Veritas NetBackup™ WebSocket Service (NBWSS) Reference Guide

Last Published:
Product(s): NetBackup (, 9.0)

NetBackup requests a connection to the endpoint

A. NetBackup initiates the connection request
      "version": "1.0",
      "id": "0CEAB6C2-0BBF-4F60-974D-C1F3EF39B872",
      "type": "CONNECT",
      "subType": "REQUEST",
      "timeStamp": 1444944181,
      "payload": {
            "token": "qwerrtrtrtrt2234344==="

Notes: In this message, the "type" field is "CONNECT" and the "subType" is "REQUEST". The "token" key contains the application validation token that was added when the endpoint was configured in NetBackup. The cloud-based application validates this token and sends a CONNECT RESPONSE message with the results of the validation (see the following example).

B. The endpoint responds to NetBackup's request

The "subType" is "RESPONSE".

      "version": "1.0",
      "id": "0CEAB6C2-0BBF-4F60-974D-C1F3EF39B872",
      "type": "CONNECT",
      "subType": "RESPONSE",
      "timeStamp": 1444944191,
      "payload": {
            "valid": true

Notes: If the token is validated, the application responds with the "valid" field set to true. NetBackup then considers the connection to be established and operations can proceed. If the token is not valid, the application should respond with "valid" set to false, which causes NetBackup to close the connection.


The response should always have the same "id" as the request.

See The cloud application asks to make a REST API call.