Search Mobile Edition Quick Reference

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.4)

Advanced searches

Tap the Advanced button to build search queries by using one or more filters. Tap + to set a filter or - to remove any that you no longer need. If you set multiple filters, only messages that match them all are found.

From or To

Specifies the email address or display name (first, last, or both names) of a message sender or recipient. You can use * and ? as wildcards.

Turn off the filters that you do not need. For example, to find messages From someone, turn off the To and Cc filters.

If you type two or more names, the search returns messages that match any of the names.


Finds the messages that you sent or received within a preset time period (12, 6, or 3 months) or before, after, or between certain dates.

To enter a date, tap a calendar button and then select the required date, or type the date in a form such as 2014-Dec-10, 2014-12-10, or Dec 10 2014. You can type partial dates such as December 2014 or 2014, but you must always specify the year.

Subject and Content

Specifies a word or phrase for which to search in the following:

  • The subject lines of messages and the file names of attachments (Subject).

  • The bodies of messages and their attachments (Content).

If you type two or more words, the search finds only messages that contain them all. Enclose phrases in double quotation marks.

Searches are not case-sensitive, and they find occurrences of a complete word or phrase only. You can use * and ? as wildcards.


Limits the search to a specific mailbox folder, such as Inbox or Sent Items. Type the full name or partial name of the folder and then tap Search. If multiple folders have a matching name, select the required one.

To exclude the subfolders of the selected folder from searching, turn off Include Subfolders.


Finds the messages that have any type of attachment, an attachment of a specific type, or no attachment.