V-16-2-13067 or V-16-2-13073 "(hostname) Agent is calling clean for resource(resource_name) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own" is reported by Veritas Cluster Server

Article: 100008146
Last Published: 2017-11-17
Ratings: 2 5
Product(s): InfoScale & Storage Foundation


For Veritas Cluster Server (VCS), one or more resources in the cluster may fault reporting an error in the Cluster engine log.


Error Message

The below error is seen in the Engine_A.log at %VCS_HOME%/log path

VCS ERROR V-16-2-13067 (hostname) Agent is calling clean for resource(resource_name) because the resource became OFFLINE unexpectedly, on its own.


VCS ERROR V-16-2-13073 (hostname) Resource(resource_name) became OFFLINE unexpectedly on its own. Agent is restarting (attempt number n of n) the resource.



This error appears when the monitoring procedure for an agent determines that a monitored resource is no longer running.

As the error indicates, the resource stopped outside of VCS, meaning that the offline status was not initiated by the cluster. In this case, the cluster is only detecting that the resource being monitored is offline and is reporting it.

The reason why a resource stops outside of VCS varies.

In some cases, a process/resource that is being monitored may have been intentionally killed by a user unaware that this will trigger a cluster fault or any OS/environment level event caused the monitored resource to become unresponsive/unavailable. This is detected by VCS during its montoring cycle and causes the resource to fault.



Review the logs for the Operating system to determine the reason for the resource reporting as Faulted.



UMI : V-16-2-13073 UMI : V-16-2-13067

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