Veritas NetBackup™ Appliance Upgrade Guide
Manually initiating upgrades from the primary server using VxUpdate
You can manually initiate upgrades with VxUpdate using one of two methods. You can manually initiate an upgrade based on an existing policy. You can also initiate an upgrade without an associated policy.
Manually initiate deployment policies when you are logged into the primary server locally and need to force an immediate update. Or you can initiate an immediate upgrade for emergency binaries. VxUpdate also provides the ability to launch upgrades from the client with the command line. More information is available.
See Manually initiating upgrades from the client using VxUpdate.
To manually initiate an upgrade of all clients in a policy from the administration console
- In the NetBackup Administration Console, navigate to Deployment Management > Deployment Policies.
- In the middle pane, expand the primary server, and select the policy you want to run.
- Right-click on the policy you want to start, and select Manual Deployment.
- Alternatively, after selecting the policy you want to run, you can select Actions > Manual Deployment.
To manually initiate an upgrade of a specific client in a policy from the administration console
- Select NetBackup Management > Host Properties > Clients in the NetBackup Administrative Console.
- Right click on the host you want to upgrade in the right pane.
- Select Upgrade Host.
- In the Upgrade Host dialog:
Select the package you want to use from the Package drop-down.
Specifying a package that supports external certificate authority certificates presents you with an additional button titled Configure. That button is covered in the next step.
Specify the type of schedule you want to run from the Type drop-down.
Select the media server you want to use from the Media server drop-down.
Confirm that the host you want upgraded is listed under Selected hosts.
- (Conditional) If present, click on the Configure button to configure external certificate authority information.
By default, the Use existing certificates when possible option is selected. This option instructs NetBackup to use the existing NetBackup CA or external CA certificates, if certificates available.
If you specify this option and certificates are not available, the upgrade fails.
Deselecting the Use existing certificates when possible option lets you specify the location for external certificate authority information for both UNIX and Linux computers and Windows computers.
Deselecting this option does not allow the user to change the security configuration settings during the upgrade.
- Windows clients have Use Windows certificate store selected by default.
You must enter the certificate location as Certificate Store Name\Issuer Distinguished Name\Subject Distinguished Name.
You can use the $hostname variable for any of the names in the certificate store specification. The $hostname variable evaluates at run time to the name of the local host. This option provides flexibility when you push NetBackup software to a large number of clients.
Alternatively, you can specify a comma-separated list of Windows certificate locations. For example, you can specify: MyCertStore\IssuerName1\SubjectName, MyCertStore\IssuerName2\SubjectName2, MyCertStore4\IssuerName1\SubjectName5
Then select the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) option from the radio buttons shown:
Do not use a CRL. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a path to the CRL.
- For both UNIX and Linux clients and Windows clients that select the From certificate file path (for file-based certificates) option, specify the information as shown:
Certificate file: This field requires you to provide the path to the certificate file and the certificate file name.
Trust store location: This field requires you to provide the path to the trust store and the trust store file name.
Private key path: This field requires you to provide the path to the private key file and the private key file name.
Passphrase file: This field requires you to provide the path of the passphrase file and the passphrase file name. This field is optional.
Then specify the correct CRL option for your environment:
Do not use a CRL. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL defined in the certificate. No additional information is required.
Use the CRL at the following path: You are prompted to provide a path to the CRL.
- Select OK to launch the upgrade.
You can also launch an upgrade job from the Policies section of the NetBackup Administrative Console. Select NetBackup Management > Policies in the NetBackup Administrative Console. In the middle pane, select Clients. Then right-click on the client you want to upgrade in the right pane and select Upgrade Host. Then follow the procedure shown.
To manually initiate an upgrade from the command line for all clients in a policy
Use this procedure to manually start an upgrade for all clients in a policy.
This procedure starts the upgrade for all clients in the specified policy. You can start an upgrade on selected clients. More information is available.
To manually initiate an upgrade from the command line for selected clients in a policy
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory shown:
Windows: install_path\netbackup\bin
UNIX or Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
- Use the nbinstallcmd command as shown to launch a policy:
nbinstallcmd -policy policy_name -schedule schedule [-master_server primary]
Where policy_name is the name of the deployment policy, schedule is the name of the schedule, and primary is the name of the primary server.
To manually initiate an upgrade from the command line for selected clients in a policy
Use this procedure to manually start an upgrade for selected clients in a policy.
This procedure starts the upgrade on selected clients in the specified policy. You can start an upgrade for all clients in a policy. More information is available.
To manually initiate an upgrade from the command line for all clients in a policy
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory shown:
Windows: install_path\netbackup\bin
UNIX or Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin
- Use the nbinstallcmd command as shown:
nbinstallcmd -policy policy_name -schedule schedule {-host_filelist filename|-hosts client1, client2, clientN}
policy_name is the name of the deployment policy
schedule is the name of the schedule
filename is the name of a file that contains a list of clients to upgrade.
client1, client2, clientN is a list of clients to upgrade.
You can manually initiate the upgrade of a single client from the command line without an associated policy. The options required for the nbinstallcmd command vary depending on your security configuration. Please refer to the nbinstallcmd command documentation for a list of all possible options and examples of command usage.