NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server database agent: What permissions are required for the backup and restore of Microsoft SQL Server databases?
What permissions are required for the backup and restore of Microsoft SQL Server databases using the NetBackup for Microsoft SQL Server database agent?
The following roles have permissions to perform backups:
Server Role : sysadmin
DB role : db_backupoperator, db_owner
The following roles have permissions to perform restores:
Server role : sysadmin, dbcreator
DB role : db_owner
(if the database exists)
Therefore, for backups and restores, the NetBackup Client Service on the client system must be set to logon as a Windows account that is a member of the SysAdmin server role in SQL Server, and any user logging onto the client system to perform backups or restores using the NetBackup MS SQL Client must also be a member of the SysAdmin server role in SQL Server, and a member of the local Windows Administrators group.
Along with the abovementioned permissions , we also need to assign few security policies on the SQL server..
Start > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policies > Local policies > Under User Rights Assignments, add service account to the following security policies
- Impersonate a client after authentication
- Replace a process level token
Please run the following command to apply the policies
gpupdate /f <enter>
See the following Microsoft articles for more information: