Error Message
V-79-57344-49200 - Cannot run job. Your current capacity usage has significantly exceeded your licensed capacity. To increase the licensed capacity, contact your software provider to obtain a new license with an upgraded capacity.
0xe000c030 - The servers capacity usage has exceeded its licensed capacity. Backup jobs will fail until capacity usage drops below the licensed capacity.
UMI Code: V-79-57344-49200
UMI Code: V-379-58054
Capacity Metering
Metered per Gigabyte instead of Terabyte. This allows more granular capacity licenses.
Subscription Good/Better/Best editions are licensed/priced based upon capacity usage meters.
Trial, NFR, and Beta editions provide unlimited capacity (however BE displays the calculated capacity usage in the BE Home page Capacity Usage widget for all BE editions).
Capacity licenses can be 'stacked' but they must all be the same BE edition. Because we will not require stacked Subscription licenses to have the same end-date, a BE servers total licensed capacity can change as new subscription licenses are added and subscription licenses expire.
The BE install/license dialog allows the user to choose to allocate less than the available license capacity for the server. The use case for this scenario would be if the customer has a large capacity license and they want to "spread" that available capacity around to multiple BE servers. From the capacity usage calculation/notification/enforcement operational perspective, BE only cares about the allocated capacity for the server.
Awareness and Enforcement
By default the capacity usage enforcement will be 'hard'. This can be controlled by a license policy attribute in the Veritas license SLF file.
There will be one daily 'nag' alert when capacity usage exceeds 85% (User configurable threshold). This is the same a previous BE capacity editions. All daily license compliance nag alerts are sent by default at 4AM (same as previous releases of BE). There is a registry value that can be added to change the time of day (hour) the license usage alerts are generated:
Add new DWORD value "CheckEvalExpireHour" in the BE "Server" registry key.
Set value 1 = 1 AM 4 = 4 AM, 12 = 12 noon, 23 = 11 PM, etc.
Restart BE server service.
There will be one daily 'nag' alert when capacity usage exceeds 100%. This is the same a previous BE capacity editions.
By default BE provides a 15% 'grace' value above the licensed capacity usage value before 'hard' capacity usage enforcement may occur. The capacity grace percentage can be controlled by a license policy attribute in the Veritas license SLF file.
It is possible for 'stacked' licenses to have different license policy attributes (grace percent, grace period, and enforcement type). In the case of stacked licenses with different license policy attributes BE will use the MOST LIBERAL of the stacked attributes (largest grace percent, longest grace period, SOFT enforcement over HARD enforcement).
Once the server has exceeded the capacity usage grace value (115%) we start a 30 day count-down until backup jobs begin failing. The capacity grace day period can be controlled by a license policy attribute in the Veritas license SLF file.
Once above 115% of licensed capacity usage the daily 'nag' alert will include the count-down number of days until BE will stop functioning.
After 30 consecutive days of exceeding 115% backup jobs will be failed when they run.
If the calculated capacity usage drops below 115% BE will reset the 30 day clock and backup jobs will be allowed to run (until their capacity usage is back above 115% for more than 30 days).
Capacity Usage Widget
The Capacity Usage widget on the BE Home page will also show the 30 day count-down clock if they have exceeded 115% capacity usage.
When the capacity usage countdown is triggered by exceeding the licensed capacity + capacity grace percentage (default license policy is 15%) the BE capacity usage widget (and daily capacity usage warning alert messages) will start at 30 days remaining.
When the countdown gets down to less than 24 hours remaining in the 30 day countdown the BE capacity usage widget will display 1 day remaining.
When the 30 day countdown runs out the BE capacity usage widget will display 0 days remaining and all backup jobs that run on that BE server will be failed with the capacity compliance error code/message.
Within the Capacity Usage widget Capacity Usage Detail Information dialog we are allowing the user to remove selected backup set(s) from the capacity usage calculation in order to allow the customer to work around "accidental" backups. This functionality is limited to three backup sets per 30 day period.
The Capacity Usage widget Capacity Usage Detail Information dialog also will include an "Export to CSV" button which will allow the user to export the capacity usage calculation data to a CSV file (for printing/audit purposes).
Capacity Usage Calculation
The calculation of the capacity usage was modified from previous BE releases to be the LARGEST FULL backup set for each protected resource within the last 30 days. This prevents the user from 'hacking' the capacity usage calculation by scheduling a small backup of a resource immediately after a large backup of the same resource.
Support for detecting and excluding backup sets from the capacity calculation of the same resource using different backup paths (i.e, backing up a VM using RAWS versus backing up the VM using vSphere agent) has been added. For example, if you back up the same resource using both a VM/Host backup and a beremote only the VM/Host backup sets should be included in the capacity usage calculation with this limitation only "System State or Utility partition may be used in the capacity calculation in this case when VM and agent based backup is taken" Backup Exec allows to exclude 3 Backup sets from capacity calculation and this can be availed in this scenario to ignore this limitation. Refer FAQ 16 in 100015943
Subscription Expiration Notification and Enforcement
Early warning alerts are generated 60, 30, and 5 days before a subscription license expires. This applies to all subscription editions (Gold, Silver, Bronze, NFR, Beta).
Early warning alerts for perpetual edition maintenance contracts continue to function as they did in previous BE releases.
No warning alert is specifically generated when a subscription expires.
After a subscription expires all jobs that run by bengine (backup, restore, duplicate, verify, catalog, P2V, B2V, IR, etc) are failed with an error/alert indicating the subscription has expired.
Troubleshooting: Installation and Configuration
Beserver debug log for Capacity Usage/Compliance status check. The line in bold contains the important information.
6139 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 29 CImageMgmtBO::GetCapacityUsageGB:: CalculationPeriodDays=30
6140 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 29 CImageMgmtBO::GetCapacityUsageGB:: CapacityInGigabytes=500
6142 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:GetTotalCapacityUsedGB() TotalCapacityUsedGB=500
6143 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:CheckUsageCapacityStatus() LicensedCapacityGB=400, CapacityGracePercent=15, CapacityGraceDays=30, currentCapacityUsageGB=500, capacityUsageTriggerGB=460
6144 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:GetCapacityUsageGracePeriodCountdown() currentTriggerDate.IsValid(09/19/2017 11:59:00)
6145 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:GetCapacityUsageGracePeriodCountdown() currentTriggerDate=09/19/2017 11:59:00, triggerSpan=0, graceSpan=30, Countdown Days Remaining=30
6146 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:GetCapacityUsageGracePeriodCountdown() currentTriggerDate.IsValid(09/19/2017 11:59:00)
6147 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 01 ServerConfigBO:GetCapacityUsageGracePeriodCountdown() currentTriggerDate=09/19/2017 11:59:00, triggerSpan=0, graceSpan=30, Countdown Days Remaining=30
6148 BESERVER 6232 9/19/2017 7:59:02 AM 1600 29 CImageMgmtBO::GetCapacityUsageGB:: registry CMS_SERVER_CAPACITY_USAGE_CALCULATION_OVERRIDE=0