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How to configure bandwidth throttling for optimized duplications for PureDisk and Media Server Deduplication
Article: 100037976
Last Published: 2020-05-12
Ratings: 2 1
Product(s): Appliances, NetBackup & Alta Data Protection
On the NetBackup media server writing optimized deduplications to either PureDisk or Media Server Deduplication storagepools:
Edit the pd.conf file by uncommenting/configuring the OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH = line to read:
UNIX : /usr/openv/lib/ost-plugins/
Windows : install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\ost-plugins
Note: About the NetBackup media server pd.conf OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH value:
- value is in KB (kilobytes)
- default Storage Server server agent 'maxstreams' value is 4
- (maxstreams value) * (NetBackup Storage Unit ‘Maximum concurrent jobs’ value) * (OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH value) * 8 / 1024 = bandwidth_used_in_Mb(megabits_per_second)
Example for a 10Mb (megabit) per second maximum allowed bandwidth requirement when the NetBackup Storage Unit 'Maximum concurrent jobs' value is 10:
(10Mbps * 1024) / 8 / 10 max concurrent jobs / 4 maxstreams = 32KB OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH
In this example the pd.conf OPTDUP_BANDWIDTH line would read: