Veritas InfoScale™ 7.1 Release Notes - AIX
- About this document
- Important release information
- About the Veritas InfoScale product suite
- Licensing Veritas InfoScale
- About Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools
- Changes introduced in 7.1
- Changes related to Veritas Cluster Server
- Changes in the Veritas Cluster Server Engine
- Changes related to installation and upgrades
- Changes related to Veritas Volume Manager
- Changes related to Veritas File System
- Changes related to Dynamic Multi-Pathing
- Changes related to Replication
- Changes related to Operating System
- Not supported in this release
- Changes related to Veritas Cluster Server
- System requirements
- Fixed Issues
- Known Issues
- Issues related to installation and upgrade
- Storage Foundation known issues
- Dynamic Multi-Pathing known issues
- Veritas Volume Manager known issues
- Veritas File System known issues
- Replication known issues
- Cluster Server known issues
- Operational issues for VCS
- Issues related to the VCS engine
- Issues related to the bundled agents
- Issues related to the VCS database agents
- Issues related to the agent framework
- Cluster Server agents for Volume Replicator known issues
- Issues related to Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF)
- Issues related to global clusters
- Issues related to the Cluster Manager (Java Console)
- VCS Cluster Configuration wizard issues
- LLT known issues
- I/O fencing known issues
- GAB known issues
- Operational issues for VCS
- Storage Foundation and High Availability known issues
- Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability known issues
- Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC known issues
- Oracle RAC known issues
- Storage Foundation Oracle RAC issues
- Storage Foundation for Databases (SFDB) tools known issues
- Issues related to installation and upgrade
- Software Limitations
- Storage Foundation software limitations
- Dynamic Multi-Pathing software limitations
- Veritas Volume Manager software limitations
- Veritas File System software limitations
- SmartIO software limitations
- Replication software limitations
- Cluster Server software limitations
- Limitations related to bundled agents
- Limitations related to VCS engine
- Veritas cluster configuration wizard limitations
- Limitations related to the VCS database agents
- Virtualizing shared storage using VIO servers and client partitions
- Cluster Manager (Java console) limitations
- Limitations related to I/O fencing
- Limitations related to bundled agents
- Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability software limitations
- Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC software limitations
- Storage Foundation for Databases (SFDB) tools software limitations
- Storage Foundation software limitations
- Documentation
Veritas Volume Manager fixed issues
This section describes the incidents that are fixed related to Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) in this release.
Table: Veritas Volume Manager fixed issues
Incident | Description |
2965910 | Volume creation with the vxassist(1M) command dumps core when the non-disk parameters are specified along with the '-o ordered' option. |
3087867 | Default volume layout with DAS disks spans across different disks for data plexes and DCO plexes. |
3225318 | Preserving Flexible Storage Sharing attributes with vxassist grow and vxresize commands is not supported. |
3420347 | Write errors while running "vxdg flush". |
3506450 | When migrating from PowerPath to Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP), you may observe a system panic or VxVM configuration daemon (vxconfigd) core. |
3564260 | VVR commands are unresponsive when replication is paused and resumed in a loop. |
3588012 | vxconfigd leaks memory while it prints I18N messages. |
3594158 | The spinlock and unspinlock are referenced to different objects when interleaving with a kernel transaction. |
3599977 | During a replica connection, referencing a port that is already deleted in another thread causes a system panic. |
3616671 | The number of transaction log files is reset to default value 10, even though it is explicitly set to the no_limit value. |
3621232 | The vradmin ibc command cannot be started or executed on Veritas Volume Replicator's (VVR) secondary node. |
3625890 | vxdisk resize operation on CDS disks fails with an error message of "Invalid attribute specification". |
3640596 | vxconfigd doesn't respond after IBMSVCCopyService upgrades to 7.1 and the offline of IBMSVCCopyservice resource. |
3645370 | The vxevac(1M) command fails to evacuate disks with Dirty Region Log (DRL) plexes. |
3648719 | The server panics while adding or removing LUNs or HBAs. |
3658079 | If the size of backup slice of volumes is larger than 64GB, VxVM wraps it around it and exports it to LDOM (Logical Domains) guest domain. |
3662392 | In Cluster Volume Manager (CVM) environment, if I/Os are executed on the slave node, corruption can happen while vxdisk resize(1M) command is executing on the master node. |
3667251 | ASL displays the ION ENCLR_SNO with 8 digits only, i.e. CZ230500. It should be 16 digits for a FusionIO ION array. |
3674614 | Restarting the vxconfigd(1M) daemon on the slave (joiner) node during node-join operation may cause the vxconfigd(1M) daemon to become unresponsive on the master and the joiner node. |
3686698 | vxconfigd daemon hangs due to the deadlock between two threads. |
3720710 | Due to TPD check, when we return DMP_DISK_FAILURE, change the DMP log level to 1 for log messages that are printed. |
3721565 | In case of large DCO region size, I/O hangs due to deadlock between memory and the ILOCK resources. |
3726110 | On systems with high number of CPU's, DMP devices may perform considerably slower than OS device paths. |
3729078 | VVR secondary site panics during the patch installation because of flag overlap issue. |
3736502 | Memory leaks when transaction aborts. |
3736972 | VRTSaslapm does not deal with media-type attribute for Pure Storage array. |
3738639 | vxdmpraw creates raw devices for the whole disk, which causes problems on Oracle ASM |
3740730 | vxassist ERROR V-5-1-16707: Specified dcologlen (2112) is less than minimum dcologlen (17152). |
3748862 | vxmpio should handle the case when devices are busy such as the rootvg devices. |
3749557 | System hangs because of high memory usage by VxVM. |
3752653 | vxsnap refresh(1M) command fails with error waiting for cache to quiesce. |
3755209 | DMP device configured in the LDOM guest is disabled when an active controller of an ALUA array fails. |
3763663 | Data corruption may occur under VVR environment on the Sparc T4 server. |
3767531 | Fast (auto) resync does not work for the sub-volumes of layered-volume on CVM-FSS setup. |
3788644 | Reuse raw device number when checking for available raw devices. |
3790136 | File system hangs due to I/O's in DRL. |
3795739 | In a split brain scenario, cluster formation can take unusually long time. |
3795788 | Performance degradation occurs when many application sessions open the same data files on the VxVM volume. |
3804298 | Record setting or unsetting of the 'lfailed or lmissing' flag in syslog. |
3807879 | Writing backup EFI GPT disk label during the VxVM disk group flush operation may cause data corruption on volumes in the disk group. |
3811946 | When invoking the vxsnap make(1M) command with the cachesize option to create space optimized snapshot, the command succeeds but a plex I/O error message is displayed in syslog. |
3819670 | When smartmove with the vxevac(1M) command is run in background by hitting the ctlr-z key and the bg command, the execution of vxevac is terminated abruptly. |
3851014 | The vxsnap(1M) and vxrecover(1M) commands in DMP report memory allocation failure when system has thousands of VxVM snapshot volumes. |
3857120 | Oracle database process hangs when it is stopped. |