. Can be referenced by either "recordtype" or "rtyp". Not supported by queries that target 32-bit volumes. |
sens | String | The message sensitivity, expressed as a numeric value. 0 = Normal, 1 = Personal, 2 = Private, and 3 = Confidential. |
size | Number | The size of the item in KB. |
subj | String | The subject/title. |
tcdt | Date | The completion date of a task. |
tddt | Date | The due date of a task. |
tsts | Number | The status of a task. 0 = Not started, 1 = In progress, 2 = Completed, 3 = Paused, and 4 = Deferred. |