Search Mobile Edition Quick Reference

Last Published:
Product(s): Enterprise Vault (14.4)

Simple searches

After you sign in, you see the home page. This page lets you find messages that contain specific words, numbers, or phrases. Note the following:

  • Tap the Search button without typing a search term to find the 300 most recently archived messages.

  • Enterprise Vault Search is not case-sensitive. A search for report also finds Report and REPORT.

  • If you type two or more words, the search returns only messages that contain them all. To search for a phrase, enclose it in double quotation marks (").

  • Enterprise Vault Search finds occurrences of a complete word or phrase only. For example, a search for enter does not find entertain.

  • Type an asterisk (*) to represent any number of characters, or a question mark (?) to represent any single character. For example, a search for enter* finds entertain. The asterisk and the question mark are known as wildcard characters.

  • You can construct complex queries that include query keywords (for example, contents:sales subject:report) and Boolean operators (for example, stock NOT price).