While launching DLO Agent on client machine following error: "Failed to initialize the network user data folder" or "Failed to connect to the Media Server . Please enter a valid username and password below"

Article: 100030214
Last Published: 2023-11-01
Ratings: 0 0
Product(s): Desktop Laptop Option


While launching DLO Agent console on the Client Machine, there gets a pop-up "Failed to initialize the network user data folder" or "Failed to connect to the Media Server <Server_Name>. Please enter a valid username and password below"

Error Message

Information V-139-32775-1396 or -138-32775-1396

Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect

Failed to initialize the network user data folder


Follow the steps below:
1. Check permissions for the user on the respective Network User Data Folder (NUDF). The user should have Full Control.
Note:  Verify permissions settings based on  the following article:
2. Check the licensing to make sure there's not an issue with the license.
3. Check if the following registry key is pointing to the correct NUDF path:
Computer\HLM\SOFTWARE\Veritas\Veritas DLO\Client\UserShare\
Computer\HLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Veritas\Veritas DLO\Client\UserShare\
3. Try rebooting the workstation.
4. On the DLO server console, check the status of  " Agent installed" for the respective User in the Preview Pane.
If it says YES, then the above steps should have resolved the issue.
If it says NO, then reinstall the Desktop Agent.



UMI : V-139-32775-1396 UMI : V-138-32775-1396

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