Enterprise Vault™ Administrator's Guide
- About this guide
- Managing administrator security
- Roles-based administration
- Working with predefined RBA roles
- Customizing RBA roles
- Day-to-day administration
- About Exchange mailbox archiving reports
- About starting or stopping tasks or services
- Monitoring journal mailboxes
- About monitoring disks
- About maintaining the SQL databases
- Using SQL Always On availability groups
- About managing vault store groups and sharing
- About managing safety copies
- About managing partition rollover
- About expiry and deletion
- Working with retention categories and retention plans
- Setting up retention folders
- Enabling archiving for new mailboxes
- About moving archives
- How Move Archive works
- About moving mailbox archives within a site
- About moving mailbox archives between sites
- About configuring Move Archive
- Running Move Archive
- Monitoring Move Archive
- PowerShell cmdlets for managing archives
- PowerShell cmdlets for managing archive permissions
- Using Enterprise Vault for records management
- Setting the default record type for users
- Common configuration scenarios
- Searching archives for items marked as records
- Automatically filtering events
- Managing indexes
- About the indexing wizards
- Managing indexing exclusions
- About the indexing PowerShell cmdlets
- Advanced Domino mailbox and desktop policy settings
- Editing the advanced settings for Domino mailbox and desktop policy
- Domino mailbox policy advanced settings
- Archiving General: Domino mailbox policy
- Archiving General: Domino mailbox policy
- Domino desktop policy advanced settings
- Advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop policy settings
- Editing the advanced Exchange mailbox and desktop settings
- Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings
- Archiving General (Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings)
- Archiving General (Exchange mailbox policy advanced settings)
- Exchange desktop policy advanced settings
- Office Mail App (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
- Outlook (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
- Vault Cache (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
- Virtual Vault (Exchange desktop policy advanced settings)
- Advanced Exchange journal policy settings
- Archiving General (Exchange journal policy advanced settings)
- Advanced Exchange public folder policy settings
- Archiving General (Exchange public folder policy advanced settings)
- Advanced SMTP policy settings
- Site properties advanced settings
- Editing site properties advanced settings
- Site properties advanced settings
- Classification (site properties advanced settings)
- Content Conversion (site properties advanced settings)
- File System Archiving (site properties advanced settings)
- IMAP (site properties advanced settings)
- Indexing (site properties advanced settings)
- Index Snapshot Expiry (site properties advanced settings)
- Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) (site properties advanced settings)
- Skype for Business (site properties advanced settings)
- SQL Server (site properties advanced settings)
- SMTP (site properties advanced settings)
- Storage (site properties advanced settings)
- Computer properties advanced settings
- Editing computer properties advanced settings
- Computer properties advanced settings
- Agents (computer properties advanced settings)
- File System Archiving (computer properties advanced settings)
- IMAP (computer properties advanced settings)
- Indexing (computer properties advanced settings)
- Storage (computer properties advanced settings)
- Teams (computer properties advanced setting)
- Task properties advanced settings
- Advanced Personal Store Management properties
- Classification policy advanced settings
- Managing the Storage queue
- Automatic monitoring
- About monitoring using Enterprise Vault Operations Manager
- About monitoring using MOM
- About monitoring using SCOM
- Managing extension content providers
- Exporting archives
- Enterprise Vault message queues
- Customizations and best practice
- Mailbox archiving strategies
- About performance tuning
- Failover in a building blocks configuration
- Appendix A. Ports used by Enterprise Vault
- Appendix B. Useful SQL queries
- Appendix C. Troubleshooting
- Installation problems
- Microsoft SQL Server problems
- Server problems
- Client problems
- Problems enabling or processing mailboxes
- Problems with Vault Cache synchronization
- Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on the Enterprise Vault server
- Identifying and resolving Vault Cache issues on an end-user computer
- Problems with Enterprise Vault components
- Troubleshooting: All tasks and services
- Troubleshooting: Directory service
- Troubleshooting: Exchange archiving or Journaling tasks
- Troubleshooting: Storage service
- Troubleshooting: Shopping service
- Troubleshooting: Web Access application
- Troubleshooting: All tasks and services
- Techniques to aid troubleshooting
- How to modify registry settings
- About moving an Indexing service
- Appendix D. Enterprise Vault accounts and permissions
- Appendix E. Enterprise Vault Usage Analyzer
Get-EVArchive returns a list of some or all of the archives in the Enterprise Vault site. You can filter this list to show the following:
Archives in which a specified user has various permissions, either directly or through membership of an Active Directory group.
Archives whose name exactly matches the specified name.
Includes Archive Indexing details along with the regular archive details.
You can further filter the list by a number of archive properties. For example, you can choose to list only those archives in which a specified user has permission to delete the archived items, or only those archives that are on legal hold.
Get-EVArchive is provided by the snap-in Symantec.EnterpriseVault.PowerShell.Snapin.dll
Get-EVArchive [[-User] <String>] [-Server <String>] [-DeleteProtected <Boolean>] [-DeleteExpiredItems <Boolean>] [-OnHold <Boolean>] [-Permissions <String>] [-IncludeDetails <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-EVArchive [-ArchiveName <String>] [-Server <String>] [-DeleteProtected <Boolean>] [-DeleteExpiredItems <Boolean>] [-OnHold <Boolean>] [-IncludeDetails <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
Table: Get-EVArchive parameters
Parameter | Description |
-User (required if you use the first parameter set in the Syntax section) | Identifies the user for which to retrieve the archive list. Type the user's Windows logon name, user principal name, or Domino user ID. For example: user@domain.com, domain\user. |
-ArchiveName | Specifies the name of an archive for which to retrieve the details. |
-Server | Identifies the Enterprise Vault server for which to retrieve the archive list. For example: localhost, evserver.domain.com. If you omit this parameter, the cmdlet looks in the registry to identify the Enterprise Vault Directory service computer. |
-DeleteProtected | Filters the archive list according to whether the user can manually delete the items in the archives. Set to $false to list the archives in which the user can manually delete items, or $true to list the archives in which the user cannot delete items. |
-DeleteExpiredItems | Filters the archive list according to whether Enterprise Vault can automatically delete the archived items whose retention periods have expired. Set to $false to list the archives in which Enterprise Vault does not delete expired items, or $true to list the archives in which it does. |
-OnHold | Filters the archive list according to the legal hold status of the archives. Set to $false to list the archives in which either the user or Enterprise Vault (or both) can delete items, or $true to list the archives that are on legal hold. Legal hold is equivalent to DeleteProtected set to $true and DeleteExpiredItems set to $false. |
-Permissions | Filters the archive list according to the permissions that the user has on the archives. Specify the permissions as a combination of r (for read), w (for write), and d (for delete); for example, rw and rwd. A blank value () denotes any permission. The default permission if not specified is d (delete). You can only set this parameter if you have also specified the -User parameter. |
-IncludeDetails | Determines whether additional indexing details for archives should be included in the output. These details include the following properties:
Set to $false to exclude additional details or set to $true to include them. |
Lists all the archives in the Enterprise Vault site.
Get-EVArchive -DeleteProtected $false
Filters the list of archives in the Enterprise Vault site to show only those in which users can manually delete items.
Get-EVArchive -User Domain\User
Lists the archives in which the user Domain\User has delete permissions.
Get-EVArchive -User user@domain -DeleteProtected $false -DeleteExpiredItems $false -Permissions rw
Lists the archives in which the user user@domain.com has both read and write permissions. Get-EVArchive filters the list to show only those archives in which the user can manually delete items but in which Enterprise Vault cannot automatically delete expired items.
Get-EVArchive -User Domain\User -OnHold $false | format-table -auto
Lists the archives in which the user Domain\User has delete permissions. Get-EVArchive excludes from the list all the archives that are on legal hold and writes the output to format-table.
Get-EVArchive -ArchiveName msmith | format-table -auto
Lists the archives that have the name "msmith".
Get-EVArchive | where-object {$_.ArchiveName -ilike "*journal*"}
Lists the archives whose names contain the case-insensitive string "journal".
Get-EVArchive -IncludeDetails $true
Lists all archives in the Enterprise Vault site with indexing details for each archive.
Get-EVArchive -IncludeDetails $true | Where IndexServerGroup -ilike "*TempGroup1*"
Lists all archives whose IndexServerGroup contains the string "TempGroup1"
Get-EVArchive -User 'Domain\User' -IncludeDetails $true | Where IndexedItems -GT 10
Lists all archives in which the 'Domain\User' has Delete permissions and that have more than 10 items indexed in total.
Table: Get-EVArchive properties lists the properties that are available.
Table: Get-EVArchive properties
Name | Type | Description |
ArchiveId | String | The ID of an archive to which the specified user has access. |
ArchiveName | String | The name of an archive to which the specified user has access. |
ArchiveType | EV_STG_API_ARCHIVE_TYPE | The Enterprise Vault archive type enumeration. The possible values are as follows:
DeleteExpiredItems | EV_STG_API_EXPIRE_ITEMS | The Enterprise Vault expire items enumeration. The possible values are as follows:
DeleteProtected | Boolean | Indicates whether the user can manually delete items from the archive ($false) or not ($true). |
OnHold | Boolean | Indicates whether the archive contains items that are on legal hold ($true) or not ($false). |
Status | EV_STG_API_STATUS | The Enterprise Vault archive status enumeration. The possible values are as follows:
RetentionPlanName | String | The name of the retention plan that you have applied to the archive. |
VaultStoreName | String | The name of the vault store where this archive is located. |
IndexerName | String | The name of the index server (Indexer) associated with this archive. |
IndexServerGroup | String | The name of the index server group associated with this archive. The value will be "Ungrouped Servers" if its associated index server is not part of any index server group. |
IndexVolumes | Integer | The total number of index volumes created in this archive. |
IndexedItems | Integer | The total number of items indexed in this archive. |
BeingProcessed | Boolean | Indicates whether this archive or any of its index volumes are associated with a task ($true) or not ($false). |
See Remove-EVArchive.
See Set-EVArchive.